Sunday, 22 October 2017


1. Stop exploitation, else, there will be a revolution.

2. Capitalism has provided comfort to many but reduced the masses to abysmal poverty where life itself is hell.

3. Let us help the Ramakrishna Mission fulfil its numerous unfinished projects of social good. Let us serve the Mission.

4. What we hold as our own belongs to the world, to larger humanity. Our labour cannot claim its fruit to be its own.

5. Act while there is time yet. Soon it will be past the mid-night hour and the dark will envelope all.

6. No system can remove exploitation unless there be men in large numbers with developed character to run the system.

7. The Indian society built about the axis of spirituality, if freed from social restrictions and democratised, will be the ideal one.

8. Why blame any for their misdeeds? Just spread the Word and see what a wonderful change will come about.

9. Change does not come about by activism of the sort we see but by contacting the Divine that is at the heart of phenomena.

10. The nation is too divided today in terms of ideology. Let a common ideal, the well-being of all, inspire all. That is nationalism.

11. Long before religion arrived on the scene, long before God hijacked the masses, men were divine as much as they are today.

12. Vedanta freed man from bondage to matter and Vedanta freed man from bondage to God. Vedanta declared the divinity of man.

13. Man in essence is none but God. God is but the shadow of that Man. The Real Man is not this puny earthly figure.

14. There is an identity of God and Man which is so difficult to comprehend, yet so very true it is. The foundation of all is the One.

15. Netaji was preeminently a spiritual person who had turned revolutionary to deliver his motherland from imperial-colonial bondage.

16. Alliance with Hitler was not a spontaneous decision for Bose but one enforced by Gandhian non-cooperation and Stalin's refusal.

17. The exigencies of the times, the unique historical opportunity to utilise the War situation to free India impelled Bose onward.

18. The German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact was tottering. Each feared the other's invasion. Stalin compromised to befriend Britain.

19. Bose arrived at Moscow to seek Soviet help. But Stalin, sensing impending German threat, refused. Hence, onward to Berlin.

20. Read the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, otherwise, you will never be able to fully appreciate the life and works of Netaji.

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