I try to gather my senses
But my senses have already gathered me.
Scattered am I in the winds.
Bits and pieces and minuscule parts,
They seek fulfilment, each to each,
But how on earth can that ever be?
The torn fragments --
They lie in disarray,
Blown about by the winds.
Little minds over little bodies,
Broken bricks of the edifice.
The storm rages, the tempest strikes,
The billows keep crashing against the vessel of life.
Gentle leaves,
Afloat on the ripples
Of dainty brooks,
They rise and they fall
With the current of flow.
An Age passes,
Another comes.
Evening dawns like dawn breaks the mist.
Time flows on an even keel,
Then temptestuous rushes revolution.
Fortressses fall,
The Bastille breaks,
The Winter Palace from sea is felled,
The March of Mao and the March of Man,
They all come,
And they all go.
But deep within the heart I hear,
I see by the eye that witnesses deep,
The young sage by the Sarasvati,
Encircled by ancient, venerable ones,
Rise up and call out in trumpet voice,
"Hear ye, O residents of the earth,
Hear ye, O children of immortal bliss,
Even ye hear that reside in higher spheres.
I have known the One, the Ancient One,
Whose hue is of the radiant sun,
Who resides beyond the pale of the dark.
Knowing Him shalt thou for sure
Pass beyond death and dust.
O, know it now,
There is no other way,
None, none whatsoever."
And once more he rose
In the august assembly by the Pacific
In times nearer to home
When 'Come September' did fulfil
The promise of the past ages.
Chicago, the fusion point,
The meet of the sages.
A hall packed with hoary heritage,
A point crystallised in Time.
There he rose and in trumpet voice
Flying through ages of sages of the Land,
Across distant seas stood
And stormed once more
The citadel of the heavens
To declare the glory of Man.
"Sisters and brothers of America,..."
And the vault of heaven did give way
Showering the bliss of eternal life.
They came cascading down
In torrents of bliss,
In currents of life,
Enlivening a material world
Unto the deep Spirit within.
The scattered parts did gather,
The senses did take to heels,
The bits and pieces fused and diffused,
The broken doll became whole.
Composed by Sugata Bose
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