This life is very precious. Please not spend it off in the pursuit of puerile pleasures, in pastimes having no lasting value. Give up clinging to the unreal ego which seems so real, for it is the very nature of Maya to delude one till She has had her fill and has rendered life sterile after offering the embodied being the tinsel things of life. Do not waste your precious hour of youth and ability, even the subsequent days of not so infertile capacities in chasing the wild geese of life's manifold dream. Live these hours to seek that which makes life worthwhile, for at the end of it when the ebb tide sets in and life's pleasures drift for good to be supplanted with pain and the counter-drift towards death, this vainglorious assertion of the petty self and its puerile pursuits will fail to hold you and the current of consequence will take you away from the stage of this world which you had either used to fulfil your empty dreams or else pretended to reject it by foolish assertion that you are the Self, the sole arbiter of the destiny of your own self. All these will be swept away by the flood in reverse tide and meagre will be the karmic store that you will carry into the other world. Tall talks on atheism, nihilism, a godless philosophy and the unintelligent assertion that this universe is false and that Brahman alone is real will fail to secure your spiritual ends, for the mere verbal rejection of Maya holds you deeper in Her clutches and tightens Her grip on your material moorings. So, do not waste time and opportunity chasing fanciful ideas of self-gratification and lend your life's efforts to achieving its highest purpose, God-realisation. Do not slip into this great pitfall of life, of considering this universe to be false and your Self to be true, merely because the Vedanta says so, for the very same Vedanta requires of you some fundamental qualifications for its effective pursuit which a sense-bound person can ill-afford to pretend possessing.
Anyhow, this is the situation. Life with its panoramic view is passing fast before the eager eye can catch its contours and the vehicle of the world is proceeding straight unto destination death. There is no let up in this whether you pretend to be a Vedantist or an atheist. Karma will recoil on you and a foolish rejection of God through self-proclamation will not alter this inevitable end. Therefore, stop pretending that you are Brahman while remaining immersed in sense activity and sensory attachment, and take refuge in the Lord who alone can save you from this diabolical dream, this hellish nightmare we call life. May His benign grace secure you a lodgement in His loving heart and save you from life's ills among which ranks even this vainglorious assumption that by unreal discrimination of the unreality of the world you can raise yourself to the reality of the Self ! Give up such assumptions and seek His refuge. Bhajo Govindam, bhajo Govindam, Govinda bhajo murhamatey !
Written by Sugata Bose
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