Sunday 15 October 2017


Everyday adored am I,
Abused, questioned why I am me,
I know not what to say to these
Save to dwell in misery.
Befuddled you are by my use of words,
In easy poesy they come to me.
Pray, tell me how it feels to be
When questioned on identity?

Who says dynasty the Gandhis bear?
Foul dynasty's foisted on me.
Refrain do I as much as I can
Till they cross limits of decency.

Bradman's son did change his name
To Bradsen, I now know why he did.
Two years before his father's death
Bradman got the Bradsen rid.

So many of you show not your face,
Take other names on fb fine.
How dare you then confront me so
That rides on Self, for Self doth pine?

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