Wednesday 7 October 2020



Self-promotion and patriotism do not go together. What is so often dished out today as patriotism is so much self-publicity in a veiled way. Silent are the currents of national love. They do not seek the spotlight, neither the approbation of the public in grossest terms.
Sacrifice seeks no limelight. Service and selflessness are its twin modes. Search within your heart of hearts - if you have still left any - and discover your true intent. This raucous clamouring, this trumpeting of patriotic fervour before all and sundry, this profiting out of patriotism will not not go well in your books of accounts where karma is being calculated and future resolutions are being worked out for your onward course. Rectify now this self-aggrandising role before it consumes you in its own fire and renders sterile your life's output.
A million marauders cannot mould the course of this nation, held in the Rishi's eye. One true individual, perfectly selfless, can. Become one such before you utter your next word in coarse cacophony. Be patriotic in real earnest and never so in exhibited terms.

Written by Sugata Bose

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