Friday, 16 September 2022



Is there a place where Man is not that he will require to queue up postmortem to find entry, waiting on the fancies of an examiner God to send him to? Whose space is it after all? Whose life and whose death? And whose reward and punishment dispensed by whom?

When Man arrives on earth he sees no God but himself. And when he knocks on the gates of heaven and they open up, he finds nor God nor Angel nor Messiah nor Messenger nor any of the promised pleasures of Paradise but he beholds himself as before to the exclusion of all other imaginary entities. Worst of all, his quest does not end there to find his God playing hide and seek with him. Life follows death as death follows life in a cycle seemingly unending and the delusion continues to bear fertile fruit but only in kaleidoscopic imagination with no real substance to it. God continues to elude Man till in some jarring Self-conscious moment He is discovered in the depths of one's being as Oneself and not as the shadowy one of phenomenal dreams. The dream breaks, the hallucination is gone, Reality shines in the face and God is known as one's very Self. The Vedanta finally has come home.

Written by Sugata Bose

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