1. গুণের সম্মান তো করতেই হবে, কিন্তু তাই বলে অপগুণেরও ? 'মহা' যুক্ত হলেই কি প্রকৃতপক্ষে মহাপুরুষ ?
Dr. Bhupendranath Datta, revolutionary freedom fighter, youngest brother of Swami, died in penury with so few to support him. Alas, what a selfish race we are today !
এমন মা বাবা পেয়েছিলাম, বেঁচেও ধন্য হলাম, মরেও শান্তি পাবো |
4. The 'Flying Sikh' has taken to his final flight. The President and the Prime Minister mourn his death. But they honoured him with only Padma Shree while he was alive?
5. Give up superstition. Absorb real religion. Manifest manliness.
6. স্বদেশপ্রীতি না বিদেশপ্রীতি ? আমার তো ভাই স্বদেশপ্রীতি | আপনার ?
7. Anybody interested in being educated in the university of the Holy Mother ?
8. দেশের প্রতি যাদের কোনো আনুগত্য নেই, তাদের প্রতি আমার কোনো আগ্রহ নেই |
9. This is not the first time we have been on earth. There is a memory that haunts, a lingering hope that beckons us on.
10. This body is the bar to truth and yet it will reveal its secrets in the fullness of time.
11. Every family line can be traced down to the amoeba and beyond, right to the origin of the universe. Involution, thus traced, unites all in fraternal bond in the singularity whence all have sprung in delightful distancing and distinction thereof. But essentially all are one at source and in eventual destiny. And this is but the material side of things and the monism of matter. But beyond the shadow of matter lies the spirit and its solidarity of existence, consciousness and integrated being without a semblance of duality. That is spiritual monism.
Written by Sugata Bose
12. These faces that we see all around, is it the first time that we are seeing them? Or, have we seen them in the past?
13. I have an empire that is dwindling by the day. And yet expansion is life. Is it then inner expansion that is contraction to the core?
14. ভগবানকে ভুলে থাকলে ভগবানের কিছু হয় না, ভক্তেরই ক্ষতি হয় |
15. বই ও বিশ্রাম -- এই দুই তো বুড়ো বয়সের সম্বল | আর সর্বোপরি ভগবানের স্মরণমনন |
16. What is not absolutely necessary for your living, do not use. Energy thus conserved is internalised and adds power to personality and builds character.
17. I do not believe in the imposed restrictions of religion. I believe in the spontaneous self-restraint of evolving spirituality.
18. কালীপ্রসন্ন সিংহ অনুদিত মহাভারত পাঠ করুন |
19. There is a tremendous potential in the human race for evolving solutions to life's problems and carrying evolution forward. Education holds the key to it. The whole of the human race needs to be educated in liberal scientific thinking for humanity to best manifest its potential and in quickest time.
20. সব ব্যবসাদার | মানুষের সম্পর্ক নিয়েও ব্যবসা চলছে | স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন না, "They trade in everything. Alas, they trade in love as well."
21. The greater the idealisation, the nobler the personality. In the attainment of perfection of the ideal, though, the personality dissolves and becomes one with the ideal.
22. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will be united one day to form our undivided motherland. This will come to pass, I say.
23. Love is simpler than any conception, as simple as the water that flows down the brook.
24. Christian missionaries, do not even attempt to convert Hindus to your fold. Embrace Ramakrishna instead, knowing him to be your Christ.
25. The call of Ramakrishna will unite Hindus and Muslims before long. The lion and the lamb will lick each other in fraternal bond. Such is the destiny of the future undivided India.
26. When you are engaged in the frivolities of life, spare a thought for those INA soldiers who perished on the road to Delhi to win you this freedom to dispense yourself as you please. Then reconsider your options in life and act accordingly.
27. Love conquers fear.
28. We have to be thoroughly nationalistic. Internationalism that dilutes this attitude must be discarded and a harmonic universal attitude must be adopted in its place that preserves our culture best, conserves national energy and strengthens patriotic fervour as we rebuild our desecrated civilisation, courtesy Islamic oppression of a thousand years and colonial depredation for centuries.
29. Swamiji had two types of disciples. There were his spiritual disciples who carried on his spiritual-philanthropic work and there were his revolutionary disciples who struggled to free India from colonial-imperial shackles. A third category of disciples will yet emerge who shall raise the masses to genuine self-consciousness.
30. The world advances but the plight of the poor continues. Why?
31. How many of us would like to eat chapatis of baked grass as the children of drought-affected Bundelkhand had to do in 2015 ?
32. যারা লেখাপড়া করতে চায় না তাদের চাষবাস করতে পাঠিয়ে দেওয়া উচিত |
আমরা ছোটবেলায় নিয়মিত ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা লেখাপড়া করতাম | আজকাল সে সব প্রায় দেখি না | এখন পিতৃভক্তি Father's Day পালনে, মাতৃভক্তি Mother's Day পালনে | হায় বাবা মা !
In childhood we used to regularly study hour after hour. Nowadays we hardly see such things. Now it is only show of love for father through the observance of Father's Day and show of love for mother through observance of Mother's Day. Poor father, poor mother !
34. লেথাপড়া করলেই, PhD করলেই কি মানুষ হয় ? হৃদয় কোথায় ?
35. আমি যদি আমার গুরুকে ভুলে থাকি, তাতে গুরুর কষ্ট আর আমার ক্ষতি | এই তো সহজ হিসেব |
If I choose to forget my Guru, then it is my Guru's pain and my terrible loss. This is the simple arithmetic of it.
36. Repeated actions form habit - good, good ; bad, bad. 'The Devil doth cite the scripture for his purpose.' (Shakespeare) So, beware of self-duping, self-delusion and work towards cultivating good habits. In it shall conduce your own good and your neighbour's good.
37. The coming years for India will be dark unless children take to studying diligently and our brightest ones stop this exodus to the West to seek life's opportunities.
38. Religious revivalism will take us nowhere. Scientific progress is the imperative of the hour.
39. The climate is changing. Beware !
40. I am amazed at the sheer callousness of the members towards this group (THAKUR-MA-SWAMIJI-GURUDEV). I hold it as one more insult to me.
41. সবার ভাল হোক | যদি হঠাৎ যেতে হয়,
'আবার আসিব ফিরে আমি |
এই ধরাধামে, এই পৃথ্বীতলে,
আবার আসিব ফিরে আমি |'
রচনা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
42. Please do not copy-paste my posts and pass them as your own. That is intellectual thieving and cannot be condoned. I request you to share and not copy-paste.
43. If you give unhappiness to others, you cannot yourself be happy. The minds are many seemingly but in essence they are different phases of the same cosmic mind.
44. তোমাদের মিনেসোটা (Minnesota) আর আমার মেদিনিপুর (Medinipur) |
45. তোমাদের মিনেসোটা (Minnesota) আর আমার মেদিনীপুর (Medinipur) |
46. Gandhiji's mass movement may have lent nationwide solidarity to the freedom struggle but it emasculated us as a nation from which debility we are yet to recover.
We cannot afford anymore to be devoid of character. There shine the golden characters in the early revolutionaries of British Bengal and their untold suffering for the cause of the motherland's freedom. Can we while away our time in indolent pastimes, standing before the mirror and asking it the fabled question as to who the most beautiful of all is? No, we cannot fail our forefathers who thus bled for us. We must act here and now. So, arise and build your character that you may be the carriers of the golden legacy bequeathed unto you.
Written by Sugata Bose
48. আজ চারিদিকে হতাদর্শ সমাজ দেখে ছটফট করে মন |
49. This form will go, this body will perish, the ashes will spray in the whirling wind. But a message will remain of a life that was lived, a light that was lit in the hearts of men.
50. India must be made strong by the invigorating message of the Upanishads made practical by sterling living of its precepts in real life. Vivekananda must come alive in the masses, his spirit made life and blood coursing through the national veins.
51. Studying at the expense of the teeming millions, the privileged have no qualms about leaving the motherland to settle in and serve the adopted country of their desirous dreams while their countrymen who nourished their bodies and brains perish owing to lack of expertise in the ways of the world. Shame it is that our best brains are so devoid of heart !
52. শুধু ব্যবহারিক দিক দেখলে চলবে না, আদর্শগত দিকটিও দেখা চাই | নইলে ব্যবসাদার আর ঋষির মধ্যে পার্থক্য কোথায় ?
53. Uttam Kumar had become a martyr to the roles he played. And so have so many great men suffered, a fate common to them to have befallen on behalf of erring humanity.
54. No sleep yet for me. But my soul is so full, charged like when I was young. Once more energy and inspiration seem to be flowing in amidst the decadent dreams of civic life that so afflict society today.
54. The inability to prepare for an examination in advance is a sign of weakness of character. The child of today is the citizen of the morrow. Lack of preparedness in him now in academic pursuits augurs not well for the citizen who will hold the reins of governance in the years to come.
55. This group (THAKUR-MA-SWAMIJI-GURUDEV) with such fondness I had formed. Now it has become the quagmire of my perishing dreams.
56. Popularity is not the index of progressiveness. It is quality and not quantity that is the determining factor in fashioning the fate of things. Even history is lent shape to by the leader of significance and his devoted following of signal quality.
57. Secular people are not to be dubbed pseudo-secular. This is uncharitable, uncharacteristic of the Indian ethos. Secular people have their own way of seeing things, their own philosophy of human progress and evolution. Hence, denigrating them thus is not only unethical but counterproductive as well. The country suffers the loss of talent when such vilification reigns indiscriminately.
58. ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী যখন আমায় প্রত্যাখ্যান করবেন, তখন আমার আর কেউ থাকবে না | তখন শুধু বার বার জন্ম আর সংসারের দুঃখভোগ |
59. How far is truthfulness an attribute imperative in spiritual life?
60. Fate is always in a fluid state.
An Indian even in Japan. Rash Behari Bose with wife Toshiko. Where Asia meets to unite and free colonised peoples. Distinctive cultures harmoniously blended to coexist in love of hearts and the spirit and, above all, the common love of independence.
62. Memory perfected is realisation.
63. The universe is the open book which we are reading. But its solutions are hidden in its open questions which the book itself is.
64. ব্রহ্মজ্ঞান হলে কি হয় জানো ? মুহূর্তের মাহাত্ম্য বোঝে মানুষ |
65. The fruits of freedom have not yet gone to the masses. They are to be freed yet from the shackles of poverty and ignorance of the material ways of decent survival. Spirituality they have enough. But the ways of the world they are unaware of. Here consciousness has to be spread whereby this bourgeoisie revolution will become a spiritually illumined socialist revolution of the Indian kind, free of communist material contamination. Vivekananda showeth the way. Ramakrishna holds the torch of such a freedom. Rash Behari and Subhas Chandra follow them. Let us follow them too.
66. Serve India, my children, serve India. That is religion enough unto the day.
67. Do not tone down the temperature of Swamiji more than Thakur has already done it. You will be making a caricature of him.
যে দেশে এত কাপুরুষ জন্মায় প্রতিদিন, সে দেশ কি আর বীর বিপ্লবীদের চিনতে পারে ? সে জাতির কাছে ওই প্রাতঃস্মরণীয় পুরুষদের প্রতি যোগ্য সম্মানপ্রদর্শন বিরম্বনামাত্র |
69. আমি নরেন মহারাজের চেলা | শুধু ওই নরেনটুকুই ভাল লাগে, মহারাজটা কেমন বেমানান |
70. এই ব্রহ্মাণ্ড ব্রহ্মবস্তুর বিকাশ | তাই চারিদিকে ঈশ্বর |
71. Indian Muslims throughout the subcontinent must rediscover their Hindu roots. Only then can undivided India prosper again in truth.
72. Blessed will you be when you feel for the revolutionaries for freedom as intensely as you do feel for your dearest ones.
73. Effeminate music marring revolutionary films.
74. We are a shameless people. We have conveniently forgotten the sacrifices of our revolutionaries and made common cause with the British.
75. Ah, to settle in England ! What joy to lick British boots ! A wonderful way to repay our debt to the Mother they despoiled, desecrated and dismembered !
76. Mothers, inspire your children with patriotism that burns like a steady flame through life.
77. We are a shameless people. I could not sleep. I will die this way. There is no rest for me. This body is burning like a raging fire endlessly. There is no help from any quarter, no inspiration from the youth. Our country is not only dead but putrid as Swamiji so succinctly had described the India of his times, a state which continues to this day despite the intermediate resurgence of the freedom struggle following his energy and inspiration. The upper classes are exploitative, the middle classes are more in a mood of acquiescence than redressing this decadence and the masses are ignorant and suffering. We must wake them up. Alas, when will a handful of men and women exhibit real manhood ?
78. দিনরাত শরীরের প্রশাধনে যাঁরা ব্যস্ত, তাঁরা আর দেশসেবা করবেন কি ?
Those who are whole day busy bedecking their bodies, when will they find the occasion to serve the nation?
79. A person is great in proportion as he feels for others.
80. Richness of emotion, not merely sentimentality, is the index of the quality of the heart.
81. Go, go, visit the land whose cruel rulers chopped off the thumbs of the muslin weavers of Dhaka, study in their universities and memorise the names of the forefathers of their royalty that even now wears the Kohinoor to exhibit its dastardly historical past. Then for good measure settle there for good and serve their interests whose only interest was to plunder India. These then are our patriotic brethren who remember fondly their foster-mother, India, in whose womb they were born, only to leave her when the fledgling grew feathers of flight.
82. Preach Vedanta in America but do not ever dare tell them that they have been the destroyers of civilisation in so many countries. Butter them unto Self-realisation but do not utter the truth about their dastardly global politics. Sri Ramakrishna will bless you for it, will he not? After all you are the apolitical apostle of Vedantic peace and harmony. God, indeed, is a fool these days !
83. Who was Avadh Behari ?
Rush, rush to Wikipedia.
Who is Shah Rukh Khan ?
Haha, I know it.
84. Gandhiji threatened hunger-strike unto death several times but broke it midway for reasons best known to him. But Jatin Das (death after 63 days of hunger-strike) and Maniklal Sen (death after 60 days of hunger-strike) kept their word of honour. Now meditate as to who the real revolutionary was, who the apostle of truth.
85. There is no spiritual organisation left in the world today. Character is almost absent in all of them.
The immortal author of Pather Daabi / পথের দাবী, which was banned by the British government. When Saratchandra exhorted Rabindranath to voice his opposition to the ban, the latter refused. Wonderful patriotism of the Poet ! Indeed, Tagore was our greatest nationalist, our foremost freedom fighter !
87. The more I read Swamiji it becomes clear to me that Gandhiji emasculated India and her struggle for freedom. Swamiji wanted a violent revolution to overthrow the British Raj.
88. সাধু কখনও অহংকারী হননা কারণ অহংত্যাগেই সাধুতা | কিন্তু বেশীর ভাগ সাধুই বড় অহংকারী | তাহলে ? সাধু তো ? নাকি তা নয় ?
89. যতক্ষণ না প্রকাশিত হবে তোমার মধ্যে শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের বিনম্রতা, সে বাবা তুমি যত বড় সাধুই হওনা কেন, তোমায় সাধু বলে মানব না |
90. যে সাধু ধনবান-নির্ধন, ক্ষমতাশীল-ক্ষমতাহীন, পরিচিত-অপরিচিত, স্বদেশী-বিদেশী, প্রধানমন্ত্রী-ভিখারি, সকলকে সমানভাবে সম্মান দেন সর্বদা, তাঁকেই সাধু বলে মানি, আর কাউকে না, সে তিনি গেরুয়া বস্ত্র পরিহিতই হোন আর নাই হোন |
91. Reading Swamiji's thoughts on the then prospective Indian revolution, it is becoming crystal-clear to me that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi had betrayed the revolutionary cause that Swamiji had envisaged. One wonders how Swamiji would have reacted to all his nonviolent paraphernalia had he been alive then.
92. কেন রে বাপ ? ভগবান যখন ব্রহ্মাণ্ড রচনা করেছিলেন তখন কোন প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে ডেকেছিলেন তার উদ্বোধন করার জন্য ?
93. ঠাকুরের কোনো একটি বংশধর নেই | আমরা প্রত্যেকে ঠাকুরের বংশধর |
94. বংশীধারীর আবার বংশধর | জগৎজোড়া বৃন্দাবন, আমরা সবাই বংশধর |
95. কেউ বোঝে না, কেউ বোঝে না | ছাগল, গরু আর মানুষের মধ্যে অন্তর আর রইল না |
96. তোমরা স্বামীজীকে মানো না | তোমরা মানো শুধু তোমাদের স্বার্থ | স্বামীজীকে কী সুন্দর বাণিজ্যিক উপাদানে পরিণত করেছ ! বাহবা, মানুষের জয় !
97. এ জগৎ জানে শুধু টাকা, যে টাকা মাটি ছিল ঠাকুরের কাছে | যে লোকমান্য ত্যাজ্য ছিল তাঁর, তাই আজ ধরেছে এঁদের | হা ঠাকুর, কোথা তুমি আজ ?
আমাদের মত লোকের আর প্রয়োজন নেই এ পৃথিবীর | আমরা আজ ব্রাত্য হয়ে গেছি | বিষয়সম্ভোগই আজ নিশ্বাসেপ্রশ্বাসে পরিব্যাপ্ত | সংস্কৃতির সমাধি হয়ে গেছে |
যত ভেজাল, তত সম্মান পাবে, এমনই যুগ আজ | তাই বিপ্লবী বীণা দাসকে হৃষিকেশে নিঃসহায় মরতে হয়, যে মৃত্যু তাঁর জ্যাকসনকে মারতে পারলে ফাঁসির দড়ি পরে হতে পারত | হল কিন্তু স্বাধীন ভারতে অনাদরে, দারিদ্রে, সুদূর হিমালয়ে, নিভৃতে, অন্তরালে, নিঃসঙ্গ নিরালায় |
100. বিরাট ঢেউয়ের পেছনে সে সমুদ্র, বুদ্বুদের পেছনেও সেই সমুদ্র |
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