Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : They are effeminate cowards, quite the reverse-type of monastics aspired for by Swamiji and lamented for in the vesper hour of his life.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : নীলাঞ্জনা, সব সময় জানবে আমি তোমার বীরাঙ্গনা সত্তার সাথে আছি |
Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : Quite so. For martial culture to surface, proper marital rules must be observed, and scrupulously so, as per scientific spiritual lines. I do not subscribe to artificial genetic engineering, though, considering it unethical and with unwholesome other consequences, but I believe that proper education can revive the Hindus to their traditional kshatriya valour. Hindus must not only know their own dharma but like soldiers are informed about the enemy's strategies and tactics, their ideology and motivations, so must the Hindus en masse be made to study, alongside the Sanatan scriptures, the Islamic scriptures in rough as well so that they may not be deluded into submission to the enemy. This massive ignorance about Hindu Bharat's valorous past, the loss of memory of our glorious antiquity, the post-Independence left-orientation of education and the utter absence of knowledge about Islam and Christianity have debilitated the Hindus. The Hindu brain needs reprogramming for its regeneration in civilisational terms. The hardware is ready, now the software needs to be implanted. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @হাঃ মোঃ ফাহিমুল ইসলাম : How bigoted you are! Shame on you! Arresting an innocent person whose only crime is gathering the persecuted Hindu community into a cohesive whole. There is anarchy right now in Bangladesh. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @হাঃ মোঃ ফাহিমুল ইসলাম : The Sanatan Dharma is quite above your bigoted comprehension, my child! Spiritually evolve more before you have an inkling about its principles, its conceptions, realisations and its ultimate goal of the spiritual liberation of the soul from the bondage of matter. Brother, read Swami Vivekananda well before you pass judgement about Hinduism. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Samir Biswas : Bangladesh was carved out of India as East Pakistan, liberated in 1971 with the express assistance and training of the Indian armed forces who went to war against Pakistan for the purpose. And look how ungrateful these Muslims are! Totally forgotten the debt they owe to India. Even now without India's help Bangladesh will die as a nation. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Md Rabby Islam : Muslims have over 1300 years of Islamic occupation of the Indian subcontinent killed between 80 and 100 million Hindus. What about that?
Sugata Bose @Goutom Roy : Not a few but many such, all deriving lessons of intolerance from the Islamic scriptures. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Arfin Shuvo Sd : The entire mass of extreme adherents are potentially of this sort, being scripturally impelled to act thus. These are injunctions of the Islamic trinity of scriptures which are inducing such jihādi activity. Islam cannot brook the existence of any other religion on earth, far less in a Dar-ul-lslam. Hence, you see. Bangladesh needs to secularise. Otherwise, this sort of madrassā mentality will take her to the Dark Ages where Pakistan rightly has been hurled into. Hence, the moderate voices in Bangladesh must aggressively come forward in the defence of minority rights and help make Bangladesh into a nation which her founding father Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman had aspired for. A word about Mujib, though, would make the historical picture perfect. Mujib was Husseyn Shan Suhrawardy's lieutenant in those days of 1946-47 Great Calcutta Killing orchestration by the All India Muslim League (16 August, 1946) followed by the three month long Noakhali genocide, mass conversion and rape along with similar cases throughout the erstwhile East Bengal. Mujib vociferously fought for the Partition to secure Pakistan for India's Muslims and this communal aspect of his personality has been in the wake of the Bangladesh War of Liberation been conveniently forgotten or relegated to dust-laden shelves. But history never forgets nor does it forgive. Ironically, Mujib with almost his entire family died at the hands of political adversaries on the very day of partitioned India's Independence, the 15th of August, albeit 27 years later in 1975. Historical retribution? But to what effect? These are historical facts and Bangladesh has a lot to revoncile with. Let her calm down and organise herself along modern lines and not along medieval Muslim lines to become a nation worth the salt. Best wishes for the same along with the demand for yhe immediate and unconditional release of Swami Chinmoy Das, the incarcerated heroic leader of the Hindus. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Md Riyad Khan : Fake video. Some jihādi is impersonating an ISKCON monk. This is not any ISKCON monk nor is he Swami Chinmoy Das.
Sugata Bose @Samïan Wazed : Bangladesh was Bharatvarsha once. It was by jihād taken away from India. It will return in due course to India. This must happen and it will. The Sanatan Dharma will conquer the whole of the subcontinent one day. It is the only religion that will survive the scrutiny of science. Christianity has failed the test. Now it is Islam's turn and it will fail too. The Sanatan Dharma is the future of the world in so far as religion is concerned. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Selim Raja : The Sanatan Dharma stands head and shoulders above proselytising Abrahamic cults like Christianity and Islam, the latter particularly most toxic in its subcontinental effects. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Hemanand Chengalath : No, not at all. But I will raise resistance against socioeconomic exploitation that reduces the teeming millions to mere beasts of burden despite the laborious role they play in constructing and preserving civilisation. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Lovely piece as usual! Indeed food for thought which is why I love corresponding with you on a platform that has gone stale and sterile with levity and self-advertisement. However, as regards the caste system (jāti vibhājan) which is a professional specialisation system, and the varna vibhājan or the fourfold system of brāhman, kshatriya, vaishya and shudra which is an attribute-based social order which with growing population later became largely hereditary, these are social distinctions and are not part of the Sanatan Dharma which momin-kafir toxic classification in Islam is with the corresponding injunction of conversion of the kafir or dhimmitude or killing laid as obligatory on every momin in case-specific respective situations. There lies the vast difference between the philosophy, aspirations and attitudes of the two systems of the Sanatan Dharma and Islam. But I am eager to learn more about Islam and, perhaps, you could recommend me some good books on it that may help illumine my understanding further. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Krishnan Hariharan : The Avatar will sing and dance and be ecstatic in devotion. How will he produce a martial race out of the Hindus?
Sugata Bose @Subrata Chatterjee : বলছি | লেনিন পড়েন যিনি, স্বামীজী পড়েন তিনি কারণ বিদগ্ধ তিনি | লেনিন বড় সহজবোধ্য নয় যে যে কেউ পড়বে | পড়েন না ভক্তরা, না স্বামীজী, না লেনিন | হীরেন্দ্রনাথ মুখোপাধ্যায় যেমন মার্ক্সবাদে সুপণ্ডিত ছিলেন, তেমনি ষড়দর্শনে | আমার সাথে পরিচয় ছিল বিশেষ | তাঁর স্বামীজীর ওপর দুটি ভাষণ পড়ে দেখবেন | রামকৃষ্ণ মিশন ইনস্টিটিউটে প্রদত্ত ১৯৮৫ সালে | 'Vivekananda and Indian Freedom' শীর্ষক পুস্তিকাটি | অসাধারণ !
Sugata Bose @Mihir Kanti Das : ভুল ধারণা | আমি অন্য পরিবারভুক্ত অন্য এক সুগত বসু | তা, আপনার কি ধারণা নেতাজীর পরিবারভুক্ত পরপ্রজন্ম হিন্দুর জন্য লড়েছে,লড়ছে বা লড়বে ? ইতিহাস তো অন্যরূপ বলছে |
Sugata Bose @Mrinmay Das : না, না, মুখোশে মুখ আটকে গেছে, তাই বলতে পারছে না |
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Thank you for the book recommendations. I will surely read them if I can lay hold on them through purchase. Thanks anyway for your illumining interpretations. Will surely continue the dialogue, fruitful as it has turned out to be and liberating at that. Read Swami Vivekananda. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Saswati Basu Chatterjee : আগে ছিল বহাল তবিয়তে, এখন ধর্মপ্রচারের দিকে দিয়ে খানিক বেহাল তবিয়তে |
Sugata Bose @Prasenjit K. Basu : What a touching tribute! And what s lovely mother!
Sugata Bose @Arpita Nandi Das : Why? It was to show anger at the violation of the tricolour. It was not by way of expressing extreme displeasure at your person for your very pertinent picture post. I am sure people will have that much sanity to understand the implication of the 'angry' reaction given by me.
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Making pieces of peace. [Reference: Religion of Peace]
Sugata Bose @Susobhan Das : You are right. Thanks for pointing out this perfidious attempt to precipitate trouble directed at the Hindus. It is a variant of Al Taqqiah in action.
P.S. Yes, you have nailed it.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Muslims are not a race. They are a heterogeneous diverse lot bound by the common Islamic ideology. Do not make this mistake of calling Muslims a race because that gives them on a platter the ammunition of calling you a racist should you speak against them. One cannot change one's race which is fixed at birth but one can easily convert to Islam by chanting the shahada or at a grave personal risk even apostasise. This conclusively proves that Islam is a religiopolitical ideology and Muslims as adherents of the faith are coreligionists for sure but not a race which necessarily is biologically bound.
Sugata Bose @Zahid Mollah : You did not answer the question though. And this 1000 apsarā business is concocted and not scripturally corroborated? The deflection that you are engaging in would be part of Al Taqqiah. Return to your Sanatani roots and once more strike a sympathetic chord with the age-old Sanatan civilisation, the hoary heritage bequeathed unto you by your ancestors. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Zahid Mollah : You did not answer the question though. And this 1000 apsarā business is concocted and not scripturally corroborated? The deflection that you are engaging in would be part of Al Taqqiah. Return to your Sanatani roots and once more strike a sympathetic chord with the age-old Sanatan civilisation, the hoary heritage bequeathed unto you by your ancestors. 🕉 Hindu!
P.S. Also remember moksha or mukti or Brahmanirvāna is the goal of the Sanatan Dharma and not Svarga as perhaps implied by you if I am not mistaken. It is a far superior state, that of Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss or the Sachchidānanda, than Jannat or Svarga or Heaven as the case may be, the former being the state beyond space-time-causality and relativistic bounds which the latter is not. Hence, to posit the equivalence of Jannat and Svarga---even if it carries some weight, though not much, for there are huge moral-ethical differences between the two---will not be sufficient as Jannat is supposedly permanent abode and quite illogically so from the standpoint of relativity which makes all phenomena perishable with the passage of time, whereas Svarga is temporary residence to exhaust accumulated merit before a fresh return to earth along the transmigratory channel of the embodied being continues the cyclical process of purification of the soul till it dissolves to reveal the Absolute Self or the Atman which is the ultimate destination of the embodied being post-disembodiment. These are deep philosophical issues which are intrinsic to the Sanatan Dharma and are, perhaps, beyond your comprehension, trained as your mind is with Islamic theology of a radically different and simplistic one. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Souvick Adak : They spice up my posts by their contrary reactions. As Sri Ramakrishna used to say, "জটিলে কুটিলে না থাকলে জমে না, লীলা পোষ্টাই হয় না |" আর এ হেন হাস্যরসবিজড়িত বিরোধিতা তবু তো ভাল বহুসংখ্যক ভক্তদের 'উদার' উদাসীনতার চেয়ে যা স্বজাতির ওপর আক্রমণেও নিঃস্পৃহতার কপট আবরণ ত্যাগ করে স্বামীজীপ্রদর্শিত পথে হুহুঙ্কারে স্বধর্মরক্ষাকল্পে রণে অবতীর্ণ হতে পারে না |
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Read the following 'Paper on Hinduism' that was presented by Swami Vivekananda on 19 September, 1893 at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. The online link to it is being provided below. I cannot but help appreciating your inputs if even often in disagreement. But your observations are agreeable nonetheless. Thank you for taking the pains to write.
Sugata Bose @Ujjwal Kumar Ghosh : Yes, the pleasure is equally mine amidst the abounding pain that afflicts us all in Bangladesh.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Sarvapriyanana before the UN] : Islam teaches violence towards the kafir and Swami Vivekananda has borne it out in his speeches. So, Sarvapriyananda Swami is indulging in falsehood. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Tulu Biswas : This is a ridiculous observation in the context of the current persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. You must be utterly oblivious of it. Hence your supercilious advice which is utterly unwarranted and unwholesome in the light of current circumstance prevailing in Bangladesh. Wake up, my child! 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Islamophobia is a hoax, a literal lie, another pernicious ploy in line with Al Taqqiah to foster this festering faith.
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Mob lynching of Muslims by Hindus has been extremely rare, one or two cases over the past many years, although, ideally it ought not to have taken place at all. But in a vast country like ours the rare criminal case of this type has regrettably taken place. Compared to it, intolerance against the Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan has been occurring heavily for decades on a regular basis. The comparison between the rare Hindu intolerance and the much more general Islamic intolerance simply does not stand its ground. There is no equivalence between the rare Hindu extremism and the routine Islamic extremism, albeit for diverse reasons, no less among which is the scriptural mandate of violence in this regard that is to be scrupulously followed against the infidel. The history of Islam is too gory for denial. Hindus have never persecuted adherents of other faiths. Islam, on the contrary, has for all practical purposes as its foundational principle the mandate to destroy all other faiths or keep some (those with the Book) in dhimmitude. Hence, comparisons such as these are disproportionate and misleading. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Mainul Islam : Keep dreaming .There's no harm in it. The whole of the Indian subcontinent will be Sanatanised. It's but a matter of time.
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Jainism, Buddhism et al have all arisen out the womb of the Sanatan Dharma. Hence, the whole of the Indian subcontinent was indeed Sanatani once. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Zahid Mollah : Superb. Far better than in Islamic countries where one Muslim sect kills another sect as in Pakistan, for instance, where Shias and Ahmediyas are mass-persecuted by the Sunnis. Not so in India where the Muslim population is steadily increasing unlike in Pakistan and Bangladesh where minority populations with special reference to that of the Hindus has since Partition been steadily decreasing. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Zahid Mollah : Oh, so many times have we, even you, died and been reborn in this continuous cycling process of transmigratory evolution! 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Statistical representation indicates an inordinately high Islamic violence throughout the world before which stray cases of Hindu violence by way of reaction pale into insignificance, although they are not justified or justifiable in any civilised, democratic, secular society.
The principle of abrogation nullifies the 2:256 and 5:32 Qur'anic verses from the Makkah period by the later violent Madinah ones.
Pakistan was forged out of the Direct Action of the All India Muslim League that became the Great Calcutta Killing of 16 August, 1946 and the subsequent three month long Noakhali genocide of Hindus which spread throughout East Bengal.
The 1300 year long Islamic violence in India that cost the lives of between 80 and 100 million Hindu lives is the worst sustained genocide of any community by a religion. From Muhammad Ibn Qasim to Muhammad Ali Jinnah till this date the Hindu killing continues by scriptural mandate which any sincere observer and student of history will testify.
Your observations, nonetheless, in delectable English and bearing civility and balance otherwise, though not factually in historical terms so, is delightful read amidst the drab offering of passive piety or rude remarks otherwise. Carry on please and I'll keep on happily reading. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Good one. Learnt a new phrase this moment, 'divide and destroy.' Indeed, most perfidious, cunning campaign intent of dastardly destruction of the Hindus. Hindus must unite through mutual sympathy and fraternal feeling to avert such pitfalls aimed at annihilating them. 🕉 Hindu!
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