Tuesday 17 October 2017


The education system should be so geared as to produce men of merit, it being measured in terms of originality of approach and execution of a project at hand. Only then will we be creative enough to come up in the comity of nations as a significant contributor to world culture instead of merely basking in the glory of days gone by when India was a premier civilisation. It is time to completely overhaul the academic system and replace its Macaulay method by the Gurukul method of study complemented by modern Western scientific training, an arduous task though for the nation to adopt in a rapidly evolving global technological civilisation. But this remains the only hope for us to be ourselves and rooted to our soil, and once this is achieved, this shallowness of the intellect as abounds today will probably die its natural death and usher in a fresh flow of creative culture for the nation to flourish.

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