Sunday, 22 October 2017


1. An endless stream of ideas flood the mind and out come the ideas in tandem with them. They reveal the interior of the mind though.

2. It is so difficult for man to accept he is God till he envisions the Truth in 'samadhi', the state of super-consciousness.

3. Those who have dualism so ingrained in their bloodstream can somehow not understand that dualism needs phenomena to stand on. Hence, the Personal God can never be the ultimate Truth which must be independent of the observed, the observation and the observer.

4. Sutra dilam ami, chinta karo tumi. Keno bhaya abaar bojhatey bolo? Lekhay roibe truti, kabya lobe je chhuti.

5. The creator-God has so entered the bloodstream of nervous man that the Truth of his being God just cannot find room in him. And, yet, the truth is but this that Man is God. No dualism must be allowed to dilute this statement. Such is the age-old hypnotism he suffers from that man dares not acknowledge this truth of his own Self as being the supreme God, always preferring to posit instead a governor God who rules over him when none in fact does so. It is his own Self whose image he externalises and glorifies in ignorance. This the fundamental idea underlying dualism, a practice, even if temporarily seemingly efficacious, is essentially erroneous. The Vedanta does not find following among the people, for few can even grasp it intellectually, much less practise its principles. There is nothing holding you to bondage save the very idea which is a myth, being bred in imagination and subsisting in it too. Give up this vain identification with the body and in a flash you will see that you are God.

6. The first thing you must shake off in the spiritual path is fear. Fear of what and by whom? God fearing God? The second thing automatically follows. Affirm that you are God. There is none to condemn you, none to save you. Save yourself. The third element is to turn the outgoing mind inward. The senses must be subdued through the observance of purity and austerity. Next comes truthfulness as the means to practice of rectitude in life. The crookedness of the heart will be straightened thereby. Constant contemplation of the Divine within is the next step. Love, unconditioned and unalloyed, must flow freely unto the One within. Solitude is necessary for tranquil recollection of a long-lost memory. The depths of the ocean of consciousness must be plumbed. Pure spaces in the heart and serene surroundings are ideal for the yogi. The dust of desires settled, finer waves will have to be dealt with. The body chastened and its forces harnessed becomes an able instrument for awakening the inner harmony coiled up as 'kulakundalini'. This spring of energy dormant at the base of the spine must be made dynamic and forced up the spinal column along the 'sushumna'. Next you must avoid arguing with others as it disturbs the mental equilibrium so very essential to subtle spiritual perception.

7. How difficult it must have been for Swamiji to drive home Vedanta into English heads! No wonder he did not try it in India much.

8. The dualist can scarce conceive the glory of Advaita Vedanta when he is servile before his imagined God. Awake, great souls!

9. To be Self-reliant is a more honourable spiritual option than to pray for mercy to an imagined God. Stand on your own feet.

10. Practise self-reliance and do not pray to an arbitrary assumption for help, for all help that ever came, came from within yourself.

11. I am not this name and form
      That I must in duality dwell.
      I am the boundless Self supreme,
      The sea that never doth swell.

12. Advaita accepts dualism as relative truth and rejects its absolute validity as such. Absolute Truth must be beyond name and form.

13. Long ago Swamiji had said that dualism breeds fanaticism as it cannot stand on rational foundation.

14. Human weakness, if pointed out, weakens the being, it seems, further. Yet someone will have to speak out the undiluted Truth.

15. Crucify me, if you will, for giving out the whole Truth but you cannot crucify the Truth nor suppress it any more.

16. Man divorces in marriage so often but his marriage to matter seems so stable in endless polygamy, lawful, sound.

17. India must yet teach spirituality to the rest of the world, for humanity at large is in terrible bondage to matter.

18. Fight back if you are a Vedantist, never give in. The whole of this universe cannot crush you. In you it rises, floats, sinks.

19. Never give up, never give in,
      Fight on till you win.

20. Horrific pictures dead Jews in Nazi death camps and more pitiful pictures of the dead in Churchill-created Bengal Famine of 1943.

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