Saturday 3 September 2022



Strange coincidence! Bobby Fischer was arguably the greatest-ever player of chess, the game of 64 squares. And he died at age 64 and in the same city of Reykjavik where he had shot to legendary fame. Mikhail Gorbachev ended the Cold War, liberated Europe from the shackles of communism and was ousted from power in 1991. And he died on 30 August, 2022 at age 91. One more feature. Fischer and Gorbachev were both born in the month of March, Fischer on 9 March, 1943 and Gorbachev on 2 March, 1931. And both were pathfinders, gamechangers, epochmakers, sacrificial lambs at the altar of freedom. Gorbachev was a Russian and Fischer had strong Russian connection, both by birth-link and by that of his explosive career.

Written by Sugata Bose

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