Wednesday, 2 June 2021



Communism cannot be given a reprieve of its inhuman excesses under the pretext that it was Stalinism, an aberration of communism and not communism in essence as such. Maoism, Pol Potism and a host of other variants of communism would give the lie to it. There is something inherently diabolic in the implementation of communism because of its one Party authoritarian absolutism where the dictatorship of the proletariat invariably degenerates overtime into dictatorship of the Central Committee to be further replaced by the dictatorship of the Politburo which eventually precipitates into the dictatorship of the General Secretary of the Party. The communist authoritarian ride is invariably a democracy-throttling, mass murderous slide unto a variant of monarchical absolutism of a far more vicious kind for, while the monarch may have been historically cruel and capricious on account of personal characteristics, he was not goaded into his evil actions by theory, but the modern communist monarch is induced, inspired and goaded into perpetuation of evil by a toxic political ideology rooted in materialism of a most pernicious kind that spares none that it finds antagonistic or even mildly critical of its inhuman stance. It eliminates all that stands in its way en route to its utopian goal of socioeconomic justice for all at the point of the barrel. Communism, more correctly Marxism, is a system that has successfully highlighted the exploitative evil of capitalism and forced socioeconomic changes in the world, nay, brought forth a vast transformation in the way the world addresses this momentous human problem. That, along with its dreadfully violent legacy, has been thus far its 'contribution' to human evolution. It has suffered its death everywhere as of now but like the Phoenix from the ashes it could resurrect itself in newer circumstances of the same old exploitation when conditions warrant such an eruption. Left movement is not dead in the world and is biding by time to come down on society like an avalanche. Till then in Alpine retreat may communism rest for its rebirth for, as of now, we have had enough of it.

Written by Sugata Bose

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