Thursday, 19 October 2017


1. Can you make a resolution which you will for once fulfil? Plant trees and save the planet. Make gardening compulsory in curriculum.

2. If not today the world, then tomorrow there shall be no nation. Forgo the smaller objective for the larger cause. Save the planet.

3. Be fresh each one of you and let us start afresh our bid to clean the air, conserve water and avoid wastage of all kinds.

4. What is nation-building but the building up of the individual and the creation of conditions for his healthy survival and flourishing?

5. It is two minutes to twelve. There is no more time to wait. Act now to save the world. Else, holocaust awaits in the wings.

6. May we celebrate through the year Van Mahotsav with as much vigour as we celebrate Deepavali for a week!

7. This one has a background blue. When have you last seen a clear blue sky? Why must telescopes seek the countryside to spot stars?

8. Here balloons fly. Is this the end of civilisation on earth? Are we to relocate elsewhere on some distant spot out in space?

9. In the din of the conflicts of real life let us not forget that we have now a planet on fever and a planet to save. Plant trees.

10. For every tree that is felled it is our bounden duty to plant a thousand trees. Only then will the environment be saved.

11. The planet is dying. Save her while yet there is time. Einstein had predicted such an environmental holocaust. Let us disprove him.

12. Plant trees if you wish not to bequeath unto your future generations a world uninhabitable. Save natural resources for future use.

13. Do you know why global warming is a threat today? It is because of human greed that fuels excessive industry to spew toxic fumes.

14. Are you taking steps to do something about the environment, like saving water, planting trees, living frugally and spreading awareness?

15. If each one of us conserves the earth's resources by leading a frugal life, we can arrest global warming and save the environment.

16. This is what the world ought to be, full of greenery both in the fields and in the heart. But it is a desert now. Let us transform it. The first step will be to inform ourselves of the environmental danger which we are in. The next must be a change in our attitude. Then comes engagement with the environment in a bid to protect it from further degradation. Lifestyle must be simplified to prevent overuse of resources and excessive carbon emission. "We must become thinkers." This is what Swami Vivekananda had said. Let this be the guiding principle in our crusade for greenery, in our movement to save the environment from degradation and our civilisation from annihilation. As we learn to think, this overemphasis on the consumerist culture will decrease and humanity will take increasing interest in the more benign pursuits of the mind. Loftiness of thinking, simplicity of living and positive engagement with Nature right from childhood will reverse this malefic environmental trend.

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