Thursday 26 October 2017


Jayanta, your devotion towards Sister Nivedita bespeaks of your nobility of soul which is being enhanced each passing day by your absorption of her vibrations through your contemplation of her. Blessed indeed you are for blessed is the one that remembers fondly this leonine soul who bled her way to death's door to resurrect India! She is evidently with you, inspiring you to do deeds that she has left behind for posterity to accomplish. Few, alas few, do anything substantial for her cause which is to galvanise the country into self-regeneration as her great Master, the Swami Vivekananda had impressed upon her. The task remains unfinished and unfulfilled as Sister passed away in her prime, wasting away her virile form through poverty, neglect and excessive labour as she strove to quicken the life of Indian womanhood through education and to awaken the masses into revolution against the imperialist British.

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