Thursday 19 October 2017


1. The helmet is there but the man is gone, where? Was the man the helmet? Or was he distinct? Even so we don the body we are not.

2. The whole of life is the interaction of the self and the surroundings. The red missile is hurled at you and you duck or you hook.

3. They suck our life-blood in the name of commerce, drain us dry till we drop dead anaemic. Soulless they are, these profit-makers!

4. There is no end to the folly of the human soul. In its vanity it raises itself and so extinguishes the flame of future glory.

5. Give up selfishness before you call yourselves men. There are a billion gods to appease before you may say so.

6. The wealth of the world cannot be individual possession. Laws do not entitle you to unlimited holdings. Ethics must hold precedence.

7. Men move in the rut of beliefs and prior suggestions received in the formative years of experience. Reality lies beyond though.

8. We have brought our own into this mortal world, now we must bequeath unto them immortality.

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