Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Tealess, tasteless, tortured, terrible life tantamount to total torment.
Cuppatea not available now. Later, post sundown.
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are unimpeachable in your reverse wit, or, you cannot be countered in your counter-wit. You simply have a unique style of writing that I cannot replicate, your humour guarding your observation against any imitation. When I respond to your comments, I must honestly admit, they seem so insipid, dull, drab and what not that I believe your observations are best left alone by way of response and instead read and savoured. Unfortunately, not many are takers for wry humour today, dry season for wit that times are now. Nonetheless, your comments add flavour to my posts and I truly enjoy each one of them. They also teach readers how to address originally each post from a radically different angle, delighting all with sarcasm that drives home the essence of the post proper. Sri Ramakrishna used to call it 'Jotiley kutiley leela poshtai', that is, enhancing the divine sport of the Lord through juxtaposition of opposite modes. In his case it was Pratapchandra Hajra who sitting on his northern verandah used to delight and occasionally disturb devotees with his counter arguments and observations. But Thakur never drove him away. Rather he used to give him allowance to spice up his Dakshineshwar divine drama where devotees witnessed this contrasting character of the preceptor and the pretender. Narendranath was very fond of Hajra and joked and smoked with him outside Thakur's room. He was Hajra's buddy when others busied themselves drinking the divine nectar that the Lord offered. Your observations have a like character, other aspects being dissociated of course from the aforementioned narrative. đ
Sugata Bose @Sulekha Basu Do not make anyone your Guru unless he/she fulfils three requisites. They are as follows: 1) The Guru must be a shrotriya or a knower of the essence of the Shrutis/Vedas; 2) the Guru must be akÄmahata, that is, unsmitten by desire; 3) the Guru must give his spiritual knowledge free and not expect anything in return from the disciple. These three conditions fulfilled, if you are convinced that the prospective Guru is established in Brahman, go ahead and submit to his grace knowing him to be God incarnate for you. Else, refrain from doing so. Also the disciple and the Guru must meet at least three times in person before the holy act of initiation takes place.
There are conditions to be fulfilled by the prospective disciple as well. They are as follows: 1) The disciple must have a genuine thirst for spiritual freedom, that is, freedom from the shackles of material bondage; 2) the disciple must be self-controlled, that is, not indulging in sensual pleasures; 3) the disciple must have titikshÄ or tremendous power of endurance to be able to go through the travails of ascetic life. These conditions fulfilled, he/she becomes fit to be initiated into the spiritual life, classically speaking.
However, the ground reality is more often than not different which is why the fear of fake Gurus is there in many. But if the disciple is good and genuine, the Guru by the law of sympathetic vibration will also be true and genuine.
As regards GuruvÄd, it is a deep subject that I have no time to delineate now. Perhaps, some other time when time and occasion favour such delineation. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Indrajit Bose : Beautifully succinctly written. The gist of the word Guru how beautifully you have encapsulated!
Sugata Bose @Mbra Sakib Hasan II : Absolutely so. Muslims around the world are kith and kin as per the trinity of Islamic scriptures.
Sugata Bose @āĻĒāĻ˛্āĻ˛āĻŦী āĻ°াāĻ¯় : āĻāĻšা, āĻী āĻ¸ুāĻ¨্āĻĻāĻ° āĻ°āĻāĻ¨া ! āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻা !
Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Why don't you address Islamic intolerance for a change? Hindutva or Political Hinduism is the response to Islam's patently political business of destroying all other religions and their adherents, in this case the Sanatan Dharma and the Hindus. Read the Qur'an and realise what a dastardly motive is being nursed by Islam in its relation to Hindus and Hinduism. It will be all too apparent from the scriptural text itself. Then speak about so-called Hindu intolerance. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Subhamoy Banerjee : Knowledge is power. Boycott based on ignorance is a self-laid trap, a boomerang that will recoil. It is a self-directed misfire, a suicidal shoot.
Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : And Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda said the reverse. Vidyasagar was not a spiritually realised soul which the latter were. Hence, there is no dispute that those two systems of spiritual thought are true in so far as interpretative relative truth goes. Ultimately the Absolute Truth Brahman alone is absolutely true. Sri Ramakrishna had famously said, "Vidyasagar lacks in introspective vision." Hence, the matter is settled. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Sri Ramakrishna, being almost unlettered, was unaware of the dark side of elemental Islam and Christianity. He had as such neither read the Abrahamic scriptures nor the dastardly history of the gory proselytism of Christianity and Islam. He relied entirely on hearsay, that of the people surrounding him and his particular preceptors like the Sufi converted mystic Gobinda Ray who initiated him into Islam. Gobinda Ray must have only told Sri Ramakrishna only of those aspects of Islam which pertained to his prospective practice of its Sufi tenets which being the synthesis of Islam and the Vedanta were far removed from the real classical Qur'anic Islam. That was the limit of Sri Ramakrishna's knowledge of Islam. As regards Christianity the scene was the same as he merely heard certain selected passages from the Bible but was not told the bloody history of the propagation of Christianity by the sword. This ignorance of recorded history led Sri Ramakrishna to intuitively understand Christianity and Islam rather than see their actual truths in terms of fundamental teachings and propagation by the edge of the sword. The sage of Dakshineshwar in all Sanatani susceptibility assumed that Christianity and Islam were alien versions of the dualistic dhÄrmic aspect of Hinduism that he was familiar with. Here lay the great pitfall into which the sage's practical perception fell.
There is another aspect to this entire affair. Not much of Sri Ramakrishna's utterances have been recorded by his disciples. In fact only a minuscule portion of his observations have been left behind by his chroniclers for posterity. This was inevitable as disciples like Mahendranath Gupta (M) and Swami Saradananda came only in the twilight of the Paramahamsa's life. Even M could hardly record five volumes of the sage's last years when he had material for twelve, this by his own admission. M's life's fuel was consumed by the time he could record five of them. Moreover, M saw Sri Ramakrishna only on public holidays and Sundays and on occasions when he stayed overnight for days on end at Dakshineshwar to spend time with his Master. Moreover, the chronicling disciples themselves were innocent of Arabic and Persian and were recording a synthetic version of the sayings of the sage and their own interpretation in analytical representation of events.
So far as Swami Vivekananda was concerned, we find in his Complete Works a far truer representation of Islamic theology and history, although only in concentrated essence without adequate delineation, for his observations were by way of passing references during his extemporaneous lectures. But they hit the hammer on the head of the nail and drove the nail home. However, given the larger context of the Avatar and his entourage's mission on earth, Swamiji perforce had to stay silent more often than not on these Abrahamic issues, thereby setting in a tradition wittingly or unwittingly of the selective emphasis on principles of Christianity and Islam to the exclusion of their core corrosive content. This has confused and continues to confuse the common Hindu who is gullibly led into the belief that Christianity and Islam are just two more beautiful faiths that allow devotees to approach the same God through two more beautiful dualistic paths. This has proved dangerous for Bharatvarsha which suffered Partition largely on account of Islam's antipathy towards 'polytheistic' Hinduism and which continues to prove deadly daily for partitioned India, courtesy Islamic jihÄd. Swamiji was aware of these and exhorted his brother disciples at BarÄnagar to study history, himself taking care to instruct them by the light of the dhuni under the starlit night sky. Swamiji was never tired of exhorting Indians to write the true history of India from the Indian perspective, a task as yet unaccomplished en masse for mass consumption, for real education of India's children at school, college and university. Whatever is there is largely unread on account of abounding Indian indolence.
Raja Rammohun Roy had written his book 'Tuhfatu'l-Muwahhidin' in which he exposed the real tenets of Islam, but who cares to read? Rammohun was well versed in Persian and Arabic which he learnt between age 9 and 16 in his Patna madrassÄ. Later he wrote a book on Christianity by the name 'The Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to Peace and Happiness', basing his observations on the same on his knowledge of Hebrew and Greek in which he had read the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. But hardly anyone cares for these perceptive and proper writings. So, we are in this mess much because of our laziness to learn, preferring to pass the buck on to others' failure to instruct us. There are books galore which we may read to know about the real nature of Islam and Christianity. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Hirak Mookherjee : Lovely! You are so clear in your ideas, so crisp in expression and so conclusive even in conciseness. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Devotee : How beautiful! Exquisite! Simply lovely! You must be loving someone intensely. Otherwise this look cannot come. This is called lovelook. This is so beautiful. No wonder Swamiji said what he said in his lecture 'Divine Love'. You have piercing, divine Kali-like looks.
Sugata Bose @Sulekha Basu : Even in such a mixture love is where self is not. Where self pollutes, love has degenerated to lust. Sensory infatuation is but a semblance of love, a pale reflection of it and is not love. The sensation of love felt even in such an admixture of phased attributes comes from the deeper recesses where self has been sublimated beyond physicality of a lower order pertaining to the three lowest centres of the mind manifest in the nerve channels of the spine. Love assumes its real self only when the mind ascends to the fourth plane of consciousness by the ascent of the kulakundalini shakti up the 'SushumnÄ'. This fourth plane of the 'AnÄhata chakra' is the HardwÄr of love, to use the geographical metaphor of Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha just to spice up literary proceedings, where the spirit takes over from the material mind. Thereafter, with every stage in the ascent of consciousness along the nervous column of the 'ShushumnÄ', love throws up higher manifestations till in the seventh plane of the 'SahasrÄr', love, consciousness and the being merge to uncover the Absolute Reality. đ
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Advaita Ashrama--Swami Shuddhidananda] : Maharaj, we have had enough of indirect scriptural references. What we need is bold direct utterances as to duty in defence of the Dharma. Courage of conviction ought to dispel cowardice of indirect reference. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Why so? It is the mandate of Islam. It is happening and will happen with increasing vigour in India as well with rapid population growth of the concerned community. Europe is facing the same menace. The world seems not to understand the deadly implications of this progression Islamisation but must learn from the Indian subcontinent's experience. Meanwhile, whether India will capitulate or resist remains to be seen. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : If you are the one, then the remaining 99 aren't needed. However, if you are one, then we may form the band of 99 following you. Since the band is in the majority and since it has not been decided yet whether you are a worthy leader or not, we invite you to our habitat in our work-heaven which is West Bengal where work needs to be done, that is, in case you are work-oriented and not merely word-bound as you assume us to be. But word-bound we indeed are for we are intent on fulfilling our word that we are work-bound unto death and beyond to defend the Dharma which it is our dharma to do, and we will live and die to sustain it, such is our honour. Meanwhile, mindless mockery does not matter much for it has been tested to its truth in the past and failed to have produced results beyond providing minor entertainment. Humour, however, spices up the reader-postscript and I express my gratitude to you for the same. Please continue. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : Hindus of West Bengal are blissfully singing and dancing away as the fire, they feel, has not yet come home. Their weak bhakti and utter absence of manhood even the great Vivekananda could not drive away, such is the debilitating degree of desirous degeneration that they have dived into, contrary to what the Avatar of Dakshineshwar had exhorted them to do. That devotees galore of the peerless Paramahamsa including monastics upto the highest level have made a mockery of spiritual devotion and rendered Swamiji's virile teachings sterile is a point to be noted and worked on. With active support of effeminate and semi-effeminate monks who flout Swamiji's exhortation of manhood by the day and with business-minded monastics managing the executive affairs of the state, millions of mindless devotees are in a state of sterile ecstasy full of passing references of passive piety that can only usher in our doom when the demographic balance further shifts. Conversion, decrease in Hindu numbers, increasing Islamisation tending to prospective obliteration of Hindu culture in holy India scarce bothers them. For them it is surface pandering to their pretentious, puerile 'spiritual' vanity which is totally opposed to what the Paramahamsa and his Apostle stood for. We are a handful of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda devotees, disciples of their spiritual succession, who are putting up not only internal resistance to this devotional corruption but also exhorting all Hindus to unitedly resist this Islamic onslaught which within decades will create countrywide massive secessionist tendencies and within a century outpopulate the Hindus to impose Islamic law on Sanatan Bharatvarsha. Be thou in this grand mission our Maratha helpmate! đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Anirudha Bhattacharya :
You are absolutely right.
It is for us, for us to fight.
No room now for fright,
Nor for weak cowardly flight,
But history to with blood rewrite,
Fired up with love and light.
Am I right, Sir, am I right?
Sugata Bose @Aniruddha Bhattacharya :
1) Study 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', all 9 volumes, thoroughly.
2) Earn well, and honestly so, for funds are needed. Live frugally, save a lot. Build a fund thus for future work.
3) Maintain peace and harmony at home.
4) Conserve power through maximum practically possible purity.
5) Read RSS literature, Savarkar, J. Sai Deepak and the like.
6) Marry early. 6Have at least two children per couple, if not three.
7) Be initiated by a masculine strong Guru and not those effeminate ones. Then chant twice daily to manifest power.
8)) Learn self-defence--boy, girl, both.
9) Day in and day out send atrong currents of thought for the preservation and flourishing of Hindus.
10) Abstain from consumption of beef, pork, cigarette and alcohol.
11) Eat well, balanced, nourishing, high-protein diet, preferably non-vegetarian to develop physical and mental strength and an abundance of rajas.
12) Worship the Terrible form of Mother Kali in your mind and live fearlessly knowing death to be your shadow on the screen of Maya while you are the eternal life of Brahman.
13) Treat women well and respectfully from a distance, worshipping them as embodiments of the Divine Mother.
14) Study the Sanatan Dharma and spread its message online, and offline by way of personal interaction.
15) Study Sanskrit and inspire others to do so.
16) Study the trinity of Islamic scriptures, the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira.
17) Develop a strong will by maintaining truth and commitment to resolution made, doing the alloted work and all work to perfected completion.
18) Develop a martial spirit. Learn shooting if possible.
19) Engage in sporting activity suited to the age.
20) Read the history of Medieval India written by Sir Jadunath Sarkar, K.S.Lal snd R.C.Majumdar.
21) Read up all of the Voice of India Publications, especially books written by Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup, the founder's of this publication house.
22) Form a group of likeminded people and periodically meet to discuss issues, history, the scriptures (among shich Swamiji's Works ought to prominently figure) and the plight of the Hindus.
23) Read the book 'Hindus in Hindu Rashtra' by Anand Ranganathan.
24) Abstain from the cinematic and consumerist advertising culture as far as possible, debilitating music and dance, and all sorts of effeminate culture that has permeated our society to its precipitous fall.
25) Watch on YouTube videos of Ex-Muslims Sahil, Adam Seeker, Zafar Heretic, Apostate Imam, Sameer, Jaipur Dialogues, Neeraj Atri, Shankar Sharan, Yati Narsinghananda Giri, Tathagata Ray and the like for clarity of conception of contentious issues that face the Hindus.
26) Love the motherland like your mother, even more and no less.
27) May Bharatmata bless you! Keep in touch.
28) Chant this mantra ceaselessly, feeling yourself one with each and every Hindu, past, present and future---đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Yes, I revel in reading your responses which are simply delightful in their sarcastic highlighting of contentious issues that face us. Your inimitable style seemingly is delightfully diverting, to some may even be distracting, but never to me, for I find them duly in focus and not only enjoy them but also learn from them. Keep commenting unihibitedly and I will continue to read them with relish. đ Hindu!
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