1. Submission? Submission to whom? Imaginary deity?
2. Marx was a worshipper of the labouring masses but his method of devotion has not worked out well.
3. If the Soviet Union and China had not squabbled over ideological and territorial issues and, so, split apart, the world would have seen a different historical outcome. Western dominance camouflaged as democracy would not have been. But one shudders to think where Marxist materialism would have led the world to as well, into what dungeons of demonic destruction!
4. Convert and destroy culture and country. This seems to be the pernicious, perfidious, proselytising game plan.
5. Those who promote conversion from Hinduism to Islam are working against the interests of our civilisation. And those who defend it are supporters of this perfidious cause of religious perversion. They are doing no less in harming Hindu civilisation by their active or passive support.
6. Hindus, shed your cowardice and come forward to support those who are speaking up in defence of Hinduism against the proselytising attacks of Islam and Christianity. Your cowardice is simply shameful and opposed to your ancestral legacy which was virile and valorous.
7. The mass distribution of Vivekananda literature, the wide dissemination of his ideas and his message to mankind, and the massive study of his works and his life, all these compounded and brought to the door of all and sundry, is the solution to the ills that beset the Hindus and the world at large.
8. The contaminated 'I' is the ego; the cleansed 'I' the Atman. One is the image, the object; the other, the substance, the subject. One is fractured and caught in the dual dream; the other lies integrated beneath the surface stream.
Atman = 1
Ego = [(1¹)¹]¹
10. Living in society is not religion; transcending all such bars is.
11. At the junction where the waking eye meets the dreaming world are revealed transcendental truths.
12. The eye of the 'i' is the 'I'.
13. Great works of art have the greater work of art behind, that of legacy, heritage, the cumulative growth of man, and far greater, that of the Infinite, labouring in love to produce its perfected copy and failing.
14. Each one of you contribute to the rebuilding of our nation. We have to Hinduise our thoughts. There lies national glory. There lies our ancient heritage, our future hope.
15. If you want to be free in this very life, unfailingly read from Swamiji's Complete Works daily. It will not only be a liberating experience, it will liberate you from the transmigratory cycle of bodily birth and death.
16. Remove tamas, quicken rajas and work for the welfare of the country. Who cares if corruption be? Work on nonetheless.
17. It is unworthy of our best brains to go and settle in the West for money, position, honour, whatever it be, while our country as yet can ill-afford such brain-drain. Corruption, lack of sufficient opportunity notwithstanding, our children owe it to their motherland to serve her as best as they can.
18. To be graceful is to be godly even as godliness is grace.
19. Born in India, brought up in India, educated in IIT or IIM in India, then settled in the West for money, position, honour, opportunity, whatever, forgetting one's debt to the motherland.
20. I visited a museum the other day and asked the curator, "Sir, what is that curious thing in that case out there?"
The curator smiled and graciously replied, "Oh, that is our latest addition. It is called 'Thought'."
I asked again, "But why is it in a museum?"
The curator smiled once more and said, "No one would take it. So, we thought we should."
21. Go direct to God. Do not seek profit-making intermediary, individual or organisation to do so. Your very Soul is God. You Yourself are.
22. Spiritual organisations do become corrupt, initially with small deviations from the pristine principles they embody and with passing time with greater and greater aberrations, outright violations of the great Master they represent. Devotees must be discerning enough to check such undesirable trends creeping into a movement by withdrawing such support as allows its free-fall.
23. Patriots don't blame. They simply serve.
24. We have got our lives to sacrifice at the altar of the country's welfare. What care we what we get in return? Beggars seek return, not the brave, nor the perennial patriots who are born but to serve and die game that their motherland may live.
25. Beware of spiritual organisational opulence! It begins on a soft note, then gains tempo, pitch and loudness till it has murdered the Master's message. A second coming of the Master then becomes the spiritual imperative.
26. It is baffling to see how so many well-educated people subscribe to all sorts of religious superstitions. Not only that, they spread the superstition around. Thus religion with all its baggage of medieval ignorance continues even among the, so-to-say, cultured in this age of reason and light.
27. Never forget Thakur's grand utterance 'Money is mud, mud money,' ('টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা |') even if his followers have given it up. The principle still holds independent of organisational adherence. The law remains as valid, although it has been invalidated in practice by those who should have perpetually preserved it.
28. "সমাজটা পচে গেছে," স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন সিস্টার ক্রিস্টীনকে | আজও তাই |
29. Do not go to any spiritual authority to interpret God to you. Seek Him in the chamber of your heart and you will see Him. God speaks to the simple, the innocent and the trusting.
30. Conversion is foolishness. The ignorant convert from a liberal religion to a bigoted one. Their own psychology is what gives birth to their God and they imagine that it is God they have found through their conversion. Pure self-hypnosis!
31. Whenever a Muslim approaches you with conversation on Islam, know for sure that it is what is called Dawah, apparently the spread of information about Islam but really the camouflaged or direct invitation to join the faith. Reject such advances immediately remembering what Krishna says, 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreyah paradharma bhayaavaha.' (It is better to die following one's own religion/nature/disposition but terrible to follow someone else's.)
Ignite the fire of Vivekananda within you and emerge mighty defenders of the Dharma.
Look how ramrod straight he stands, as straight as his character was, as straight his message to mankind.
Apostle of the East, Messenger to the West, the Buddha, Shankara and Ramanuja combined in spiritual steel, Vivekananda stormed the world with his cyclonic message for the resurrection of man unto his divine status. Here was the summation of the sages, the resolution of all the spiritual currents of age-old India, the Messiah of the masses, the harbinger of hope, the light of the world, the dispeller of darkness and doubt, despair and delusion.
Vivekananda stands on the crossroads of history as India's ultimate gift to the world as it gathers itself amidst its cultural chaos, a bewildered conglomerate of conflicting creeds.
33. We have to reclaim our Hindu heritage, we must recover our lost terrain.
34. মানুষ নিজের দারিদ্র নিজের সংস্কারের সাথে টেনে আনে | তাকে রোধ করে কে?
35. The inability to see another person's point of view is the seed of intolerance.
36. Centuries later Vivekananda shall still stand but widely dispersed among diverse institutions with conflicting claims. Then we must turn to the pages of his Complete Works to seek light and understanding of his original intent, unfolding though it may be in the advancing tide of times.
37. Leave Hinduism, you are safe. Leave Christianity, you are safe. Leave Buddhism, you are safe. But leave Islam and you need security.
38. We are the proof of all our predecessors. They live in us as us. We are the frontier of evolving civilisation, the shifting present unto unborn times.
39. Judaism ✡️ and Hinduism 🕉 have one thing in common. Both do not convert the followers of other faiths. But while Judaism is highly exclusive in its monotheism, Hinduism is as wide as the skies, embracing all aspects of religious belief from the grossest to the subtlest, allowing space for all to evolve along their chosen lines of devotion.
40. The enormous workload Swamiji bore in life killed him.
41. Islamisation is a worldwide phenomenon. Europe, Australia, America, Canada, India - all are facing this common threat. Immigration, institutional infiltration, population explosion, Dawah and conversion - these are changing the face of the world.
42. In the world of relativity God is not One but Many. The Hindus and the Greeks got it right. And in the transcendental realm of supreme reality, God has disappeared into That (Tat) which is beyond the One and the Many. Hence, God is never One as the monotheistic religions erroneously claim.
43. The numbering of the verses of the Qur'an has been done in accordance with the numeral system of the the kafir Hindus which the Arabs borrowed and made it their own.
44. Some primary school kids from the Middle East and from Europe came to India to hold classes of PhD students in religion and philosophy. Their school by the rule is still continuing. But they have reduced the children of those supreme spiritual scholars into Montessori kids like they themselves now are.
45. Hindus are necessarily patriots if they are true to their religion. And by Hindus are meant all denominations derived from the Sanatan Dharma or linked to it.
46. Islamisation of the world will enslave humanity. The Vedanta is its antidote, the path to freedom.
47. It is indeed considerate of God to speak to prophets in the very language they speak, clearly a proof that God Himself is multilingual and, of course, moderately merciful too.
48. Does God need an interpreter?
As America approaches another anniversary of 9/11, it is time for her to open what Eleanor Stark has aptly titled her book as, 'The Gift Unopened -- A New American Revolution', Vivekananda's gift of the Vedanta to the West.
50. The body is the bar to bliss.
51. If people kept their religion to themselves and did not go about spreading it with a proselytising zeal, how much happier the world would have been!
52. সকল হিন্দু মুখে বলে থাকেন উচ্চ সত্যধর্ম কিন্তু তাঁদের অধিকাংশই কাজে রাখেন কাপুরুষতার পরিচয় |
Why do people not question faith
When faith is so irrational?
Why must men submit to God
When God is man's creation?
গেল রে গেল কালচার !
ঐ ধর ধর পড়ে গেল |
লোপাট দেশের মাল,
উড়ে গেল, উধাও, পাচার |
55. Monotheism is a mistaken notion of God and Reality.
56. An extracosmic God cannot be the Creator. Creation itself is a misnomer. It is immanence of God that is all there is to phenomena which is manifestation instead.
57. ইতিহাস ভুল করে না; ঐতিহাসিক ভুল করে | বিস্মরণের গর্ভ হতে ইতিহাস রচিত হয়, কার্য-কারণ সম্বন্ধ |
58. From the sea of humanity arises the hope of man, the Avatar of so-called divine descent.
59. Can you hear the footsteps of the future? They break upon the hour along the corridors of Time. Can you not hear?
60. They who seek, seldom do; they who do, seldom seek.
61. In this moment is concealed the history of Time.
62. One moment contains the wholeness of time.
63. The vibrating moment stretches its arms back and forth in perpetual embrace of the past and the future. Such is the Great Presence which appears in error as the drifting present.
64. Confusion will clear. Chaos shall cease. Comprehension will come in a flash one day in a moment of inspired living.
65. Self-denial is not renunciation, self-fulfilment is.
66. Pakistan blasted in the T20 Asia Cup Final by Sri Lanka!
67. The philosopher in his vanity of words thinks that he is the liberated one and that the commoner must be saved from his entrapped existence. Little does he realise that the commoner has already arrived at the Ganga of realisation and does not need the vain direction of one who is still probing his way to the riverside through the meandering maze of his own words. Who is the World Teacher then -- the one of vain words or the one of simple silence?
ক্ষুদ্র মন মহত্ত্বের ভান করে,
নিজেকে গণ্য করে জ্ঞানী |
যাঁকে অজ্ঞ ভেবে জ্ঞানদান করি,
তাঁকেই যদি ইষ্টজ্ঞানে মানি,
তবেই ক্ষুদ্র হয় মহতে পরিণত,
তবেই অজানাকে জানি |
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
69. The different races of the world must be preserved, different cultures conserved without allowing any to infringe on another or all others by way of imposition of totalitarian doctrine. The different races of the world have their distinctive contributions to make to the totality of world culture and to that end they must be protected and preserved. Hundreds of such civilisations have in the past been wiped out by intolerant regimes operating religiopolitically. Now no more. Such barbarism of the past must be done away with and the cream of culture running down the ages like a rushing river down the mountain slopes must be conserved for the future flourishing of humanity in all its beauteous aspects.
Between life and death
Is a hair's breadth.
71. Do not accept the Word of God as the Word of God but know it to be the word of man, and you will have all the peace you need on that count. Accept change, evolve. Let the Word of God come out of its codified caged and evolve as well.
72. Men need not reform religion. They can reform themselves, modernise their thinking and move on.
73. The path is of purity through the impure walks of life. The goal may only be reached thus. Absolute continence contains the Truth in its final and absolute sense, in its core content, in its essence.
Krishna is an illumined man of the highest order in the line of the Rishis, Krishna is God-incarnate in terrestrial form who sported on earth while establishing the Dharma, Krishna is the Supreme Lord of cosmic creation-preservation-destruction who is ever attracting all to their divine destiny and Krishna is the Eternal Principle, the unified essence of the trinity of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. Which Krishna do you subscribe to?
75. Have confidence in your abilities and hope in your future. The glorious future ever beckons you. Respond to it in the right way when the hour arrives.
76. The world must be made better. There is simply no way we may justify such animal violence of man on man. Let men live and live well. We can make it happen if only we choose to. Difficulties will arise but we can ford a river of trouble to arrive at the shore of peace and wellbeing. We surely can and we must.
77. 🕉 Islamic preachers ought to go to China and found institutions of Dawah and conversion. We in India do not need them anymore. We have had enough of Islam for over 1300 years. We are saturated with it. There will be no more progress of Islamic proselytism in India. The Wheel of Dharma is now rolling in reverse gear with Vivekananda's 'renunciation and service' as 'the twin mottoes' of a resurgent India, not in regressive terms but in a spiritual recoil towards the consciousness core. 🕉
Wake up, wake up, slumbering soul!
Now's the hour to reach the goal.
79. The way to peace is to confront the beast. Platitudes won't work.
80. The body limits to grosser boundaries, the mind limits to subtler boundaries but the spirit releases unto limitless freedom.
81. The afterlife, purgatory, heaven, hell, Day of Judgement et al are all material conceptions of Abrahamic religions and are not spiritual ideas at all.
82. There is need for an hour of Self-reflection everyday. In the stillness of solitude dwell upon your essential Self. Study the 'Jnana Yoga' of Swamiji in that blessed hour when all have retired and you are awake to your Real Self.
83. Boundless superstition goes by the name of spirituality. Humanity is millenia away as yet from being truly spiritual. Read Swamiji's 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?' and discover for yourself the truth of the above affirmation.
84. They want to suffer martyrdom on earth to enjoy eternally in heaven the choicest pleasures that perversion can perceive. Is this spirituality?
85. How about proving the existence of the Abrahamic afterlife, heaven, hell, angels, the Day of Judgement et al before expecting any to disprove these puerile concepts?
86. The Sanatan Dharma is on the roll. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda have raised a tsunami of spirituality that will transform the spiritual landscape of the future world.
87. Cowards cannot be devotees of Swamiji despite their pious pretensions to the contrary. Swamiji hated cowardice. So did his brilliant disciple, Nivedita (formerly Margaret Elizabeth Noble).
88. If as an adolescent you were not an avid reader of books, it is unlikely that you will get beyond the act of merely commenting on the photograph appending a post and, so, neglecting the message pertaining to it.
89. Encourage your child to read story books. It is a vital component of education.
90. Expand your understanding of a post to include its comprehensive import. Do not partition it to your preference or predilection.
91. বাচ্চাদের গল্পের বই পড়তে উৎসাহিত করুন | সুশিক্ষার অত্যাবশ্যক অংশ এটি |
92. Whether the weather clears or not, we will weather it. This must be our firm resolve.
93. Give up fear. Confront evil. Defeat it by your concerted action. Courage of conviction needs to show up in terms of active opposition to intolerant ideology that threatens world peace.
94. Worldliness is being preached in the name of religion, and now often in the name of its sibling, spirituality. Real spirituality, though, is no kin to such materialism.
95. How is religious peace possible in a world where people are palpably insincere in their addressing of core corrosive doctrines that are patently antihuman?
96. Why apologise on behalf of irrational religious doctrines? Reject them outright and proclaim real peace instead of a pretentious one.
97. The extremists of this religion of peace are truthful about its core content. The moderates make up lies and obfuscate truth. The question then arises -- 'Are all of the moderates moderates after all or are quite a few of them extremists in disguise with a more sinister motive impelling them unto such a camouflage?'
98. Man-made law is higher than God-made law. The former is flexible, adjustable, amendable while the latter is archaic, dated and fixed. The former evolves with the times while the latter rots in time owing to its intransigence. A last word. Remember, even God-made law is man-made after all. Shed superstition and see the writing on the wall.
Even God-made laws
Are man-made after all.
Shed superstition;
See the writing on the wall.
100. A few valiant souls chart out history. Cowards en masse are conquered by them who then follow like foolish sheep unto whichever course their leaders take. Loyalty to the strong is no sign of manhood. To rebel against tyranny spells it out well. So, how do you propose to bear it out?
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