This dilution of religion, this destruction of its revolutionary element, this dampening of its fiery spirit, this tempering down the essential movement, all this must go and the pristine purity of the perennial philosophy in all its wholeness restored if Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are to emerge once again the revolutionary duo that they truly were, if their message -- now emasculated through abuse -- is to triumph over the forces of evil and set humanity straight.
Organisational compromise will never allow it. It must be individuals who will have to step forward to set once more the grand wheel of dharma into motion. We must work at roots and not satisfy our cravings with surface reform that can only go to perpetuate the exploitation of the masses. It has to be revolutionary 'root and branch reform', as Swamiji put it, and not superficial, cosmetic amendment. Men, men of character, fiery, vigorous young men are needed to bring about this revolutionary change, this setting to practice the message of the Master and his Messenger. But it must be done. Ramakrishna, the revolutionary, must come alive in us and find fruition in the polity.
Written by Sugata Bose
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