Saturday 10 October 2020



A semblance of the capacity to think clearly, the subtle intelligence to pursue rationality in the real sense and the leading of a continent life are the sine qua non for appreciation of the Vedanta texts. In the absence of any of these Vedanta is impossible to understand. It merely becomes so much rigmarole in linguistic terms and no more. It also leads to self-deception and deception of others as Sri Ramakrishna has eminently pointed out. Those who read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' regularly know it. The others need references and citations for their satisfaction. Let such exert themselves more and arrive at Thakur's words. Then it will dawn on them what I have painstakingly been pointing out to the dissatisfaction of these modern proponents of the Vedanta, surface students who flip through Vivekananda in the odd hour and proceed to counter me with their wild charges. Let better study and better sense prevail.

Written by Sugata Bose

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