Saturday, 3 September 2022



Religions of the world will continue to hold humanity in superstition and ignorance for a while more as masses of men come into bare education from their erstwhile status of complete illeracy. As such, religion will alter stance and preach archaic assumptions using dubious logic that cannot stand the test of true reason. Curiously enough, God takes a test of His devotees on earth without sitting for a test Himself to prove either His existence or the veracity of His statements, commandments, call them what you will. The consequences are conspicuous as well. Roguery is on the rise as men become more devout, the Devil causing havoc with humanity's fate as He alone can. This Abrahamic concept is indeed the most charming of the lot. And the Devil is apparently quite good at His work too.

With proliferating population, increased conversion to doctrinaire dictates, the world is becoming, what the pious claim, a more peaceful place till its complete conversion will see absolute peace, the peace of total submission and silence. Meanwhile, violence rises as the peaceful ones wage war on the demons of democracy.

The clash of civilisations is on. Huntington was right. Much maligned for his revolutionary theory that went against the stated position of many an academic, the former Harvard professor with a vengeance is being proved right by the hour. 

American political dominance in the Middle East has made it the focus of the fanatic's ire and the entire West is reaping the harvest of what it has sown in earlier decades when unilaterally it did what it did to subjugate lesser powers. Now with oil providing fuel for anger, the oppressed ones are firing their fusillade all over the world, hitting civilians at random and with targeted precision, as the situation demands in their view. The colonisation and the conquest are over. Now the earlier misdeeds are bearing fruition. And yet neocolonisation goes on.

Complex situation it is, perplexing problem for an easy solution as tension mounts with more and more recruits to the theologically violent cause, a movement gaining momentum with masses of men being initiated into its fold in Africa, Asia and Europe who are culturally not refined enough to see through and reject the dubious and deceptive doctrine of this extreme system of faith that calls for the exclusion of all else from its sympathies. Greater evolution, upgradation of education and protracted historical experience will undo this peaceful system of thought as revolution breaks out from within its fold to either destroy it or render it redundant. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Bertrand Russell 

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