Sunday, 22 October 2017


1. First consciousness, then poverty, finally enlightenment. The three follow each other in invariable succession.

2. The disciple of devotion is the preceptor of the morrow.

3. Fill the mind with noble ideas all tending to a glorious ideal. Out of such fullness of thought will emerge the man of realisation.

4. Thou art the greatest God there can be, never belittle thyself. To quake in front of an imagined God does not befit thee. Arise!

5. Hitler, full of vanity springing from race superiority complex, failed to appreciate initially the full sweep of Bose's personality.

6. The Nazis must be given their due and so much more the Japanese for their great help in the liberation struggle of India.

7. Some say Netaji is still alive; others that he is dead. Some others will not hazard opinion in the absence of evidence. What do you say?

8. To charge the Fuhrer in his own office and ask him to expunge from his book racist comments made by him against Indians requires extraordinary valour.

9. How symbolic the photograph of Bose with Hitler and Ribbentrop is in the light of the shadow of Bose cast on the door!

10. Those who attempt to eradicate poverty must comprehend the depth and magnitude of the problem and its real causes. The selfish desire to possess is at the heart of the matter and springs from the sense of desolation of the physical body marooned in this island called Earth where life is but a flicker and survival so insecure. Thus, comes the propensity to hoard wealth, earn it at the expense of the well-being of others even by means potently unethical and to create a system whereby such selfish activity of self-preservation may gain validity in the eye of law and social opinion. That countless millions will be thus grounded to the dust merely to gratify the millionaire's dust of desires is the scant object of the rich man's attention. His life is an endless pursuit of the ephemeral emeralds of this earth and his chariot of coarse collection charts its course over the corpses of countless commoners who have not learnt so well the art of deception or profit-making from one's mother. As the multitude suffer, the rich man seeks the pleasure of providing the dole for the poor, scant realising that such poverty thrust upon the masses is his own handiwork. Thus, the handful enjoy the elixir of life while the rest of the populace, the teeming millions must wait on these princes and princesses to fulfil every whim of theirs as if they are by birth or property entitled to the ownership of all that is considered worthwhile in life. While life is festive somewhere, full of the delicacies of the palate and the senses, in far too many places it is a veritable damnation as vitality saps in the individual owing to unlivable conditions of living. What more can I say than to empathise with my sisters and my brothers eking out their existence on earth and awaiting final release from their daily death. I wish man awakes from his slumber and stops murdering fellow man in this bloodless cruel way as capitalism enjoins him to doing.

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