1. Do not be deluded by leaders or surrender freedom unto them. Learn to critically think. Your safety is in your own hands.
2. The masses are kept ignorant by leaders to suit their own ends of this neo-imperialism that camouflages as democracy.
3. Be not seduced by the spoken word for the intent behind you cannot see. Awaken consciousness to combat evil and let not freedom go.
4. The worst danger that lies in the hero-worship of leaders is that it often paves the way to dictatorship and its concomitant evils.
5. Such are the situational pressures, such the exigencies of the times that intelligent people surrender their rights to tyrants.
6. Brainwashing, indoctrination, creating the myth of personalty, that is all there is to the malefic leaders who delude the masses.
7. Concentration of power in the individual must be checked at every level for democracy to truly function. Stop blind adoration.
8. Infatuation for eminence does you no good. Emulation of their achievements is a worthier endeavour to engage in. Be free.
9. Like as the nucleus locks up energy
While electrons whirl to react,
Power is lodged in the Atman
Whose work manifests as fact.
10. When all support seems to have gone and everyone has left, a final friend yet remains in the substratum of consciousness.
11. In the darkness of despair when all seems to have been lost, when life seems like slipping away, He arrives to lift us unto Him.
12. Will He fail us in our desperate dreams when the billows rage on to crush us and we cry to the heavens for deliverance? Will He?
13. They who have gone ahead, we mourn for them. They who now struggle for breath, may we not ventilate their lives a bit?
14. Capitalism strikes its roots into the bloodstream of the masses. The people bleed as class conflict surfaces.
15. What does the future hold? Self-destruction and end of civilisation? Or, will there be a resurgence of humanity? The choice is ours.
16. Spirituality must be the basis of life, else, civilisation will collapse. Greed for wealth and lust for power cannot sustain society.
17. The individual will has ruled the destiny of nations for far too long. The collective will must now take charge of human affairs.
18. Is God an autocrat, albeit, a benevolent one? Or, is He a tyrant mercilessly running His cruel fiat over us, pawns in His chess game?
19. God suffers the fate that God decrees on man. Man in his vanity chooses to be the ultimate God while the Real God laughs.
20. A curious mixture of truth and untruth has conjured up this universe and all that it entails. Renunciation is the way out.
21. Subtle are the trappings of higher Maya, subtler still the intelligence that sees through it and escapes.
22. Our thoughts are all within a framework, structured by words and images, conditioned by earlier influences. The object is to transcend it.
23. Resolve thoughts, dissolve into consciousness.
24. Birth of evil is potential. Birth of good is potential too. Both require circumstances propitious for manifestation. And oft the twain manifest in unison to resolve out a new order through mutual conflict. The balance of the life-forces is dynamic and ever-shifting. Karmic imbalances, thus, set in and when the scales are overly tilted to one side or the other, the restoring couple sets in to reaffirm equilibrium of sorts for life to effectively subsist. But the past momentum must be countered and inertia overcome as well before the intended good may result. A bloody conflict ensues as the demonic forces unleash their might against the divine forces and a titanic struggle results that deluges the world in an ocean of blood as evil battles every inch of the way even as it recedes into the potential fold whence it had emerged. The forces of good win the day but after a cataclysm has been seen through in which millions have been martyred and human civilisation ground to the dust for a fresh rebuilding. Though the forces of evil have been forced back, the agents of evil eliminated, evil itself has merely taken a backseat for the while in its subtler psychological realms where it plots its return to establish its future kingdom on earth. Good reigns also for the while but time takes its toll and it decays gradually and later with accelerated motion for evil to once more displace it. The roles are, thus, reversed and the process repeats in an unending alternating wave train of progressive relative distinctions to constitute life on earth. And through this ceaseless ferment life evolves unto its divine end. Magical! Mysterious! Mythical!
25. Births and deaths are all hallucinations and so is life in the limited sense. It is infinitude all the way.
26. It is a continuous life like the flow of time and the alternate bands of birth and death, night and day are but so much seeming division.
27. Pure consciousness is God but man vanishes there and where man attains fullness in Man, there God vanishes.
28. This duality of God and man has far too long suppressed the evolution of man. Let the formulation be complete in MAN = GOD.
29. It does not bespeak of strength to surrender one's fate to an arbitrary being called God. Man, make thy own fate and fashion thy God.
30. The dual dream reaches its climax in the revelation of the Personal God. Slash through this final myth and 'see' the Self.
31. The world must be deluged in spiritual vibration to raise its interactions beyond the violent mode. Else, annihilation awaits all.
2. The masses are kept ignorant by leaders to suit their own ends of this neo-imperialism that camouflages as democracy.
3. Be not seduced by the spoken word for the intent behind you cannot see. Awaken consciousness to combat evil and let not freedom go.
4. The worst danger that lies in the hero-worship of leaders is that it often paves the way to dictatorship and its concomitant evils.
5. Such are the situational pressures, such the exigencies of the times that intelligent people surrender their rights to tyrants.
6. Brainwashing, indoctrination, creating the myth of personalty, that is all there is to the malefic leaders who delude the masses.
7. Concentration of power in the individual must be checked at every level for democracy to truly function. Stop blind adoration.
8. Infatuation for eminence does you no good. Emulation of their achievements is a worthier endeavour to engage in. Be free.
9. Like as the nucleus locks up energy
While electrons whirl to react,
Power is lodged in the Atman
Whose work manifests as fact.
10. When all support seems to have gone and everyone has left, a final friend yet remains in the substratum of consciousness.
11. In the darkness of despair when all seems to have been lost, when life seems like slipping away, He arrives to lift us unto Him.
12. Will He fail us in our desperate dreams when the billows rage on to crush us and we cry to the heavens for deliverance? Will He?
13. They who have gone ahead, we mourn for them. They who now struggle for breath, may we not ventilate their lives a bit?
14. Capitalism strikes its roots into the bloodstream of the masses. The people bleed as class conflict surfaces.
15. What does the future hold? Self-destruction and end of civilisation? Or, will there be a resurgence of humanity? The choice is ours.
16. Spirituality must be the basis of life, else, civilisation will collapse. Greed for wealth and lust for power cannot sustain society.
17. The individual will has ruled the destiny of nations for far too long. The collective will must now take charge of human affairs.
18. Is God an autocrat, albeit, a benevolent one? Or, is He a tyrant mercilessly running His cruel fiat over us, pawns in His chess game?
19. God suffers the fate that God decrees on man. Man in his vanity chooses to be the ultimate God while the Real God laughs.
20. A curious mixture of truth and untruth has conjured up this universe and all that it entails. Renunciation is the way out.
21. Subtle are the trappings of higher Maya, subtler still the intelligence that sees through it and escapes.
22. Our thoughts are all within a framework, structured by words and images, conditioned by earlier influences. The object is to transcend it.
23. Resolve thoughts, dissolve into consciousness.
24. Birth of evil is potential. Birth of good is potential too. Both require circumstances propitious for manifestation. And oft the twain manifest in unison to resolve out a new order through mutual conflict. The balance of the life-forces is dynamic and ever-shifting. Karmic imbalances, thus, set in and when the scales are overly tilted to one side or the other, the restoring couple sets in to reaffirm equilibrium of sorts for life to effectively subsist. But the past momentum must be countered and inertia overcome as well before the intended good may result. A bloody conflict ensues as the demonic forces unleash their might against the divine forces and a titanic struggle results that deluges the world in an ocean of blood as evil battles every inch of the way even as it recedes into the potential fold whence it had emerged. The forces of good win the day but after a cataclysm has been seen through in which millions have been martyred and human civilisation ground to the dust for a fresh rebuilding. Though the forces of evil have been forced back, the agents of evil eliminated, evil itself has merely taken a backseat for the while in its subtler psychological realms where it plots its return to establish its future kingdom on earth. Good reigns also for the while but time takes its toll and it decays gradually and later with accelerated motion for evil to once more displace it. The roles are, thus, reversed and the process repeats in an unending alternating wave train of progressive relative distinctions to constitute life on earth. And through this ceaseless ferment life evolves unto its divine end. Magical! Mysterious! Mythical!
25. Births and deaths are all hallucinations and so is life in the limited sense. It is infinitude all the way.
26. It is a continuous life like the flow of time and the alternate bands of birth and death, night and day are but so much seeming division.
27. Pure consciousness is God but man vanishes there and where man attains fullness in Man, there God vanishes.
28. This duality of God and man has far too long suppressed the evolution of man. Let the formulation be complete in MAN = GOD.
29. It does not bespeak of strength to surrender one's fate to an arbitrary being called God. Man, make thy own fate and fashion thy God.
30. The dual dream reaches its climax in the revelation of the Personal God. Slash through this final myth and 'see' the Self.
31. The world must be deluged in spiritual vibration to raise its interactions beyond the violent mode. Else, annihilation awaits all.
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