Thursday 26 October 2017


Of course, you should. And you have, thus, preempted my future posts on the Guru. The Guru has been excluded from this, the enlistment of all who are co-pilgrims in this sojourn where the secrets are held in deepest chambers embedded right in the core of the spiritual heart. There the Guru dwells in conjunction with the Divine Beloved, the epitome of grace, the incarnation of mercy for the fallen one who knows not how to rise from this dark depression where duality spells its even charm and destroys all in the fullness of time. Yet, in fullness proper the Guru shows up at the gateway of life with his benign face ushering us on to a higher end where all is peace and all is bliss and all else dwell in heavenly swell. The Guru shows the Way, the disciple follows and unto him is opened up vistas never imagined, realms lying deep within his own self which career him on unto freedom.

Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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