Monday, 12 September 2022



Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : They surely can be. But the Sanatan Dharma is like science which men follow without formal ritualistic conversion necessary as such. It is the science of the Spirit, its principles the eternal spiritual laws governing the universe in all its realms and the discoverers of these laws the spiritual scientists who are called Rishis on account of theirs being the seers of transcendental Truth and the mantras which phenomenally formulate it. Read Swamiji's interview titled 'On the Bounds of Hinduism' and you will have known his thoughts on the matter of reacceptance of these perverts from Hinduism back to the fold.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : This remarkable woman (Ayaan Hirsi Ali) is exhibiting what is called 'courage of conviction'. Generations hence she will be hailed as one oc those who dared to stand up to tyranny and help defeat its malicious ends.

Sugata Bose @Dwaipayan Rhon Pande : Masculine man, feminine woman, each classically, characteristically strong. Manhood and womanhood are complementary aspects of the human personality that in summation make the integral being complete. Each shorn of his or her natural attributes becomes degenerated into a less than wholesome personality. Man and woman both contain within themselves the dual features of manhood and womanhood, one expressed and the other underlying. It is when these traits undergo a somersault owing to social conditioning, education of the wrong sort and plain pandering weakness that the decadence sets in. Identity loss thus would make the deer the lioness and the lioness the deer which would hardly be deemed welcome in the animal kingdom. That it is, nonetheless, happening in the human world of cultural refinement and elevated education is a pertinent fact and humanity in such sections, where it is increasingly becoming evident, is grappling with the changing scenario or failing to do so or simply welcoming it as yet another evolutionary advance of sorts. Where such effeminacy on the part of men and loss of womanliness on the part of women is weakening the race, there it is a matter of some concern. Such observations as I have made here need not meet with commonplace surface reaction patently lacking in discernment and depth. Greater discretion needs to be there in order to apprehend the import of my posts.

Sugata Bose @Swami Nikhileshwarananda : Very important engagement in light of the fact that the polity of Bangladesh needs liberalisation amidst rising sectarian violence there. The message of Swamiji can work wonders and, indeed, it will if preached with care and fire both. Swamiji lies in wait yet in the whole subcontinent that in fratricidal feud is tormenting itself. These dewdrops, insignificant as they may seem to be, will nourish the growing sapling of life and help effloresce the fairest flowers of humanity who will yet usher in the promised golden age of the divine man. To that end I send my good wishes this day. Your words will bloom forth flora that sleep in the early hours before dawn breaks.

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : No quite. One is on my profile wall, the other on my page. They have a different audience, you being common to both, though. Thank you for your perceptive presence in both.

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : Sorry, Sujoy, you were right. I have just now detected the doubling error but have let the post stand. Seems to have been caused by a temporary lapse in internet connection whereupon I must have clicked the 'Post' button twice to ensure the printing of the post. Hence, the inadvertent doubling lapse on my part.

Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : উনি একথা বলেন না সরাসরি কিন্তু প্রকারান্তরে তাই দাঁড়ায় যখন বলেন, "আপনার দীক্ষা হয়েছে?"

"হ্যাঁ মহারাজ, হয়েছে | স্বামী ...ানন্দ আমার গুরুদেব |"

"একবার যখন রামকৃষ্ণ সাম্রাজ্যে প্রবেশ করে ফেলেছেন তখন আসতে আসতে সব জানতে পারবেন |"

অশীতিপর প্রবীণ পূজ্যপাদ মহারাজের নামটা বললাম না সঙ্গত কারণেই | এমনিতে উনি একজন বিদগ্ধ মানুষ | এই রামকৃষ্ণ সাম্রাজ্যসূচক বিশেষ বাক্যটি স্বভাবতঃ বলে থাকেন |

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Imam Tawhidi is an apologist for Islam, a believer in doctrinaire Islam and merely pretends rationality. His convoluted reasoning about prophetic infallibility is archaic and erroneous much like most of what Abrahamic cults are all about.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : There is nothing called voluntary hijab. It is a religiocultural compulsion always. Those who say it is an optional practice need to check the hard realities of Islamic states where the Sharia in its pristine purity rules.

Sugata Bose @YouTube - agadmator's Chess Channel : The correct pronunciation is PRAGYAANANDA. The letter N is for nasal stress. PRAGYAA means 'spiritual wisdom' and ANANDA, technically ANAND, means 'bliss'. The spelling PRAGGNANANDHAA is a personal choice but it is grammatically incorrect as there is no such word in the Sanskrit lexicon. You were correctly advised about the required rectification but have thereafter again been misled into mispronouncing. Kindly see Wikipedia and come to terms in case you cannot repose faith in what I say from my knowledge of our ancient Mother Language, Sanskrit.

Sugata Bose @Asok Ray 'Note the Devil doth cite the scripture for his purpose.' -- The Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare) However, you are to behold man as God and not as the Devil when your own perception about human identity is so flawed. I am inclined to thinking that you are mistaking me for someone else for whom you harbour a deal of antipathy. If so, I will be happily redeemed of this titular epithet, a misnomer which I believe I scarce deserve. Kindly be more judicious before plunging in deep waters and coming to avoidable grief.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh : Please do not feel any sense of awe on account of these empty threats that you are receiving. Carry on with courage of conviction in whatever enterprise you are engaged in. Sincerity must prevail. If you are unselfish in your motivations, not a hair of your head will be touched by any. Purity of purpose must prevail. There are millions who are behind you.

Sugata Bose @Lipi Ghosh : Sri Sarada Devi. But I did not include her because being inseparable from her divine husband, Lord and Master, Sri Ramakrishna, I thought that her inclusion in Sri Ramakrishna's was implicit. Moreover, in a traditionally patriarchal society dating millenia it was but natural that influence on society should be majorly from men of seminal attributes which would relegate women even of exceptional merit to peripheral impact on the same. Thus has Meera Bai been left out because Chaitanya Mahaprabhu suffices for the Bhakti Movement and to far greater overall and sustaining impact. This is ever the predicament one faces in short-listing the greatest contributors to society and obviously such a list always suffers from shortcomings as you have quite rightly pointed out.

Sugata Bose @Saswat Panigrahi : Absolutely right. But, you see, we have the compulsion of western democracy imposed on us which deems the right to choose one's faith/religion fundamental to its discourse. Hence, Modi's hands are tied in Constitutional terms. Unless there are specific amendments made to facilitate the so-called Anti-Conversion Law, the status quo with all its consequential effects will continue and we will continue to lose in numbers.

Sugata Bose @Anal Hajra : This was a spotlessly pure man who has been maligned with marriage, progeny et al. But a lie cannot subsist for long. Truth must prevail.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : The 'share option' must be provided to facilitate wider communication and response thereof. This is an open letter. So, through allowance of the 'share option' let it be thrown open to the widest possible audience for their views on the matter. After all the Prime Minister is the people's representative and as such the people ought to have a say in this regard which is being hindered through curtailment of viewership thus.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Give the 'share option' for wider circulation of your posts to this effect. No point preaching to people who already subscribe to your view. Contrary opinion will draw current and enliven proceedings to positive effect in so far as the surfacing of truth is concerned. Wish to post all these posts on the pages of my concerned groups to stir up public awareness to whichever effect. That will be the decision of the readers. May truth prevail!

Sugata Bose @Manjushri Paul : Yes, but Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and not Subhash.

Sugata Bose @Manjushri Paul : I am more aware of details than perhaps you are aware. And these are not merely my perceptions, although doubts may always creep in periodically because the facts are so fuzzy, but are the considered views of a host of dedicated researchers on the subject who know more than you or I.

Sugata Bose @Manjushri Paul : You are a distant relative. But there are close kith and kin of the Bose family, integral members of the inner clan, who refuse to subscribe to the marriage-progeny theory which to them is a blasphemous fabrication done to malign Netaji's spotlessly pure celibate reputation.

Sugata Bose @Manjushri Paul : Fair enough but there are contrary accounts, documentary evidence to the contrary, contrary arguments and explanations which seem to suggest that Netaji was celibate throughout. Let me however clarify that I am merely presenting the contrarian view and not being dogmatic about any assertion. You may delve deeper into the subject and come to your own conclusions unless of course you deem it unnecessary as the issue having been indubitably settled already in favour of Netaji's romantic alliance and paternity thereof.

Sugata Bose @Manjushri Paul : That is true and I am in sync with your sentiment. However, may truth surface despite insurmountable odds that obstruct the way! Hope does not die, though. If Netaji was indeed celibate the way it is claimed, his place in our spiritual history will go up far higher than otherwise, should it be established that he did after all succumb to basic human needs and did enter into a love-bond with its consequential effect. In the latter case he will remain as a political hero of epic proportions, a patriot par excellence but will fall from the spiritual grace that has been ascribed to him by devotees thus far. Whichever way, may truth prevail!

Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : No such certificate is there to establish that a legal marriage had taken place.

Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : Have I said in the post that Netaji had married or have I made my intent clear to the contrary? Read well the post again.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : You are doing a seminal service to our motherland of inestimable virtues and incomprehensible contribution to the civilising of humanity through millenia. Continue in this bold venture and we are all with you in solidarity for the cause. Vande Mataram!

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : And yet conversion continues, it being primary policy of proselytising religions.

Sugata Bose @Manoshi Sinha Oblivious of self-heritage, brainwashed, culturally perverted people will speak like this. So, what of it? The medicine is working alright and that should encourage you to unearth more critical stuff that exposes historical heresies and sets right the imbalance of narrative presented thus far. For every such disgusting detractor there are supporters legion for the cause you espouse, the resurrection of our motherland from beneath the rubble of roguish distortion of her story, thd subversion of her flowing culture and the imposition of alien monstrosity masquerading as saving grace for our masses. I refuse to entertain the accommodating attitude of our erstwhile scholars and historians that there was positive contribution to our culture from alien invasive forces, myself reserving the opinion that through the sinusoidal wave train of India's historical flow Islamic invasion has like European colonisation done massive and seemingly irreparable damage to her flourishing civilisation. And we are bearing the residual and even growing impact of it yet as these carping antinational comments amply exemplify. Keep at your job and you have millions like myself backing you. Remember, you may be a drop but there is the whole ocean holding you. Vande Mataram!

Sugata Bose @Shyamacharan Pandey : I do not belong to Netaji's family. You are mistaken about my identity from my bearing the name that I do bear.

Sugata Bose @Kunal Bose [YouTube] : Dr. Jayanta Choudhury's love for Netaji is infectious. So is Amlan Kumar Ghosh's devotion. But Chandrachur Ghosh evidently lacks enough reverence for Netaji-Bhagavanji and the same applies to the moderator Kunal Bose. Moreover, Chandrachur Ghosh exudes extreme egotism which is apparent on his face and in his manner of speaking. The same applies to Kunal Bose. Clearly, this young brigade is attempting one upmanship on these veterans and failing miserably at it. Dr. Jayanta Choudhury's composure, calm assuredness and ammunition of facts and figures outmatches these relatively new entrants to the field of Netaji research. His bright, shining face bespeaks his boundless love for Netaji as if the leader has permeated his being through and through. Chandrachur Ghosh is a miserable match in this regard and as always is an assiduous avoider of a direct verbal conflict with this ardent researcher of formidable fame lest he be precipitated in an unseemly fashion by the latter.

P.S. The moment Dr. Jayanta Choudhury says that a declassified Central Government file indicates that Emilie-Anita is false, Chandrachur Ghosh out of nervousness bites his nails. A classic case of psychophysical behavioural exposure! This puts to shame the honesty and integrity of researchers who wilfully for whatever reason(s) present erroneous information before the public which sullies Netaji's unblemished character with carnal connection.

Sugata Bose @Kunal Bose [YouTube] : The initial beating sound of the video is extremely unpleasant and totally inharmonious, simply an unnecessary unaesthetic tool attempting to trigger a sensenational audience experience which, however, completely backfires.

Sugata Bose @Sunit Gupta : Well made but the glaring factual inaccuracy of unconfirmed death of Bhagavanji on 16 September, 1985 was shown which is highly objectionable. [Ref. Srijit Mukherjee's film 'Gumnami']

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : Read 'Oi Mahamanaba Ase ' and 'Mahakaal Kathan' published by Jayasree Prakashan. Go and see the film first and help in the cause of propagating the truth about Netaji post-disappearance. Dive deep into the mystery that is seemingly unfathomable but will shed light on itself if you with reverence persist at it. Truth will dawn on you if you study the subject with an unbiased and dispassionate mind. If you truly respect Netaji, you will do so instead of casting undue aspersions on those who have dedicated a lifetime in Netaji research. Their labour of love does not deserve such ungrateful disparaging as some unseemly critics are prone to engaging in. Netaji was a gentleman and let us all be gentlemanly as well, especially when we supposedly are his ardent admirers, followers, devotees, as the case may be.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : আন্তরিক শ্রদ্ধাজ্ঞাপন, যেমন বুঝেছেন পরিচালক অম্লান কুসুম ঘোষ, যেমন পেরেছেন সেইমত | তাঁর (নেতাজী-ভগবনজী) অপার চারিত্রমাহাত্ম্য কি আর ছায়াছবির পর্দায় ধরা যায়? তবু সাধ্যমত চেষ্টা করেছেন পরিচালক মহাশয় | আমাদের মহাভাগ্য যে তাঁর অজ্ঞাতবাসকাহিনী দেখতে পেলাম | নোংরামি নয়, শ্রদ্ধানিবেদন, আন্তরিক, অপার |

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : বোঝা গেল আপনার মন্তব্যের মর্মার্থ | অম্লান কুসুম ঘোষ মহাশয়ই এর সদুত্তর দিতে সক্ষম | তথ্য ওঁর কাছে সম্ভবত আছে যার ভিত্তিতে উনি সংলাপ উপস্থাপনা করেছেন | আপনি কেননা সরাসূরী ওঁকেই জিজ্ঞাসা করেন এ বিষয়ে? তবে ছবিটা একবার দেখে আসুন | নেতাজী অন্র্ধান বিষয়ে গণচেতনা উন্নয়নের ও সম্প্রসারণক্ষেত্রে সহায়তা করুন | আপনি তো একজন যথার্থ নেতাজী অনুরাগী |

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : I am a little baffled by your conflating Netaji's pre-disappearance remarks and statements with his post-disappearance ones when Bhagavanji has categorically stated that he had undergone a thorough metamorphosis of personality and perception. His latter views form the basis of the film's dialogues and not his former ones as Netaji. You must admit the evolutionary flow before you proceed to place your arguments.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : Please write but in civilised language so that people do not suspect your intentions as you are unduly suspecting mine. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you!

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : Be positive. That is the way to building the nation, not by denigrating fellow countrymen.

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : Continue the conversation please. Let others join in as well. That will conduce to awakening awareness about the larger good of the nation.

Sugata Bose @Kajal Das : You are right. The 'My foot' comment and gesture was rather disrespectful, incongruous and entirely uncalled for. Your other observations also deserve due reflection.

Sugata Bose @Anal Hajra : And this must be remembered by all, including the ones who object to such use. They in turn ought not to deliberately or inadvertently resort to a like use. Character must be exhibited by all such who are votaries of Netaji this way or that. One sees a lot of tall talk in his name by people who have vested interests and tend to propagate Netaji to serve self-interest. And it is these ones who are usually the carping critics of those who have laboured lifelong to unravel the Netaji disappearance mystery, lived arduous lives full of self-sacrifice and service, men and women of exemplary character and attributes who have devoted themselves to the venerable monk living incognito. It is easy to criticise these -- for words count for nothing and come easy to little men -- but difficult to approach the standards of moral excellence of these renunciates in the great cause of Subhas Chandra Bose-Netaji-Bhagavanji-Mahakaal. Hence, those that object most to the propagation of the disappearance narrative are the ones most culpable to the very offence they accuse these dedicated devotees of Netaji-Bhagavanji. Would it were that they were a fraction as devoted to him as the ones they criticise! Self-promotion need not assume the role of being the conscience of society as well, for the two are contradisposed and cannot coexist beyond verbal pretence.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : You lack basic civility in speech. How shall I converse with you? And you are too egocentric and opinionated about others, irrational to the point of passing comment about others' knowledge without knowing them well enough. This is unfortunate.

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : What are you saying? Divine attributes form the warf and woof of spiritual life. We are not talking of siddhis or 'miraculous'/psychic powers.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : You should be ashamed of the way you are speaking while apparently espousing the cause of Netaji. This is most uncharacteristic of a follower/devotee/admirer of Netaji which puts your devotion under strong suspicion. Under no circumstance did Netaji disrespectfully speak about anybody as you in upholding his honour are doing and this is resulting in the shaming of the hero rather than honouring him. Please desist from pulling fellow countrymen down. Such meanness cannot do our motherland much good. Jealousy, envy and mutual hatred are the mother of all vices and must be avoided at all cost. Instead cultivate mutual respect, love for the country and its citizens, its culture and civilisation, and above all its integration which owing to such persistent internal squabbles is going to ruins. Be polite to others as a well-educated person which you claim to be ought to be. May Netaji-Bhagavanji grace you with greater civility and magnanimity of spirit is my earnest prayer for you!

Sugata Bose @'Jayasree' the Voice of Netaji Since 1931 : 'Atmotsarga' and not 'Attotsarga' would be the correct spelling in both linguistic and phonetic terms.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : Read all the books published on Mahakal by Jayasree and by Dr. Madhusudan Pal, and you will get your proof. Do not expect others to do the hard work for you. Be diligent and find out. Amlan Kusum Ghosh has due reasons for sure, due facts on the basis of which he has portrayed the character of Bhagavanji as he has. Your vilification of others and calling names is not going to help matters. Rather it will confound you more in this regard and shroud your consciousness. May good sense prevail and a bit of civility attend your discourse which thus far has failed to reach the mark!

P.S. One more thing. You are rather fixated on Hindu Rashtra in regard to the film and seem to ignore the great service that the filmmaker has done in bringing to the fore on celluloid so many features and facts regarding Bhagavanji which will lead to greater public awareness about Netaji and his whereabouts post-disappearance. Strange seems this fixation but understandable it is if one remembers that fault-finding is one of the most common human predicaments and pastimes. Get over it and enjoy the film. Congratulate the filmmaker. Support the cause as you ought to as an avowed admirer of Netaji. Finally, you cannot justify your right to even discreetly foul-mouth anyone without exposing your own intentions and nature, and you are doing much more than that. Desist. Restrain yourself. Be civil. It will give you the peace which you evidently lack which in turn is prompting you to act in the manner that you are doing. May all those who you are choosing to unduly offend by calling names and by castigating forgive you!

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Dr. Jayanta Choudhury must not digress from the question asked of him and spray about copious data without focusing on the answer direct, concisely, succinctly and with precision. Roundabout answers amidst heaps of data and copious adjectives do not help. A straight question deserves a straight answer as the scientific process of dialogue demands.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Dr. Jayanta Choudhury must learn to address a question direct and not digress. He seems to follow the train of his own thinking and keeps speaking as he likes rather than coming straight to answering the question that has been asked. This is a trifle exasperating. Dr. Choudhury's knowledge is vast but his editing of information while speaking poor. This must change if induction of clarity of conception in the audience holds any value for him.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Dummy, not dammy. Correct your pronunciation please. Perfection is needed in everything connected to the person who was perfection personified indeed. (Ref. Netaji)

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Dresden/The Great Bengal Famine of 1943 crimes in favour of humanity?

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Ordinary people are unconcerned unintelligent cowards. They do not feel for Netaji despite their pious pretensions to the contrary. Thus, rogues rule their imagination and feed in them false narratives regarding his supposed death, marriage and paternity. And the intelligentsia are spineless crooks who are least bothered about the establishment of Netaji's much tarnished reputation thanks to familial and governmental collusion that has brought it about. So, the fake narratives continue with official and familial sanction.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : Self-conceit is the professed sign of ignorance and the explicit indication of one's inner hollowness.

Sugata Bose @Abhisek Metya : Personal questions are neither to be asked publicly nor answered therein.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh [YouTube] : Do not destroy the inimitable beauty of an audiovisual presentation by your esteemed self by mediocre rendition of a song either at the outset or at the end of it. It makes for a jarring sonic effect instead of a harmonic one as in essence intended by you. Hence, desist from such dilution of reverential effect otherwise achievable. Kindly remember that your narration is toned to perfection and quite naturally so because of your genuine involvement with the subject that is under discussion. A second voice becomes one too many that disturbs the original sonorous effect produced. Kindly refrain from such secondary or supplementary introduction.

Sugata Bose @Sudipchandra Raha : These are words which bespeak a universal truth. And why make such a distinction between you and me when we both are phenomenal representations, varying manifestations in name and form of the same formless, attributeless Absolute Reality? Are you not a student of Swami Vivekananda? Then why for heaven's sake do you make such puny distinctions when you and I and all others are but waves on the boundless ocean of existence? Why such constriction, such a divisive mentality where such animosity abounds for fellow beings, such desperation to hold aloft your perishable, ever-perishing changing identity? Who are you fighting, shadow-boxing against whom? Consider, gather your wits, concentrate, reflect and realise the import of my statements and questions posed. Then abide in peace. 🕉 Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! May Ramakrishna be your repose in learning, light and love!

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh [YouTube] : Please do not spoil the presentations with these poor musical renditions. Your audiovisual presentations are harmonic experiences themselves that do not require such preludes, interludes or conclusions. Music unless of the highest quality is more jarring to the connoisseur than an experience in sublimity. Unless a singer is well-grounded, well-groomed in classical music, his of her sense of aesthetics, melody and beat aren't developed enough to please the trained ear. Unfortunately, the commoner cannot understand these nuances. Hence, this persistent mediocrity in audiovisual presentation.

Sugata Bose @ABP Discussion on YouTube on the film 'Gumnami' : Prof. Sugata Bose is digressing unduly and is getting so flustered when countered. He evidently is completely undone in his arguments by director Srijit Mukherjee.

Prof. Sugata Bose is merely emotionalising the issue without rationally refuting the Gumnami Baba theory. Emotion cannot be regarded as evidence. Hence, his statements are merely a waste of time and footage in this regard.

One more thing. Why is Prof. Sugata Bose vilifying his co-panellists unnecessarily instead of sticking to rational arguments to prove his point? Personal attack launched by him clearly undermines his case.

N.B. Netaji neither married nor did he have any progeny. He was a celibate all his life. So, stop spreading misinformation.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Nobody speaks the truth. Those that do are either hushed up or ignored. You, Suvadeep Sen, are doing a great work, that of highlighting historical heresies daily and enlightening the lay public who have thus far been laid low by false propaganda, deliberate denial and delightful dishing out of fanciful peaceful stories of interfaith harmony where the reality has been and is quite otherwise. 

One can never harmonise on a one-sided basis. Mutual harmony is impossible as a proselytising violent cult born out of the desert sand of desire cannot be compatible with the sublimely spiritual Sanatan Dharma.

Sindh has suffered a thirteen hundred year slavery and continues to do so. Yet, we are oblivious of its historical pain and are blissfully basking in fanciful glory while daily we are yet being reduced to ruins wherever demographic changes strengthen the population of this perfidious cult that has been responsible for the erstwhile subversion of our civilisation and culture and has precipitated Partition with all its horrors. Sindh paid the first price, then others followed, and the train continues.

It is an ideological war that has to be won. Mere sporadic skirmishes will be of no permanent avail. Hindus must be taught the truth of their past, how they have been enslaved and brutalised for over a millennium and how misrepresented their history has been to them. Then will consciousness come; then will awareness arise; then will the bull be taken by its horns and shown the shed where it belongs. To that end Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul has done us a seminal service and to that end your humble efforts are duly directed as well. 

May the Goddess of India's destiny bless you! May all strength attend you and yours so that the work of the motherland's regeneration continues with ever-increasing vigour!

Sugata Bose @Shyamacharan Pandey : What is your view of Bhagavanji, the monk who incognito lived for over two decades in Uttar Pradesh?

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Good video but poor presentation. The pronunciation of English of the presenter must radically be altered, not merely cosmetically improved. Such a seminal revolutionary as Rash Behari Bose deserves a better deal in this regard. The author would be all too willing to render any assistance in this regard for present training of personnel in diction, and for future ventures, God willing.

Sugata Bose @Shyamacharan Pandey : This is only one view, albeit one in accusation, a charge unsubstantiated. But there are devoted followers of Bhagavanji who you have not met or known who vouch otherwise and testify to their conviction that Bhagavanji was Netaji in his evolved personality as a Dashanami monk of a very exalted order. Kindly contact these venerable followers of Bhagavanji and you will come to an altered understanding of thd whole affair. There are videos galore on Bhagavanji on YouTube which could be of help as well in your assessment.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [INA Captain Abbas Ali] : Let us learn lessons from this venerable freedom fighter instead of pretending patriotism in a gala display of words and dramatised emotional effusion. The politicians, prevailing and failed, both need to take a look at this old man's reminiscence of our Netaji and come to terms with their overt hypocrisy in the name of patriotism. Thank God Mother India had then given birth to such heroes instead of the current cowards who rule and rue when they cannot rule. Else, our colonial chains would have adorned our enslaved bodies yet.

Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : Indeed! What desperation to drown the truth!

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Thank you. Now I know for sure that the news on the net is authentic.

Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : The litigants will be in great distress regarding this, not knowing how to muster courage enough to counter it. So, in all probability they will either seek the easy way out by ignoring it or pretending to be unaware of its existence or seeking some convoluted way of explaining it as founded unwittingly on misinformation received by the RSS Chief, the latter course rather unlikely, though. I have merely conjectured. Let them answer the query themselves.

Sugata Bose @Sanjay Choudhry Why are you speculating without sufficient study of the works related to Bhagavanji? Read in-depth and then come to speculative assertions like this. People like Bijoy Nag, Leela Roy, Pabitramohan Roy, Sunil Das, Sunilkrishna Gupta, Dulal Nandi, Santosh Kumar Bhattacharya and other venerable souls have been and were not speculating idly about the identity of Bhagavanji. Read their testimony before arriving at uninformed conclusions about what others are saying. It seems it is field day for people like you to pass judgement on others.

N.B. By the way, what many call certain other Netaji-related issues as truth, perhaps is also speculation. For instance, the narratives of Netaji's marriage-progeny and great escape. Have you found any documentary evidence to prove these? Check the birth certificate of progeny and locate the name of the father. Check out for the marriage certificate. Give us the document that proves that Netaji was escorted and driven by the concerned person the way it has been described as late as 1973 in the relevant book. There are so many discrepancies regarding the same. Where are the incontrovertible documentary evidences to validate the episodes/events? How easy to call marriage-progeny a truth and not speculation while reducing assertions of people mentioned above as speculation and not truth! If, indeed, they are speculation, so are the marriage-progeny and escape theories and nothing more.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh : We are with you, Amlan Babu, through thick and thin, and are not going to desert you midstream. If only people could combine, the forces of the dark could have been defeated more easily. Alas, in this manifested whirlpool of Maya we call the world of man-vibration, that is not to be and the forces of the light are ever under oppressive offence which is why our brave revolutionaries had to pay such a heavy price for freedom and yet could win but a truncated motherland, mutilated and murdered in body and spirit. The perfidious forces were then there and operate with impunity even today even as they contrive to punish patriotic souls like you. We are still paying the unpaid price of freedom as was foretold by Netaji and those who go verbose declaring how Netaji called all his countrymen his relatives have gone berserk and are betraying such promise to sue selfless souls like you. The film will receive a fillip in the bargain, let us hope, and the filing of case against you backfire. For that one has to await hearing and judgement. Meanwhile, one can only feel ashamed of such ones who harbour animosity against the likes of you and utilise democratic rights to attempt to disrupt the very right of a filmmaker to portray on celluloid the version of Netaji's life post-disappearance he has deemed best after having conducted due diligent research on the same. The matter being subjudice one may not mention more than that people should read more, reflect more and realise more instead of reacting violently against each other, especially when we are in the formative stage of our nation-building. May unity prevail among the forces of good! May national integration in consequence strengthen us as a people! May peace reign in our hearts! May Thakur-Ma, the unified spiritual essence of your life, protect you and lead you along the royal avenue of truth and light!

Sugata Bose @Adv Prem Shankar : Appeal to the director Amlan Kusum Ghosh and exhort him to make provision for the staging of the film at your desired location. After all the film must be made available for all yo view. Also, help in its propagation in your own way.

Sugata Bose @Kapil Gupta : Hopefully sometime in the future this national need will be met with the required cinematic adjustments of narration/dubbing etc. One sincerely hopes the director Amlan Kusum Ghosh will heed this public demand. Meanwhile, raise awareness about the film in your own way on social media and through your personal interactions in your daily social intercourse.

Sugata Bose @Souvik Konar : Do not be yourself confused about my identity. Carefully study my profile, the details therein and come to your own conclusions. Before you warn others about possible deception, do not be deluded yourself through careless observation. With such surface observation how will you serve Netaji's cause. Consider this, reflect, realise, then adjust your perspective that you may not make such erroneous observation if even unwittingly. 

Sugata Bose @Souvik Konar : Never mind. This is a common mistake made and you have been no exception to this popular precipitation in this pitfall which, though, is no making of mine. Meanwhile, spread the news about the film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' that it may reach a wider audience, a vaster viewership. 

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sange Tanmoy] Interviewee is Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri : Tanmoy Dattagupta is ignorant of the essential philosophical principle of Brahmoism which does not espouse Shankara's non-dualism as articulated in the famous Vedantic mantra 'Brahma satyam jaganmithya'. Massive ignorance is slowly engulfing the nation as ill-read individuals pose otherwise, you guess what.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : 
From the look of Netaji and Emilie Schenkl in this photograph it does not at all seem that they are romantically related. Netaji, then Subhas Chandra Bose only, bears an unattached look, comfortably natural and at ease before the camera, affable without affectation or affection otherwise intended. However, this is a personal assessment from the photograph which in terms of rational rigour can hardly be counted as amounting to anything substantive in terms of hard fact. I have studied the 1941-43 Berlin photographs of Netaji and those thereafter between 1943 and 1945, and have come to a like conclusion that he was a celibate throughout but what do opinions count for after all? Truth can always surprise one in this world which is a curious admixture of truth and untruth. [Refer: 'Satyam anityaa mithuni krityaa.']

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Which channel is so voluble with its anchor playing the lead role?

SugataBose @Chandra KumarBose : Haha ! Just wanted you to flash it. After all we are an independent nation and a democratic republic !

Sugata Bose @Jayanta Chatterjee : Share it, Sir, and do not post my post as your own. It is more proper that way. Is it not? The author of a post must be duly acknowledged. That is the expected civic norm.

Sugata Bose @Dear Shree Joyanta Chatterjee,

Please share my posts by all means but do not post any such as your own by some technical means as you have on your profile wall done with this post of mine. It is improper to thus post someone else's post as your own. This is a violation of an unwritten civic code in the absence of clearly spelt out copyright. I hope you will delete the post and share it instead where the true author is duly acknowledged automatically. Kindly do the needful. I have provided below from your profile wall the link of the pertinent post of mine which you have copied for your due consideration and remedial action thereof. Regards.

Thaking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : One wishes there was as much heart in this heartless world of external show and internal hollowness.

Sugata Bose @Elora Biswas : That day will dawn when we all learn to punctuate our sentences properly. Perfection in small things leads to performance in the bigger affairs of life. The little may in magnitude be insignificant but not so as building-blocks of the macrocosm where each tiny unit contributes essentially to the structural build-up of the vast edifice of life. Thus, the common negligence in presenting write-ups, messages and comments on social media devoid of due punctuation marks is symptomatic of the degeneration in academic and cultural standards of our citizenry, and the sooner we are able to arrest and overcome this pervasive malady, the sooner shall Mother Sarasvati dwell in our hearts and minds and in our manifest public life. May we usher in such a day with our conscious collective effort! May our work be aesthetically delightful, factually accurate and expositions of perfection! This ought to be the keynote of our life's labour -- perfected service as offering at the altar of our national life. Mother Sarasvati will be pleased with our austere arrival on the stage of life and grace us with Her luminous benediction. 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube: Dastardly conspiracy against Netaji going on even today, hatched and sustained by government, political parties and a certain section of the family. But truth will triumph. The people cannot be fooled forever. They will demand disclosure of the truth and force it out in due course. It is only a matter of time before such a fulfilment comes.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [J.B.P.More video] : The Vietnam angle to investigating the Netaji disappearance mystery. French file/Leon Prouchandy/IIL etc. J.B.P. More's findings make for revealing reading. Additional information, that of the ferrying history in Indo-China and Indian entrepreneurial participation in it.

Sugata Bose @YouTube Bangla Xpress : Sumeru Roy Chaudhury needs to civilise himself. His demeanour is mean enough to deserve any gentleman's even derisive comment.

Sumeru Roy Chaudhury is patently pernicious in his presentation. He is a shame of a panelist. In hindsight, Sumeru, perhaps, has a resonant relation with the channel for he is seemingly echoing the sentiments of the moderator who at the very outset exhibits such an obvious negative slant towards Bhagavanji which goes in favour of the slighting remarks made by this character who opened the panel discussion. Sumeru's lack of civility is despicable. That way he has done the channel the deal it deserves. At least the anchor's initial attitude points in that direction. Later, however, he tries yo rectify stance and appear more balanced which, though, seems a mere stage show after all.

Sumeru Roy Chaudhury is uncouth in his observation about 'Oi Mahamanaba Ase' having been written by people having drunk 'karon' (consecrated intoxicating alcoholic drink). He meanly mocks 'Oi Mahamanaba Ase' as 'O Ma', meaning, 'O my mother', which reveals his fundamental culture.

Sugata Bose @YouTube Bangla Xpress : The moderator is mighty mediocre or even less than that. He does not deserve to conduct a programme like this.

The moderator is disgusting in his partiality towards the speaker who castigated Bhagavanji and his followers.

Does the anchor think that the viewers are fools who need his less than articulate, less than illuminating synopsis of the speech of every speaker? He is asking the speakers to concise their speech while himself taking up unduly valuable time that will further time-constrain future speakers.

The moderator must improve his diction. That is basic to his job.

Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna/Gupta : Take lessons from me from now on. You will have to speak to many and before many about life and philosophy, history and culture, truth and tradition.

Sugata Bose @Disciple : To be taken seriously enough by others you need to learn at the feet of a Guru with utmost humility, reverence, devotion and unfailing, ever-abiding, intense love. 

Knowledge is power and it raises reputation. And knowledge comes from the aforementioned virtues. You have heard of 'Vidyaa dadaati vinayam' (learning bestows humility). I say, 'Vinamrataa dadaati vidya' (humility bestows learning).

There is a success far higher than what material success ever can give one. It is spirituality. Those who aspire for it and progress along that path alone are happy. The rest dwell in ignorance and suffer out of their own volition. However, any moment one can make a fresh beginning and start treading the spiritual path. Then happiness in peace abounds. There must be absolute devotion, no trace of egotism and 'sraddhaa' which Swamiji has said is an untranslatable word but which I have defined as that reverential mood of intense aspiration and sustained endeavour for the realisation of Truth.

An individual is his/her own friend or own enemy, depending on how he/she conducts himself/herself.

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : Abhijit, behold the perfect punctuation of the posted quotation from Swamiji and compare it with the casual unpunctuated messages, posts and comments that one encounters in social media, namely, Whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and the like. You will hardly see a full-stop at the end of a sentence as if the political slogan 'Cholchhe, cholbe' is being thereby implied with respect to the communication.

We are in the realm of terrible ignorance today. Hope I could communicate to you the broader implication of my observation. It is a general trend, this inaccuracy in linguistic expression, this callous neglect of perfection in execution of a thing. A country may aspire to rise but with such a polity composing it, it is but building castles in the air that will tantamount to nothing substantial in the end. In Arabic there is a term called 'Jahiliyat' which means 'the age of ignorance'. One hopes that with such a pervasive decline in culture we are not being cast into such an age of abysmal ignorance.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Leaders will then be shot by terrorists right and left which will end up in tightening security even further, thereby straining the exchequer at its seams.

Natural leaders these days are the ones you are critical of, for a degenerate explosive demography is throwing up these ones by the laws of Nature where leaders and the led are both products of a pernicious system that persists in pervasive ignorance. This is a demographic inevitability and democracy is paying its due price at the hands of these for its desperate survival. 

Unless population explosion is arrested and reversed, and academic standards raised universally in the nation, unless culture in all its refinement and robustness is resurrected, unless nationalistic feelings are inculcated in every child, theological indoctrination that divides the polity into warring sections thwarted, unless pandering to religious minority to garner votes is stopped, unless majoritarianism in its place is not resorted to as well, unless character be inculcated in the polity at large based on a progressive humanistic philosophy of life that does not admit of sectarian outlook in public or in political life, unless there is a strict separation of religion and politics, that is to say, with no special legal code for minority religious groups and no exciting of religious sentiments to garner votes, the nation will not come together.

A distorted narrative of the history of the land of the last 1300 years and especially its freedom struggle can hardly be conducive to the manifestation of character in the citizenry. Truth must be told and taught dispassionately, and such growing knowledge dawning on the people will make sterling men and women out of them. Then these ignorant and outrageously uncultured leaders will have to make a run for their money as they summarily lose their portfolios. So, whither security for them? Then a new brand of natural leaders will arise who will freely mix and interact with the masses who have elected them to lead them on an enlightened basis.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh : A day will come when the nation will bear you eternal gratitude. Today, though, the hour has not yet arrived but it is brewing in the womb of unfolding history. In the fullness of time the fruition shall be. Till then a handful only are there to support you, perhaps, but every day the number swells. All things great have small but significant beginnings in seed form that grow into a mighty banyan in course of time. So also your endeavour. May Sri Ramakrishna ever be with you!

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Of course you should ask for what you believe you deserve and must be politely firm about your stated stance. Self-respect and gender equality demands it of you. I am 100% with you. Don't worry. You will get your due. You are a path-breaker and a pathfinder for many, countless women to be precise, who are coming in the future, whose footsteps I can hear through the corridors of time.

Sugata Bose @Bhaswar Das : One should ask the Imam [Shahi Imam, Jama Masjid, Ahmedabad] what in a secular state is to be understood by Muslim vote. I say this because they keep on harping on the word 'secular' to counter the so-called Hindutvavaadis. Let them clearly explain without hiding intent. What is their stated religious goal? What is their theological standpoint regarding statehood? Dar-u-Harb onto Dar-ul-Islam while all along beating the secular drum till demographic change alters the situation and absolute crushing power is theirs?

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : The lady has rendered the song well. Her repertoire of 'vistaar' is as usual limited but voice sweet and sonorous with a fair amount of 'juwari'. In Hindustani classical music this is the main impediment the performer faces -- the absence of originality of improvisation that sets the song alive and renders the raga rapturous in the hearts of the audience. It is a repetitive strain one hears but a delightful one at that, although, the song never rises in pitch to completion in the higher notes which gives a sense of unfulfilled promise. But then that is the limitation of mere sweet voices who learn music by rote and can never breathe life into it every moment afresh through letting the raga flow naturally instead of holding it in reins of prior learning, the former movement being the soul of our Shastriya Sangeet. 

My hopeless monsoon rendition (alluding to my cold-affected voice with its sneeze showers as environmental condition) provides the right contrast to the lady's rendition in every sense.

Sugata Bose @Sumeru Roy Chaudhury [YouTube] : So, you are spreading misinformation still about Swami Madhavananda who you have spoken of and depicted here as Swami Saradananda of Shaulmari. Regrettable!

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Yes, I know it which is why I find it frustrating to see how gullible Hindus, surface readers and ill-intentioned intellectuals either are unaware of the factual truth about Islam or are deliberate distorters of it.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh : Sir, you are making waves as is evident from posts adversarial to you on Facebook. Which means that the medicine that you have applied on the public mind is working both ways, positively and negatively, to advance the cause. The 'Black Box of History' documentary made the first inroads, the film 'Sannyasi Deshonayak' has stirred the hornet's nest now and the forthcoming book 'Jnatajaner Ajnatabaas' will deal the coup de grace and set the seal of success on your decades-long diligent enterprise. Meanwhile, let the detractors do their dastardly deed of demonising your efforts daily. That will intensify the movement by giving it the much needed fillip. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

[Reply by Amlan Kusum Ghosh to Sugata Bose : Thank you so much, Sir. Your judiciously drafted message gives me tons of impetus. Regards.]

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : এটাই দুঃখের যে আমার ন্যায় কাপুরুষ এটা পড়েও জাগে না, এমনই দেহের বন্ধন, এমনই ইন্দ্রিয়াসক্তি, ঘোর অজ্ঞানতা | [With reference to a post on revolutionary martyr Dinesh Gupta.]

Sugata Bose @Avijit Banerjee : Good one! These types of sarcastic answers are needed, accurate and true, to drive home the point.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [programme on Netaji -- panellists, Prof. Anita Pfaff, Ashis Ray and Prof. Sugata Bose] : Books are also written in vernacular languages, not merely in English. Please read those as well and do programmes.

Netaji's daughter? Really? Any documentary proof? Anita Pfaff is a brilliant intellectual, though.

This Sugata Bose dramatises and emotes more than he speaks facts. An over-rated professor, therefore, or a compromised historian. Emotional effusion and advertising one's own book do not effectively substantiate a claim and conceal facts more than they reveal, a ploy perhaps deliberately to create delusion in the public mind and delay discovery of the truth, for truth one day will surely triumph over such historical heresies spread with articulate finesse and well-rehearsed emotional overplay.

Why do you [TV News Channel] not pit these crash theorists against the Russuan angle theorists and the Gumnami Baba theorists, all in one show that can, say, last an hour or so? Why always take the crashists' exclusive interviews? It does not help clarify confusion to hear only one narrative. As there multiple perspectives that are attached to the Netaji mystery, multiple viewpoints need to be simultaneously examined in your staged programme.

Well-rehearsed, craftily prepared presentation by the triumvirate! Just the right reverence that the trio could have paid to the 'prince of patriots'. And, why not? After all theirs alone is the valid view, not contrarian views of others!

Truth? What truth? That Netaji died in a plane crash that had never taken place according to the Taiwan Government? Is Prof. Sugata Bose a historian who bases his views on hard facts and his arguments on rational rigour or is he more of a theatre personality merged in mere dramatics and emotional effusion?

Sugata Bose @Debdatta Majumdar I have checked your citation from the book you have presented it from and found it to be correct. But the problem is Prithwindra Mukherjee who happens to be Bagha Jatin's grandson has given contradictory dates in two of his books, one in English that I have cited from and the other in Bengali which you have cited from. His books are littered with factual inaccuracies, for instance, with respect to Swami Vivekananda's lineage and his Alwar episode, to quote but two of them. Hence, the predicament. We have to arrive at the correct date and data from other sources in such a case, provided they are reliable. I shall search for them. And I thank you for your pursuit of truth as evident in this brief communication.

Debdatta Majumdar, from where did Prithwindra Mukherjee gather the information that Narendranath Datta (later, Swami Vivekananda) was born in a Brahmo family? I took up the issue with him but he could give me no satisfactory answer.

Now we come to the Alwar episode. The entire episode is misrepresented. The actual one I'll present presently.

Debdatta Majumdar, I am sorry, may be the photographs are getting posted a little haphazardly owing to my technological lack of expertise. Please exert yourself a bit in the comment stream to connect the information given.

Sugata Bose @Debdatta Majumdar : If he has said that Rash Behari Bose had fled India for Japan to save his life, then he also ought to say in the same vein that Aurobindo Ghosh had fled to Pondicherry (now, Puducherry) via Chandannagar to save his life. One cannot make such sweeping statements about great men with seminal objectives just as one fancifully conceives ideas about the same. They have to be corroborated with hard evidence, else, appended clearly with the addenda that such observations are entirely one's own and may or may not have objective validity.

Sugata Bose @Amitabha Dutta Majumdar : 143rd birth anniversary, 144th birthday, if that were ever possible, for birthday is always the 1st one and never again in the same physical incarnation.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : A brilliant piece written with the pace and tempo that would have characterised the Writer's raid. Read with reverence. [Reference to an essay written by Animesh Pandey]

The trio shines in stellar glory among the pantheon of revolutionaries who retaliated against royal repression of one of the most dastardly regimes that ever existed in recorded human history. Their valour ought to be enshrined in every patriot's heart in letters of gold through the effective dissemination of the narrative and other like ones among the populace. In this day of wide technological availability that should not be difficult to achieve. 

Suvadeep, there is a need to bolster the Wikipedia data base in this regard. I am a technological toddler and incapable of doing so. See if you can muster support for the cause and strengthen the revolutionary data base online for wider dissemination of the message. That would be patriotism indeed.

Sugata Bose @Ayesha Guha : Annoy? Good one. Ayesha, your sense of humour is a vanishing attribute these days. Yours again is of a special kind, simple and immediately teasing one's laughter out. Happy togetherness even unto eventual union of spirits!

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sange Tanmoy] : Undue emotional effusion, a la sterile verbal excess in debilitating delivery, of the anchor is precisely the effeminacy that Rash Behari Bose detested as the growing menace in the Indian populace. Learn from the two revolutionary Boses  Rash Behari and Subhas Chandra, and from their common spiritual mentor, Swami Vivekananda, what true manliness is, and act accordingly while conducting these programmes.

The anchor is too loud for melodic moderation. Moreover, he is not too well-informed about the historical facts which form the subject matter of the discussion. Greater knowledge will enable better anchoring as greater self-confidence attained thereby will soften articulation and project the interviewee more than is now being achieved periodically when the anchor seems to be seeking self-prominence, perhaps unwittingly and unconsciously too.

নাম এত উহ্য রাখলে চলে কি?

Truman ordered the atomic bombing, not Roosevelt.

'Mein Kampf' and not 'Mind Kampf' as Mr. Moderator is repeatedly saying.

Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri keeps speaking too much in obscure terms keeping parties to the talk unnamed. That is a strange way of speaking when one is attempting to disclose facts before the lay public. Too much of claim with too little of cited evidence in concrete terms makes the talk less credible. Dr. Choudhuri ought to be more forthright in his affirmations leaving nothing shadowy about the whole affair if even for whatever concerns for the channel it may be. Clear, articulate, bold affirmation would allow the audience better understanding of the whole affair centring Netaji's life pre and post 18 August, 1945, and this is very much expected. Diffidence of this sort, an over-cautious approach regarding divulging of names and data with proper reference makes for a hazy show. Hope this communication will meet with due consideration from both interviewee and interviewer. Jai Hind!

Sugata Bose @YouTube : The Islamic regime in Iran will fall and with it will end this phase of theocratic fanaticism. Ancient Persian culture must be resurrected to prevent a recurrence of repressive Islam in the governance of this grand old country of hoary heritage.

Sugata Bose @Debnath Sar : Quote the authentic source please. If possible, post the photograph of the relevant book and page.

Churchill was re-elected Prime Minister and stayed in office once more from 1951 to 1955.

Incidentally, it is quite unbelievable what has been here cited in the post quoting Churchill who had ordered the assassination of Subhas Chandra Bose on sight after his great escape from home internment. For such a man to eulogise Bose so seems a fabrication, a palpable falsity that needs authentication before publishing. After all Bose was the Empire's 'Enemy Number One'.

Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : Did you ask Prithwindra Mukherjee why in that case he has written 7 December as Bagha Jatin's birthday in his English book on the hero?

How will he when both dates have been provided by him? You should pressed on with the matter and elicited a response.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Aurobindo] : The voice of the one who speaks as Aurobindo Ghosh [probably Ashok Vishwanathan] is too loud for aesthetic appropriateness. His diction is also affected to mimic the Englishman and, as is to be expected, a poor caricature.

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