Thursday, 15 October 2020



1. Those 'musicians' who talk music too much scarce can perform when the time comes to prove their merit.

2. Pretence is not performance. Much talk is not music. Dressing gaudily in exotic attire is not worship of the Goddess on stage.


The voice reveals the soul. Now how will you hide its harshness behind veils of pretentious softness that aim at feigning sweetness of soul? The voice reveals it all.

4. Danseuses must aim to bring out the sublime 'madhur bhava' rather than earthly 'shringar rasa' in their performances.


In the insincere pursuit of money and flimsy popularity at the expense of acquiring expertise in classical music, the practitioners of this art form are helping precipitate such a terrible crisis that it will take several Allauddin Khans, Alladiya Khans and Abdul Karim Khans to rescue it.

6. Music like love has its fleeting moments.


Established classical musicians today are so often off-tune as they are busy with their antics on stage and the show biz that it becomes difficult to hear them through.

Photo : Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, a study in contrast.

8. Melody is important in raag rendition as it stems from a fundamental sense of aesthetics which is the soul of music.

9. If God graces and austere practice be adhered to, as yet some artistes will come up.

10. What a heritage we have !

11. Possibilities are there as a child. Then they are lost as tendencies from past lives play foul and present actions follow suit.

12. The children of the gods and the children of the demons are at work to bring about the complex network of life. So in raag music.

13. There is a rhythm going on in this world ; everything is immersed in music.

14. 'Simple living, high thinking' - a lesson I learnt from my father in childhood. The words are profound and must be implemented.

15. This earth is not all that is. There are higher realities and they are within the access of human beings. God is a tangible reality.

16. The hankering for recognition is killing the soul of classical music as performers play to the gallery to get fleeting public approval.

17. When a great man dies, his close ones suddenly realise that he had lived.

18. God is not a concept. God is a reality. God is the Reality.

19. Sometimes I am unable to bear rationalisation on God and religion. The flood of devotion (bhakti) sweeps.

20. He bears the universe with caressing care with effortless ease. Will He not help me bear my burden as well?


Society is immersed in dense tamas as culture declines by the day. The uplift of culture is the utmost task of the cultured. One should work towards it with a missionary zeal.

22. সমাজে এখন অবিদ্যাশক্তির প্রাবল্য | এর বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করাই ধর্ম |

23. হিন্দুধর্মের যথার্থ উত্থানে জগতের কল্যাণ সাধন হবে |


If culture is to be rescued from its precipitous course, we have to go back to Sri Ramakrishna's aphorism for the age : 'Taka maati, maati taka.' (Money is mud, mud money.) It is the worship of Mammon that has eroded culture and it is the rejection of Mammon that shall save it.

25. Dawn begins with Sri Ramakrishna and his Gospel,
And the day goes well.

26. Unless a person is established in the sattva, his preaching spirituality awakens only material vibrations in his audience.

27. The extrovert speaks, the introvert thinks, the introspective one explores within and the depth-diver realises the Truth.

28. Work incessantly, but only for human welfare, never for self.

29. He who lets go of his self discovers the Self.

30. If bond is to be made, it is best to make it with God who never fails to reciprocate.

31. Is it so difficult to give up the hankering for name and fame, power and position, money and materials, and pursue the great art of pure raag music?

32. He who has no sense of wonder at the universe, is he spiritually alive?

33. Great is the man who serves the cause without the cause serving him. All else is trade.

34. The simple laugh, the silent tears - these are more eloquent than words that cover and mar.

35. Stillness of the mind is the precondition for the flowering of genius.

36. Give up this feeble attempt to prop up this false personality. Why even try to impress others when you are not yet self-impressed?

37. How many excuses men seek to avoid work? The lazy never succeed. It is constant work that hones out a fine character. Glory unto the soul if such work be performed in the spirit of service !


Poverty, want and hunger are the restraining forces that drive men to work. Greed is the other impulsion that induces work. Rare is the man who works out of the inspiration to serve others, rarer still who works out of divine delight for the preservation of society, for the uplift of culture, for the saving of civilisation.


Our artistes must be more accurate in their depiction of great characters from the epics. The sublimity of expression is of especial importance when painting Shree Ram or Shree Krishna or any of the other great sages and saints, seers and divine incarnations. Inaccurate drawing or sculpting and the inability to bring off the divine expression mars the effort and fails to produce what otherwise would have been deemed 'a work of art'.


The disciples called her Ma but one served her like a son when she was ailing in her twilight years. He was Nityanand Haldipur.

41. Man? His is the surface to explore while the depth remains hidden from view. Dive deep, said Thakur.

42. তত্ত্বকথা সবাই বলে | তত্ত্বকথা বোঝে কে ?

43. The continent can render raag music best for restraint is in the very spirit of the raag.

44. When classical artistes unduly speed up their renditions, they underline the shallowness of their musical abilities.

45. God holds the universe in His concentration and so must we hold ourselves. The distracted lose their way in life's thoroughfare.

46. Career is the pathway of the soul.

47. The unattached earn ; the attached burn.

48. There is so much want on one side and so much wastage on the other. On Lakshmi Puja night let us pledge to serve those who need, by denying greed, the root cause of iniquity.

49. লক্ষ্মী পূজোর দিনও সরস্বতীর সাধনা করতে হয় | বেসুরো বলতে নেই | মুখটা একটু মিঠে হোক !

50. লক্ষ্মীশ্রী না থাকলে শরীরে মনে, দারিদ্র দূর হবে কি করে ?

51. The whole world is in bondage to law. Man is an outlaw. Hence, he proceeds towards perfection.

52. The world may seem to be a rambling field of play but eventually it is a prison-house and one must escape to freedom.

53. Loveless we live in this world, utterly loveless till we find God. All else is mere show and 'shop-keeping' as Swamiji was wont to putting it.

54. If you seek the great, serve the small.

55. সৌন্দর্যবোধ না থাকলে মা লক্ষ্মীর কৃপা পাওয়া যায় না | কুবেরের কৃপাকে লক্ষ্মীর কৃপা বলে ভুল করবেন না | লক্ষ্মী শ্রীযুক্তা |

56. Speak less, play more. Let music speak, not words.

57. God bless the photograph ! But where is it ? It seems to have taken to flight in the chlorophyll colour.

58. Writing becomes inconsequential when even an author is swept away by the current of pure music.

59. If you wish to serve the nation, cultivate your sense of beauty. The 'Sundaram' principle holds the key to 'Satyam' n 'Shivam'.

60. Mediocrity must not be appreciated. It leads to cultural decadence.

Do not call anybody and everybody with some degree of talent a genius. Avoid hyperboles. Be truthful in your appraisal and appreciation thereof.

Photo : Rabindranath Tagore, doubtlessly a genius whose parallel is hard to find in history barring such titanic figures like Aristotle and De Vinci.

62. Advertising may be a necessary part of commerce but it has eroded our aesthetic sensibility and lowered our cultural sensitivity.

63. The capitalist age is killing for the middle class as rising costs obliterate the gentleman sending him scurrying to the slums.

64. Inefficiency is endemic in this technologically advanced age and that is so queer.

65. God is the balance, the harmony of all the contradictory forces of Nature.

66. ধৈর্য্য বলে বস্তুটি আজ যাদুঘরের সংগ্রহ |

67. Misers cannot reach God. Misers in appreciation, in offering social help and in manifestation of love cannot reach God.

68. The student says, "I have achieved." The disciple says, "It is all my Guru's gift."

69. Mutual reverence of preceptor and pupil marked the ancient Gurukul system. This must be the modern mental attitude too.

70. It is not good enough to be a musical maestro. One must be a good human being as well. And that is quite often not quite the case.

71. Speak less, sing more.

72. After so much riyaaz, is this the performance?

73. ব্যবসাদারদের অত্যাচারে আজ সমাজ জর্জরিত । ঘৃণিত লোভ আর অসত্যের আশ্রয়ে অগণিত মানুষের সর্বনাশসাধন ? এর প্রতিকার চাই ।


যদি ধার্মিক হন, তো চরিত্রবান হবেন | ছল করে, অবিদ্যার সূক্ষ্ম নিয়মে জড়িয়ে যে ব্যবসায়ী ও দালালের দল সমাজকে শোষণ করে চলেছে অপ্রতিহতভাবে, তার বিরুদ্ধে যদি রুখে দাঁড়াতে না পারেন তো আপনাদের ধর্মাচারণ বৃথা, শাস্ত্রপাঠ অর্থহীন ও আধ্যাত্মিক বাগাড়ম্বর বাতুলতামাত্র |

আলোকচিত্রে এক অলোকসামান্য চরিত্র যাঁর পদতলে এই লোভী, চরিত্রহীন ব্যবসায়ীকুল লোককল্যাণের যথার্থ শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করতে পারে | চিত্রে স্বামী নির্বেদানন্দ |

75. বেদান্ত বেশ মানায় ভরপেটে ; অভুক্তের ভাতই বেদান্ত |

76. Whole life I drew water from the Ganga. At dusk I sprinkled a few drops back into the river. Charity ! Now call me a great soul. Yes, yes, you are indeed one.

77. Rob a man, you go to jail.
Rob the world, you earn a Hail.

78. Ramakrishna was poor. Mother Teresa was poor. Vivekananda was poor. But ...

79. The materially rich will have no access to spiritual riches.

80. Those who have made a business out of life have taken to becoming spiritual Gurus. Regrettable ! Despicable ! It is a 'spiritual' mart indeed.

81. Hindus by the hundreds of millions are in desperate poverty. How many of my ultra-vocal, vociferous Hindu Facebook friends doing anything about it ?

82. Capitalists, you are creating wealth and poverty simultaneously. Be judicious to avoid the mix. Shun greed.

83. Brahmanical cunning and kshatriya power rules low caste Gopinath Gyne out of the village. What oppression of the underprivileged!

84. A centralised administration is bound to fail despite divine supplications.


My countrymen, come up and spend this day in memory of the great soul, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das. He is 150 today.

86. QUIZ : A servant of his people, whose mind-stuff would illumine others such that they would befriend him, one and all. Who was he?
ANSWER : Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das

86. Gandhiji does not inspire me for he was dictatorial and a law unto himself. I am inspired by Rash Behari Bose.

87. Let the politicians and the businessmen be as corrupt as they like but you, my countrymen, be of sterling character. Your strength will build the nation for sure.

88. Do my words in any manner fire you up with idealism and action thereof or are they summarily dispatched from your attention?

89. Are Hindus sleeping that they do not read my posts related to their well-being and their survival against conversion threats?

Hindus must not be divided along sectarian lines. Let the Ishta Dev/Devi distinguish lines of devotion but through this wonderful freedom let solidarity of the vast Hindu Samaj be. Upon the achievement of this solidarity rests the survival of the Hindus in the teeth of mighty proselytising currents of Christianity and Islam.

91. What glory can there be in a civilisation that is built by drawing the lifeblood of billions of slaves daily dying in abject poverty?

92. Priests exploited, kings exploited, now business barons exploit. And, yet, groaning the proletariat lives on to have his share of exploitation on the morrow. It is exploitation all the way.

93. The system cannot improve unless better people are born who will effect the required welfare changes.

94. Secure your own independence by intense concentration on the self.

95. Hindi is no more Hindi, it is 80% Urdu. Whether the Hindu has lost his religion or not, he has certainly lost his language. It is death of a language without a funeral.

96. Wickedness cannot be deemed patriotism either way.

97. Education alone can level caste differences. Social iniquities will greatly reduce with academic advancement of the masses.

98. Capitalists must be forced to make quality goods available for consumption at affordable prices. Doctors, lawyers and brokers must remember what Sri Ramakrishna has said about them and they must accordingly rectify their ways and means.

99. এ সমাজ ভাল চলছে না | অনিয়ন্ত্রিত ধনতন্ত্র সমাজের সর্বনাশ সাধন করছে |

100. শিক্ষার প্রসারের সাথে সাথে শিক্ষার মান নেমে চলেছে | ভবিষ্যৎ কি ?

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