1. Between reading and reflecting there has to be an apportioning of time. One without the other proves barren. The man of reason is often not the man of deeper inner reflection. The man of spiritual introspection is often not the man of rational reflection. One goes rationally without to seek ordered understanding of the incomprehensible cosmos; the other goes irrationally within to unleash the array of lunatic ideas residing in the hell of the subconscious. Each must complement the aspect that is absent in his conception to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of things. Ideally it ought to be reason, reflection, realisation -- the trinity of mental modes that lends one a catholicity of conception about one's existence and the world around.
2. The atheist is nearer to God/Truth than the common believer of rank superstition. The former has reason as his guiding light while the latter has a muddling faith to undo understanding. Both need to deepen thought -- the former through spiritual introspection founded in purity of living and the latter through rational reflection tearing apart the shrouds of archaic ignorance. The harmonic human stands at the juxtaposition of these two contradisposed modes and synthesises them to his advantage. His is the catholic view of things born out of the resolution of reason, reflection and realisation. Unto him belongs the vision of Reality from the vantage point of minimum deviation, the golden mean of location.
3. Anybody who says he is the body is not spiritual. Anybody who says he has a body is not spiritual. Anybody who says he has a soul is not spiritual. Anybody who says he is the soul is not spiritual. Anybody who in silence realises that he is existence itself, undivided, integrated consciousness itself, the essence of all that is, the substratum of all that is not, the subject that cannot objectify itself but remains in eternal solitude, in perennial self-brooding, is spiritual indeed. He has struck the chord of consciousness correct. His is the ear that hears the 'music of the spheres', the primeval sound, the 🕉. Unto him belongs eternal peace. Such a one you in essence are. Now reflect on it.
Written by Sugata Bose
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