1. Catch the bull by the horns, can you?
2. Humanity is a single race but it will take a long time to realise it. The Vedanta has the philosophical key to this racial lock.
3. দেশের দুর্দিনে নিজস্বার্থ রক্ষার জন্য যাঁরা বিদেশে বসবাস শুরু করে দেন, তাঁদের প্রণাম | আর যাঁরা দেশে থেকে যুদ্ধ করেন অবস্থার উন্নতি করার জন্য, তাঁদের প্রতি হৃদয়ের ভালবাসা | উভয়েই দেশবাসী, তাই উভয়েরই প্রতি সহানুভূতি ও শ্রদ্ধা | কে কিভাবে দেখছেন জাতির ভবিষ্যৎ ও কি নির্ণয় করলেন মহৌষধিরূপে তা জানার আগ্রহ রইল |
4. This is an age of self-advertisement. Good luck to those who advertise best! Better luck to those who are failing to make their mark thus! But cherish those who are the silent sufferers of humanity whose work sustains these self-professed ones who are upto undoing all that is best and brightest in classical culture. Mediocrity miscarried en masse has its cultural consequences after all.
5. Greater the self-confidence, greater the success.
6. Wholly = Holy
7. A person who is mean misses the golden mean of life.
8. The genders are approaching each other. Women are becoming less womanly and men are becoming increasingly effeminate. Gender equality this way? Alas!
9. Sanatan Dharma has well nigh gone from the polity. It is Superficial Dharma animating men and women now. And to think that they are all educated!
10. The only way to improve society is to improve oneself.
The most misinterpreted, misread, miscarried among men whose message to the musical man yet mesmerises even as it stands shorn of its sheer sublimity thanks to the rough readings of the times. Meanwhile the message blooms into maturity for future man to absorb its fragrance unto unfamiliar fruition that in depth lies.
12. Alone am I, alone since eternity, incapable of replicating self, for it is the singular Self which has no interactive clone or a variant of itself. This in samadhi (transcendental Self-realisation) becomes clear.
আমরা রাতের পাখি --
অন্ধ নিশায় প্রহর জাগি,
মাঝরাতে করি ডাকাডাকি |
আমরা রাতের পাখি |
14. What is the basis of belief other than belief itself, seeking help from an omnipotent being, a figment of your own imagination, your own creation of a Creator who then must save you from existential danger ever threatening to snuff the life out of you? You are the slave of your own imagination and you are the master of your own destiny if only you choose to cut these binding links of perpetual bondage and affirm boldly your inherent freedom.
15. They wish to veil the woman when She already has veiled Herself. Unveil Her to behold Her face, to see Her in Her bare innocence, the Reality behind the facade.
16. Spirituality is fiery ice, the fire of the Spirit beneath ice-cold body.
17. It takes a lifetime to form one's comprehensive philosophy of life, to found one's own religion, to be one's own God and to be one's own devotee. Such a personal sect, entirely one's own and none else's, based on the findings of the Vedanta, is Swamiji's prescription for peace. The conception of the Ishta (Chosen Deity) is the broader generalisation of this essential individualism of Hindu spiritual practice.
18. জীবদ্দশায় গালাগাল, মরার পর প্রশস্তি, গুণকীর্তণ | এমন দশা করবেন না গৃহে প্রিয়জনের | এটি ঘোর অধর্ম |
19. নিজের অপূর্ণতার জন্য অপরকে দায়ী করবেন না | এতে অধোগতি সুনিশ্চিত |
20. Stand in solidarity with the brave young women of Iran who are risking their lives to resist religious tyranny over them. A revolution is on that is being brutally repressed. Raise your voices in support of the freedom of woman from the oppressive tyranny of religious patriarchy.
21. Who are you to tell a woman how to dress? A woman will dress herself as she pleases. Whether they will wear hijab or not is their choice, not yours to dictate.
22. Resist religious patriarchy. Free women. They are in captive bonds for millenia. Now release them. Stand in solidarity with the brave women of Iran who are rising in revolt against the religious regime's tyranny. Police your own behaviour; do not have to moralise women.
23. Those who laugh at the plight of others are the worst of humans. Stop sending laughter signs by way of response to my posts on #MahsaAmini.
24. You are a liberal if your sympathies are wide. You are a fanatic if your sympathies are deep. You are incomplete either way. You are whole only if you realise yourself to be so with sympathy 'as wide as the sky and as deep as the ocean' as Swami Vivekananda succinctly spelled it out.
25. দীক্ষা নিলেই শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের সাম্রাজ্যে প্রবেশ আর দীক্ষা না নিলেই নয়? ভগবানের এ কোন গণ্ডি বেঁধে দিলেন অজান্তে, পূজ্য মহারাজ?
26. Those who are apologists for the hijab are doing a great disservice to the cause of women's liberation, specifically Muslim women in this context. It is an inexcusable lapse on their part in a day and age when all medieval mores are being discarded as regressive and obsolete.
Bottom, #MahsaAmini, age 22, and top, #HadisNajafi, age 20 -- two young girls brutally murdered by the Iranian police. Sharia does it this way when applied in its pure form. Resist Islamic religious tyranny that suppresses women thus.
What is the point in preaching Vedanta from the pulpit? Go and preach it where it counts. Vedanta preachers, show some mettle. Join in the resistance movement to free the women of Iran from oppressive Islamic dress code, specifically the compulsory hijab. If you preach the divinity of the human being eloquently from the rostrum but fail to protect hundreds of millions of innocent Muslim women from Islamic oppression, in vain is your preaching. It is not an exercise in active piety but an exhibition of sheer cowardice.
#MahsaAmini #HadisNajafi
29. Half of the Muslim population are living in patriarchal chains. Free them to prove that you are men indeed. #MahsaAmini's and #HadisNajafi's death like that of dozens of others who have perished in the Iranian protest for women's rights must not go in vain. Indeed, they cannot and will not. Change is coming.
30. A religion that has no respect for women and reduces them to remaining perennially subservient to men can hardly be expected to ever liberate them. It is patriarchy and misogyny all the way. #MahsaAmini #HadisNajafi
If the roots are good, the shoot is good. But if the roots are rotten, the shoot rots too. Free these fairest flowers of humanity from the despicable despotism of 'divine' dictators.
#MahsaAmini's life was snuffed out by the Iranian morality police just two days before her 23rd birth anniversary. She was brutally beaten up on 18 September, 2022 and died in coma on 21 September, 2022, her birthday on 23 September going empty in her earthly absence. Ironically, she would have turned 23 on 23 September, but, alas, that was not to be. She fell just two days short, a figure frozen for the while in our fragile memory even as she inspires lasting changes in the polity that will serve women well.
32. Is this religion, is this spirituality that thrives on the persecution of women, that makes them reproductive machines, toys of patriarchal pleasure to be used and abused, taken and cast away at will? Is this piety where a divine dictator must be apprehensively appeased to obtain His mercy, His grace unto a rocketing to Paradise and the avoidance of infernal fire?
#MahsaAmini #HadisNajafi
Blame the ideology more than the practice, for it is ideology that breeds the practice and never the other way round. If you wish to obliterate the practice, obliterate first the ideology. Recognise evil as evil and do away with it. Medievalism must not be the master of modernity.
34.Be a rebel and reduce to rubble the bastions of patriarchy, misogyny et al.
#MahsaAmini #HadisNajafi
35. God is not only good, God is evil as well. The dual play of the Divine must be witnessed and comprehended as its complementary aspects.
36. Purity is the precondition to the perception of transcendental truth.
37. In the absence of effort how can performance be? Students are so distracted that they have largely given up daily diligent study.
38. "কেষ্ট মিলিলে কষ্ট করিব |" এই হ'ল আজকের ভাব | গীতা সত্যই 'তাগী'তে পরিণত হয়েছে |
39. Have no regrets. Look ahead. Move on. Learn from experience but stop not. Have faith in yourselves more than in any man or God and move on. Charaiveti (Onward), as the Vedas say.
40. Be rich if you wish and if you can but do not impoverish others in the process. Do not build your dream village by destroying the world at large.
41. Hormones drive biological urges but love transcends such physical limitations. Love in its derived form degenerates into physical longing when in essence it is transcendent in its attractive appeal that stems from the longing of the parts to integrate and become the Whole. Love outlasts physical desire and achieves completion in sublime union which is the core of devotional spirituality. The Bhakti Shastras of the Vaishnavs are replete with references to such ecstatic union when the river immerses itself in the ocean and becomes one with it.
42. Christopher Hitchens was an antitheist. Richard Dawkins is an atheist. Narendra Modi is a theist. What are you?
Darwin was right. Creationists are wrong. Evolution is a fact backed by innumerable pieces of fossilized evidence and interpreted ingeniously by the great English scientific genius. The world was not created 6000 years back, neither were Adam and Eve our original primeval parents. The Bible and the Qur'an are wrong there. The Hindu scriptures count the origin of the universe uncannily close to its modern estimated age as Carl Sagan has aptly pointed out but creation stories abounding there are also myths and not fact. Time to think whether you will keep on teaching creation myths to your children or expose them to the fascinating narrative of natural selection.
44. When in a dream you dream that you are dreaming a dream, what sort of virtual reality is that when life itself is seemingly a dream?
45. Climate change will consume mankind and bring about the Apocalypse unless America wakes up.
46. US foreign policy is a euphemism for its global domination by hook or by crook, all cloaked in such comforting words as democracy, freedom, human rights et al.
47. 'Nuclear War' and 'Climate Change' are going to annihilate us en masse. Raise your voice by way of resistance to continuing bad governmental policy worldwide, especially US policy.
48. Here is our world ship right on the edge of the Niagra Falls and we are partying in denial of the impending catastrophe instead of steering our ship away. Sanity save us!
49. What is God? Supreme sanity.
50. We are all caught in a cultural loop. Rare is the one who goes beyond and embraces the wide world a around, rarer still the one who transcends this phenomenal world of sensory dreams and zeroes in to touch the core, the heart of existence itself.
51. Human love is always conditional whatever the illusions be about it otherwise.
52. What is the proof that you are pure and that your devotions are going correctly? You will be neat and clean in your habits and your work will breathe an air of perfection.
53. Preservation of USA is not the same as preservation of the world. This America must remember.
54. America is Britain reborn. The old repression of the world continues. The white races have harmed the world more than they realise.
55. Individual interest so often preserves the hegemony of great powers to the despair of the world. India's best brains serve America. Alas!
56. The brutality with which the Islamic Republic of Iran is cracking down on its women is a testament to its illegitimacy in civilisational terms.
57. The way innocent women and children are being shot by the Iranian police has put even barbarism to shame.
58. Like hungry wolves the Iranian police are entering houses and hunting down innocent women. Be the voice of Iranian women who are being savagely repressed.
59. Do not just like it. Share it. Spread the message. Be the voice of the voiceless. Here is the Asura which needs Durgadalan. Right now the reverse is happening though. @Mahsa_Amini
ইরানে দেবীদলন হচ্ছে | মা দূর্গারা ওখানে খালি হাতে লড়ছেন আর নৃশংস দানবকুলের হাতে বলি হচ্ছেন | আর আমরা নির্বিকার থাকব? দূর্গাপূজার প্রকৃত অর্থ কি?
61. A religion that represses women is no religion; a regime that represses citizens is no regime. Both need either reformation or a total rout.
62. The white races must be pushed back. They have looted the world for far too long. Now no more. Asia is on the rise. Western dominance will soon be over. Asians who are serving the West, return to your homelands and build them.
63. Compulsory hijab is misogyny.
64. How civilised is it to lash women? How religious is it?
65. If there is a sin on earth, it is cowardice.
66. If to be religious means to fear God, founder and the tenets of scripture, then give up God, founder, scripture and be fearless. Live in freedom devoid of fear.
67. Let God follow you, you who are the creator of the Creator. No heaven to aspire for nor hell to fear. Live free of all fear.
68. Give up cowardice and the sense of helplessness, and you will stand clear of this imaginary God of yours. He will vanish into thin air like morning mist before the rays of the rising sun.
69. Brainwashing, indoctrination, threatening, community pressure, feeding fear and daily ritual emphasis -- these are the perfected modes of preservation of faith that would otherwise falter, fumble and fail.
70. There will be no Day of Judgement, none whatsoever. Who will judge you after all, the God who is our own creation? So, do not worry. Have no fear. Live in good cheer and let others live so as well.
71. Muslim women are suffering everywhere and, yet, these apologists for Islam keep beating their drums in denial. Debate with these degenerates? Despicable deed it will be. How can you argue with ignoramuses?
72. A religion that thrives on terrorising believers and killing non-believers is no religion at all. It is a political creed with a definite agenda of perfidious world domination which will never be. Conversion is the crime it indiscriminately resorts to. There is no spirituality in it.
73. The Sanatan Dharma is the science of the Spirit. All Indian dharma traditions are essentially scientific. Not so Christianity and Islam, though, which are entirely founded on unreasonable faith. And yet they wish to convert Hindus to their fold. Madness!
A person becomes a laughing stock when he upholds Islam as a liberator of women. Islamic doctrine and history tell otherwise. Mahsa Amini and her sisters in death in Islamic Iran under the Sharia tell a gruesome tale of a different kind.
One thing I have seen. Those who have been indoctrinated from infancy with principles of faith will forever abide by it, come what may. No amount of reason will make a dent in their brains which have been thus preconditioned to resist all rationality that points to the contrary of what they deem to be true. However, these are unevolved brains. Those with finer synaptic firing will reform themselves for sure. And their numbers will grow till the critical mass is achieved. Then fanatical faith will fall and its followers will be released from its prison house. #MahsaAmini
76. Saving souls or multiplying numbers? Evangelical Christians, consider your motives. And saving whom from what? God from doom?
77. The secret of good writing is clear, concise expression to facilitate optimal communication. Bertrand Russell wrote this way.
78. শুভ ষষ্ঠী ! সকলকে আমার আন্তরিক শুভেচ্ছা জানাই |
79. শুভ মহাসপ্তমী ! সকলে সুস্থ থাকুন | সকলের আনন্দবর্ধন হ'ক |
80. What is happening today in Iran is what will follow in future in the whole of the Islamic world.
81. শুভ মহাষ্টমী ! এযাবৎ আবহাওয়া ঠিকঠাক | সব ভালয় ভালয় কাটুক |
82. অবতার আসেন, বিনামূল্যে ধর্ম দেন | মাত্র কয়েক প্রজন্ম পর তাঁর বাণী ও চারিত্রপ্রভাব প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক ব্যবসার কাজে লাগে | কত কি বিক্রি হয় ! দান বলে কথা হে, দান বলে কথা !
একদিকে পশু
আর এক দিকে দেবতা -
মাঝখানে মানুষ,
দোটানায় দুলছে |
84. The word of man is deemed the Word of God. This is the folly of religion.
85. With me is time born and with me it ends. Nothing can exist beyond me, be they in precedence or posterity.
86. Be not deluded by US tall talk of freedom, human rights and justice. The greatest violator of this trinity of principles needs but to look at its own history and its foreign relations to sense a civilising sanity.
87. Civilisation is skin-deep. Beneath it is all savagery tracing its roots and shooting still from primeval forests.
88. Ideas make civilisation.
89. সহমর্মিতা - solidarity in spirit - based on the oneness of all life - প্রাণের কেন্দ্রিক ঐক্য |
90. Over 130 dead in Iran now over hijab protest as information filters through clandestine channels amidst internet shutdown. #MahsaAmini
91. The life of an individual is in love and in learning.
92. We are not yet formed; we are forming yet.
93. Truth is bigger than all the religions portray it to be, far vaster than the God they project in their widest stretch of imagination.
94. The ancient universe is eternally modern, updating every moment.
95. How many people who consider themselves spiritual feel that they are the Spirit?
96. নিজের মা ভাল, অন্যের মা নয় - এরা মাতৃভক্ত নয় |
97. মানুষ তার ব্যবহারে তার ঐতিহ্যের পরিচয় বহন করে |
98. To withdraw oneself from the world is to cut off umbilical roots to Maya which is impossible. Krishna proposes detachment to fruits of labour while remaining ever engaged in work as an act of love for the Lord manifest in all. This is the secret of work, the way of right living and the mantra of Maya in its reverse mode en route to liberation.
99. India is gradually drowning in Maya as commercialisation of the country corrodes common culture. Even spiritual houses are falling prey to this predatorial profit-making.
100. জীবন হল সমস্যার সমষ্টি | এর সমাধান ঠাকুর | তাঁর প্রতি পূর্ণ শরণাগতিই উপায় |
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