Sunday, 15 October 2017


Unless drastic measures are adopted to check rampant capitalistic exploitation of the masses, poverty will so increase among hundreds of millions that a violent revolution will take place seeking to redress the balance. Lest such a bloody day undoes the good that heritage has handed us, rapid advances in management of resources and their equitable distribution is an urgent necessity.

We have achieved freedom from the colonist-imperialist alien occupiers not by the blood spilled off the arteries of crony capitalists but by the sacrifices of the martyrs whose ruddy drops have been the price we have paid for our liberation. And this we must never forget that we owe it to them to rebuild our motherland along the line of their vision of equality and opportunity for all, not merely in terms of enunciated principles in the Constitution but in actual terms of deeds done, hindrances to mass evolution removed and uplift of the people to a level of dignity achieved where life becomes an exercise in bliss and not a struggle for daily survival.

Our tradition is eminently spiritual in texture and demands of us service to the motherland. But emotional effusions will scarce achieve the objective and an objective analysis must be made, methods devised and programmes implemented with martial energy, dexterity and discipline. The masses must be raised from the vortex of poverty and life made bearable, nay, enjoyable to a degree to avert the cataclysm of revolution.

This is the future fate of our motherland if the capitalists are allowed a free rein as they presently are to amass wealth indiscriminately at the expense of the hundreds of millions who pay the price of such affluence with their blood. It is time to take cognisance of this historical development and time to ward off the threat even when critical conditions have not yet come into being. Else, a violent bloodbath will see the demise of many a cherished value, many an institution we hold dear to our hearts that carry the imprint of the past of our civilisation and have not fulfilled their fullest potential yet will be ground to the dust by the stamping of the long-suppressed classes.

History, for sure, has recorded all that has thus far gone in the name of life and liberty for our masses and, the cruel dispenser of justice that it is, it will decree death sentence on the perfidious elements which so subverted our spiritual culture that despite the loftiest principles enshrined in our books, the masses lived the state of brutes.

And now with the onset of the modern age and the mercenary's machination through the machine, we enter into times worse than ever when blood flows inward to haemorrhage the vessels that conduct the life-current of the nation. Herein lies the danger, for the organic collapse of the system is imminent and its violent reaction a corollary in consequence. Brothers, reform yourselves lest retribution sweeps all.

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