1. How can we say that the Personal God is infinite? Seen through the senses and having attributes finite, He/She must be finite too.
2. The comprehension of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta requires subtle intelligence which is not what many possess. Hence, the disputes.
3. The Personal God is the primary prop to religious practice and its final superstition as well before knowledge dawns.
4. It is the Absolute that shines through the senses, so to say, to give this delusive phenomenal appearance to its infinite Self.
5. The Personal God is as much a myth as the myth of the universe. It, being the earliest projection of Brahman, is the primal myth.
6. Conservatism strikes at the root of progress. But evolution still demands the triumphant march of the chariot of Truth. Break free.
7. We are caught in the senses in a narrow thought spectrum beyond which lie on either side the subconscious and the superconscious.
8. God cannot be realised within phenomenal bounds for the Spirit ever eludes the reach of the senses.
9. God realises God as the universe drops off.
10. Prosperity pursues the cheerful face, the glum-faced one is condemned to poverty.
11. A secret purpose Thakur brought to accomplish which is unfolding by the day as his mission spreads its wings.
12. Much of external policy you may do, compromise heavily with life, but unless the policy within matures, respite there is none.
13. If you are spiritual, you will be cheerful. A smiling face, not a counterfeit one at that, is the sure sign of spirituality.
14. I exhort you all to save a bit to help build the Ashramas of the Ramakrishna Mission that are in acute shortage of funds.
15. Sharpness of mind is necessary for discrimination between the Real and the unreal. The purified intelligence is the instrument for it.
16. Being honest in monetary dealings also involves reduction of profit-margin that it does not drain the masses of future security.
17. Create wealth on one side by creating poverty on the other. This is not the worship of Mother Laksmi. Reflect.
18. Earn your profit at the expense of your brother, then propitiate your divine Mother with offering. Ah, how religious you are!
19. Must you not help those that are in distress? Are they not your own ones, your very own Self in a myriad guises?
20. Religion is not just performance of rituals. It is serving, helping, supporting those that are in distress.
21. Easy to criticise politicians and shirk one's duty to the nation. Him I call a man who works to alleviate the misery of the masses.
22. The whole of the universe is in the womb of the Mother. Sense it, feel it, realise it, then transcend it.
23. A certain civility is expected of all not to overdo comments to highlight self. It may be done on one's profile instead.
24. When the call to depart comes, none but the yogi gets to know in advance, for only the latter is in union with the Divine.
25. Never refuse a genuine monk if he graces you with a request for help for his Ashrama. He is a representative of Ramakrishna.
26. Waste not what you have today that you may give it when the call comes to stand in support of the Mother's work the RKM does.
27. In the hour of grief, my friends, let us stand together. May Maya inharmonious move us to strength and never to cowardly retreat!
28. How long does this puny person last?
So long as wealth and health do stay.
The fell sweep of death takes all,
Carries all away.
29. Every moment a baby is born,
Every moment a death.
Life but lasts in the interim hour,
With its perilous quivering breath.
30. Words are tinged with fire. They carry their import, leave their imprint on receptive souls. The rest receive in the fullness of time.
31. Truth, hidden in files and shelves
Reveals slow but sure, do know.
Truth hidden in human hearts
In fruition time will all let go.
32. Vigorous work is the need of the hour to lift the nation out of poverty. We must give shape to the 'Welfare Dream' of the founders.
33. So much blood was spilled for the revolution to free our motherland. Was it just to fill the coffers of a few?
34. Love for Netaji precludes love for the motherland and love for our poor and suffering masses. Can we not do something for them?
35. The middle classes are being crushed under the weight of slow-encroaching poverty and slowly sinking to be bodily one with the poor.
36. The Europeans dominated the rest of the world because of superior technology, organisation and quite a barbarous attitude.
37. Nazi Germany is blamed for World War II but it was the legacy of the earlier Great War and its horrendous Treaty of Versailles.
38. World War II was a massive resolution of global forces let loose in a frenzied moment of historical culmination.
39. An individual may be singled out to bear the responsibility of a cataclysmic episode but it is historically untenable as such.
40. I am in no way defending Nazism but am only trying to highlight the relative barbarism of the British for centuries globally.
41. We have to be impartial while judging historical episodes. Mere denunciation of a regime will not let us objectively view facts.
42. The Treaty of Versailles was so damaging to Germany's interests that it provided the springboard for the Nazis to seize power.
43. The Nazis would not but could have avoided WW II if they had wished and been wiser. The Treaty of Versailles played into their hands.
44. Greater peace on earth may be ensured by increasing sattva in men which is why Swamiji had said, "Man-making is my mission."
45. The individual freed from primeval ignorance, civilisation may be saved. The collective good of all lies in individual freedom.
46. Hiroshima burnt and Nagasaki. What was the purpose? Testing the Devil's device? Why? Just to end the war or else?
47. How can we ever forget the horrors the British have inflicted on us? Have the Jews forgotten the atrocities of the Nazis?
48. The attempt to eliminate an entire human race was not savage but demoniacal. Evil incarnated as Hitler.
49. The grip Hitler had on the German people in the wake of the Great Depression is an instance how superior will holds the masses.
50. The worst barbarism was perpetrated on the Jews by an insane group, power-drunk and satanic in its very disposition.
51. If pity leaves the human soul, then what remains? The savage preys to satiate primal instincts. Nazism, the nadir of civilisation.
52. War is so crucial to the economy of the developed world that peace itself is war for them. Hence, peace meets are hogwash.
53. A handful of people by gaining control of the system exploit the masses for their own good life. This is politics and industry.
54. How may the masses be rescued by a State that itself runs to facilitate exploitation by capital? Whither the Welfare State?
55. The Nazis observed no law, the British feigned such observance, the tormented suffered anyway. Now to choose between the two evils.
56. Civilisation was in crisis from 1939-45 and continues to be so in the wake of nuclear armament and environmental degradation.
57. The senseless killing of men in war shows that something is fundamentally wrong in material civilisation. What is it?
58. To stop war it is no use being non-violently weak but one must practise strength through developing the defence of one's nation.
59. Armament is a practical necessity to the extent one needs it for one's national defence. The rest rest on alliances and diplomacy.
60. India may send out peace missions but unless she strengthens herself militarily, no one is going to listen to her peace talks.
61. Fundamental issues will have to be addressed. Nobody censures the capitalist for malpractices. Spirituality calls for transparency.
62. Ramakrishna shines in his own glory. Nobel laureates and savants needn't be quoted to glorify him. A life lived preaches him best.
63. If you believe Ramakrishna is God incarnate, you will live out his grand principles and desist from hollow propagation of his name.
64. We reduce the greats to our stature when we glorify them vainly by quoting what men of fame had to say about them.
65. It is difficult to comprehend Ramakrishna and the magnitude of his mission. Glorification is all in ignorance of the Real.
66. Ramakrishna unleashed a vast force that quickened the subliminal consciousness of humanity and set it on the royal avenue of God.
67. Every principle of Ramakrishna is being violated now and the price of such denial man is paying copiously. Still he refuses to learn.
68. Which devotee dares declare money is mud, mud money? It will take greater character fibre to say so, deeper love for Ramakrishna.
69. Death ever approaches the one located in space-time-causality. Fear grips him too. The sage who has vanquished death is fearless.
70. No God will ever have mercy on man. Man, do thou mercy on thy brethren. There is no higher worship than service to humanity.
71. Out of the sea of humanity Man arises and they call him God. This Man is the ideal for man, none else, none else.
72. Help the Ramakrishna Mission transform human society. This is the vibrant body of divinity that needs your material support.
73. Arrogance digs its own pitfall. Humility, pure and simple, founded on the vision of the same Self in all, saves man from bondage.
74. Fall a thousand times but rise again to assert your unfailing divinity. This is the way of the Vedanta, this the way to be free.
75. In the depth of depression, in the dark of desolation seek not the help of any if you wish to cross this mighty ocean of ignorance.
76. Was Hiroshima justified?
Was Nagasaki justified?
America answer.
Weren't they the worst war crimes that have gone untried?
77. The victor writes the history. What can the vanquished do? He is ever the victim.
78. The mercy of the Master is so immense that it takes millenia for it to unfold.
79. When I visited Belur Math the first time, the triumvirate sat adorning it --- Bharat Maharaj, Surjo Maharaj and Prabhu Maharaj.
80. I understand, I also am that Great God who is manifesting in myriad forms to enact this divine drama of terrestrial existence.
81. Life on earth is so helpless. We're marooned on an island with sinking body and we fight to sink each other in the ocean that swells.
82. All this experience of life could be so much virtual reality while the Real eludes the sensory grasp. Awake, my Soul, from slumber!
83. Decadent western culture is infiltrating Indian society evermore and Indians are supinely submitting to it. Hail Nivedita! Shame India!
84. Thought vibrations are potent. We have to flood the world with a deep spiritual current to combat the surfacing of evil.
85. Indian spirituality must not remain localised. It must spread to the remotest corners of the world to usher in a new civilisation.
86. The killer dengue is claiming the lives of so many. Come, friends, let us chant-meditate-pray to the Lord to save the afflicted.
2. The comprehension of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta requires subtle intelligence which is not what many possess. Hence, the disputes.
3. The Personal God is the primary prop to religious practice and its final superstition as well before knowledge dawns.
4. It is the Absolute that shines through the senses, so to say, to give this delusive phenomenal appearance to its infinite Self.
5. The Personal God is as much a myth as the myth of the universe. It, being the earliest projection of Brahman, is the primal myth.
6. Conservatism strikes at the root of progress. But evolution still demands the triumphant march of the chariot of Truth. Break free.
7. We are caught in the senses in a narrow thought spectrum beyond which lie on either side the subconscious and the superconscious.
8. God cannot be realised within phenomenal bounds for the Spirit ever eludes the reach of the senses.
9. God realises God as the universe drops off.
10. Prosperity pursues the cheerful face, the glum-faced one is condemned to poverty.
11. A secret purpose Thakur brought to accomplish which is unfolding by the day as his mission spreads its wings.
12. Much of external policy you may do, compromise heavily with life, but unless the policy within matures, respite there is none.
13. If you are spiritual, you will be cheerful. A smiling face, not a counterfeit one at that, is the sure sign of spirituality.
14. I exhort you all to save a bit to help build the Ashramas of the Ramakrishna Mission that are in acute shortage of funds.
15. Sharpness of mind is necessary for discrimination between the Real and the unreal. The purified intelligence is the instrument for it.
16. Being honest in monetary dealings also involves reduction of profit-margin that it does not drain the masses of future security.
17. Create wealth on one side by creating poverty on the other. This is not the worship of Mother Laksmi. Reflect.
18. Earn your profit at the expense of your brother, then propitiate your divine Mother with offering. Ah, how religious you are!
19. Must you not help those that are in distress? Are they not your own ones, your very own Self in a myriad guises?
20. Religion is not just performance of rituals. It is serving, helping, supporting those that are in distress.
21. Easy to criticise politicians and shirk one's duty to the nation. Him I call a man who works to alleviate the misery of the masses.
22. The whole of the universe is in the womb of the Mother. Sense it, feel it, realise it, then transcend it.
23. A certain civility is expected of all not to overdo comments to highlight self. It may be done on one's profile instead.
24. When the call to depart comes, none but the yogi gets to know in advance, for only the latter is in union with the Divine.
25. Never refuse a genuine monk if he graces you with a request for help for his Ashrama. He is a representative of Ramakrishna.
26. Waste not what you have today that you may give it when the call comes to stand in support of the Mother's work the RKM does.
27. In the hour of grief, my friends, let us stand together. May Maya inharmonious move us to strength and never to cowardly retreat!
28. How long does this puny person last?
So long as wealth and health do stay.
The fell sweep of death takes all,
Carries all away.
29. Every moment a baby is born,
Every moment a death.
Life but lasts in the interim hour,
With its perilous quivering breath.
30. Words are tinged with fire. They carry their import, leave their imprint on receptive souls. The rest receive in the fullness of time.
31. Truth, hidden in files and shelves
Reveals slow but sure, do know.
Truth hidden in human hearts
In fruition time will all let go.
32. Vigorous work is the need of the hour to lift the nation out of poverty. We must give shape to the 'Welfare Dream' of the founders.
33. So much blood was spilled for the revolution to free our motherland. Was it just to fill the coffers of a few?
34. Love for Netaji precludes love for the motherland and love for our poor and suffering masses. Can we not do something for them?
35. The middle classes are being crushed under the weight of slow-encroaching poverty and slowly sinking to be bodily one with the poor.
36. The Europeans dominated the rest of the world because of superior technology, organisation and quite a barbarous attitude.
37. Nazi Germany is blamed for World War II but it was the legacy of the earlier Great War and its horrendous Treaty of Versailles.
38. World War II was a massive resolution of global forces let loose in a frenzied moment of historical culmination.
39. An individual may be singled out to bear the responsibility of a cataclysmic episode but it is historically untenable as such.
40. I am in no way defending Nazism but am only trying to highlight the relative barbarism of the British for centuries globally.
41. We have to be impartial while judging historical episodes. Mere denunciation of a regime will not let us objectively view facts.
42. The Treaty of Versailles was so damaging to Germany's interests that it provided the springboard for the Nazis to seize power.
43. The Nazis would not but could have avoided WW II if they had wished and been wiser. The Treaty of Versailles played into their hands.
44. Greater peace on earth may be ensured by increasing sattva in men which is why Swamiji had said, "Man-making is my mission."
45. The individual freed from primeval ignorance, civilisation may be saved. The collective good of all lies in individual freedom.
46. Hiroshima burnt and Nagasaki. What was the purpose? Testing the Devil's device? Why? Just to end the war or else?
47. How can we ever forget the horrors the British have inflicted on us? Have the Jews forgotten the atrocities of the Nazis?
48. The attempt to eliminate an entire human race was not savage but demoniacal. Evil incarnated as Hitler.
49. The grip Hitler had on the German people in the wake of the Great Depression is an instance how superior will holds the masses.
50. The worst barbarism was perpetrated on the Jews by an insane group, power-drunk and satanic in its very disposition.
51. If pity leaves the human soul, then what remains? The savage preys to satiate primal instincts. Nazism, the nadir of civilisation.
52. War is so crucial to the economy of the developed world that peace itself is war for them. Hence, peace meets are hogwash.
53. A handful of people by gaining control of the system exploit the masses for their own good life. This is politics and industry.
54. How may the masses be rescued by a State that itself runs to facilitate exploitation by capital? Whither the Welfare State?
55. The Nazis observed no law, the British feigned such observance, the tormented suffered anyway. Now to choose between the two evils.
56. Civilisation was in crisis from 1939-45 and continues to be so in the wake of nuclear armament and environmental degradation.
57. The senseless killing of men in war shows that something is fundamentally wrong in material civilisation. What is it?
58. To stop war it is no use being non-violently weak but one must practise strength through developing the defence of one's nation.
59. Armament is a practical necessity to the extent one needs it for one's national defence. The rest rest on alliances and diplomacy.
60. India may send out peace missions but unless she strengthens herself militarily, no one is going to listen to her peace talks.
61. Fundamental issues will have to be addressed. Nobody censures the capitalist for malpractices. Spirituality calls for transparency.
62. Ramakrishna shines in his own glory. Nobel laureates and savants needn't be quoted to glorify him. A life lived preaches him best.
63. If you believe Ramakrishna is God incarnate, you will live out his grand principles and desist from hollow propagation of his name.
64. We reduce the greats to our stature when we glorify them vainly by quoting what men of fame had to say about them.
65. It is difficult to comprehend Ramakrishna and the magnitude of his mission. Glorification is all in ignorance of the Real.
66. Ramakrishna unleashed a vast force that quickened the subliminal consciousness of humanity and set it on the royal avenue of God.
67. Every principle of Ramakrishna is being violated now and the price of such denial man is paying copiously. Still he refuses to learn.
68. Which devotee dares declare money is mud, mud money? It will take greater character fibre to say so, deeper love for Ramakrishna.
69. Death ever approaches the one located in space-time-causality. Fear grips him too. The sage who has vanquished death is fearless.
70. No God will ever have mercy on man. Man, do thou mercy on thy brethren. There is no higher worship than service to humanity.
71. Out of the sea of humanity Man arises and they call him God. This Man is the ideal for man, none else, none else.
72. Help the Ramakrishna Mission transform human society. This is the vibrant body of divinity that needs your material support.
73. Arrogance digs its own pitfall. Humility, pure and simple, founded on the vision of the same Self in all, saves man from bondage.
74. Fall a thousand times but rise again to assert your unfailing divinity. This is the way of the Vedanta, this the way to be free.
75. In the depth of depression, in the dark of desolation seek not the help of any if you wish to cross this mighty ocean of ignorance.
76. Was Hiroshima justified?
Was Nagasaki justified?
America answer.
Weren't they the worst war crimes that have gone untried?
77. The victor writes the history. What can the vanquished do? He is ever the victim.
78. The mercy of the Master is so immense that it takes millenia for it to unfold.
79. When I visited Belur Math the first time, the triumvirate sat adorning it --- Bharat Maharaj, Surjo Maharaj and Prabhu Maharaj.
80. I understand, I also am that Great God who is manifesting in myriad forms to enact this divine drama of terrestrial existence.
81. Life on earth is so helpless. We're marooned on an island with sinking body and we fight to sink each other in the ocean that swells.
82. All this experience of life could be so much virtual reality while the Real eludes the sensory grasp. Awake, my Soul, from slumber!
83. Decadent western culture is infiltrating Indian society evermore and Indians are supinely submitting to it. Hail Nivedita! Shame India!
84. Thought vibrations are potent. We have to flood the world with a deep spiritual current to combat the surfacing of evil.
85. Indian spirituality must not remain localised. It must spread to the remotest corners of the world to usher in a new civilisation.
86. The killer dengue is claiming the lives of so many. Come, friends, let us chant-meditate-pray to the Lord to save the afflicted.
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