Friday 9 September 2022



God cannot exist outside of my consciousness. Hence, He is limited by it and, consequently, less than me. And even if you argue that He is in the superconscious state, I will say that it is my superconscious, Me the superconscious, and as such it is not He but Me. In no way, thus, is God independent of me, however much devotees may attribute omnipotence unto Him.

The individual and the universal are inextricably bound in a holy wedlock which none can break. The bond is indissoluble, the separation fictitious, the identity ever-abiding. This Abrahamic concept of an extracosmic God dispensing rewards and punishments on the basis of the works of a single earthly life is so much superstitious misreading of the existential truth. The Sanatan Dharma goes deep, deeper, deepest into the truth till the perfect symmetry is reached, the union of forces arrived at and the identity of entities that are diverse and dispersed is attained in an equilibrium that is real and has never been broken save in this hallucination of fractured dreams we call Maya or primeval ignorance.

Written by Sugata Bose

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