Sunday, 4 August 2019


1. Seeing oneself in others is the sign of spirituality.

2. The road to God is the shortest but desires cause the meandering ad infinitum. Hence, the delay in divine perception and the sufferance of the miseries of life.

3. When an afflicted one visits you, make sure you make him or her as comfortable as you can within reasonable bounds of self-capacity and self-security.

Life is not a meaningless episode by any stretch of imagination. It is not accidental or by design. It is the blissful flow of the sportive Cosmic Mind in spontaneous rhythms of unintended law. And behind it all is the serenity of the supreme Self in timeless, space-less, causeless self-brooding, the reflexive consciousness absorbed in itself. Here on earth, though, humans have this supreme purpose of self-fulfilment in divine perception. Self-realisation is the goal of life, its ultimate purpose and destination divine.

5. Swami Sarvapriyananda is continuing with the unfinished work of Swami Vivekananda. Evidently, Thakur is with him.

6. স্বামী যতীশ্বরানন্দ বলতেন, আগে সভ্য নাগরিক হতে হবে ; পরে আসবে প্রকৃত আধ্যাত্মিকতা |

7. Read 'The Life of Swami Vivekananda by his Eastern and Western Disciples'. It is written in sublime lyrical English.

8. The life of a man is in his Spirit. Hence, he is immortal.

9. Live video showতে গতদিন একজন ও আজ দুজন ব্যক্তির অশালীন ব্যবহারে আশ্চর্য হলাম | সংস্কৃতির অবক্ষয় ! এমন দুর্ব্যবহার হতে বিরত হোন |

10. Blocked the miscreants who fouled up the live video show. In this way we must block out desires that foul up our life.

11. Read 'The Monk Without Frontiers -- Reminiscences of Swami Ranganathananda'. It is an inspirational book, hence, worth reading.

12. Live this life for others and hold yourself last. This is the gist of ethics and morality, religion and philosophy. Love all, serve all, chant the holy name of God.

13. ভগবান লাভ না হলে সব বৃথা |

14. Above is the infinite sky, below is the infinite life as I watch from my window the flow of phenomena in early dawn.

15. There is but one God and it is you yourself at your deepest where the bonds of space, time and causality are cut.

16. Let us spread the Word of Thakur-Swamiji through our individual posts on our timelines. It will do the dissemination of the message some good and we will have contributed to it in some small way.

17. There is a level higher than politics and it is spirituality. Attain to it and serve the country best.

18. Swami Achyutananda speaks on bhakti like one who is immersed in the rasa at its sweetest. Listen to his discourses and love the Lord.

19. I exhort you all to support me in the good work that I do on Facebook. It is necessary to unite the forces of good to fight evil.

20. Concentration is the key and steadiness the method in the spiritual advancement towards Truth.

21. Is Vedanta the future religion of the world?

22. Nationalism is best served by self-development and laying one's talents at the service of the people.

23. 'কথামৃত' পাঠে অনাবিল আনন্দ | কেন না নিত্য পাঠ করেন শ্রদ্ধাসহকারে ?24. 'রামকৃষ্ণ' নামে শান্তি -- জপলেই তো হয় |

24. 'রামকৃষ্ণ' নামে শান্তি -- জপলেই তো হয় |

25. 'রামকৃষ্ণ', 'রামকৃষ্ণ', 'রামকৃষ্ণ' জপরে নাম |

26. Children are the fairest flowers of humanity and their proximity helps us clarify our complexities of life and living.

27. যাঁর হৃদয় যত প্রসারিত, তিনি আধ্যাত্নিকভাবে তত উন্নত | তাই হৃদয়ের সম্প্রসারণই ধর্ম |

28. অহংশূণ্যতাই আধ্যাত্মিকতার লক্ষণ ও অহংশূণ্য হওয়ার সাধনাই আধ্যাত্মিকতা লাভের সাধনা |

29. Just now here, just now gone. How uncertain life is ! Sushma Swaraj passes away. The nation mourns the loss of her dear daughter.

30. Selfless soul, brilliant orator, peerless Parliamentarian, Sushma Swaraj passes away. The nation mourns and so do I.

31. Sushma Swaraj passes away. My condolences to the whole nation on this day of inconsolable grief. Tall leader, peerless patriot.

32. Vivekananda viewed the Divine in every human form as he wandered across the face of vast India to discover its soul.

33. Novelty lies in the old idea being restated as per the requirements of the Age. So it is that the Avatar renews ancient truths.

34. Never fear. You are the source of all the power that is. All strength lies in you. Manifest it and conquer fear if there be any.

35. The Avatar descends to earth to make decadent spirituality once more vibrant for all. The Spirit takes to flight then as the dark disappears and the soul of man becomes a receptacle of light and love.

Wonderful, Gopadi. Generations of greatness in your lineage.

37. There is a thing called floating on the surface and there is a thing called diving deep. The latter belongs to spirituality, the former to frivolous frittering of life's resources.

38. This truant ego plays foul with our lives every moment, yet, with what force we cling to it ! And this is ignorance.

39. যেকালে 'আমি' বস্তুটি কি, সঠিক নির্ধারণ করা যাচ্ছে না, সেকালে 'আমার' বলে কোনো কিছু দাবি করা নিরর্থক |

40. We ought to feel a deep sense of kinship with all Ramakrishna devotees across the world. Upon this sense of solidarity will rise the world edifice of the Master's movement.

41. Let us connect with our spiritual sisters and brothers, the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna spread across the wide world.

42. You are not the slave of any, not even God. That is a very low idea of the freedom that God is and the freedom that you are.


The Ramakrishna movement is expanding. Its progress none can stop. It will end up engulfing the world and transforming it unto the divine. The question is, as Swamiji once said in a variant way, at what cost will the world rise? To exactly quote Swamiji, ''The world will rise but, oh, at what a cost, at what a cost, at what a cost !''

44. Vedanta is the science of the spirit as physics is the science of matter.

45. We must learn to combine forces to maximum beneficial effect. But so long as selfishness pollutes effort, it is a far cry.

46. If you wish to serve God, do your allotted work with maximum efficiency in a detached spirit.

47. There is a need for concerted effort by all the elements of social good for maximising human welfare. Stray effort will not do.

48. Everybody is not equally capable. But all can give in their mite to collectively bring into being a mighty work of civilisation.

49. The power of the people when coordinated and led to focus, none can resist. But history rarely throws up such circumstance.

50. Fear must be cast away first if any mighty work is to be even attempted, much less achieved.

51. First compromise with truth, then defend the indefensible with lame logic. How does it help humanity when such apologists abound?

52. The word of God is to heard from the lips of the Rishis, those supremely sanitised spirits, those chaste carriers of the Truth.

53. Rare is the politician, if ever, who is not partisan. Perhaps, Gandhiji was a notable exception and a unique case in modern times.

54. Serve humanity and see God.

55. The Saviour will save us. Even if it be for the while accepted, the question remains --- who will save the Saviour?

56. Preach the Vedanta straight and simple, hard and direct without unnecessary worldly references to suit the tastes of the worldly West.

57. The time for Ramakrishna's reincarnation seems to be at hand. The dharma needs a reaffirmation, a re-articulation in fiery terms.

58. There is not a single speaker in the spiritual world that we encounter today who can speak with fire and conviction the core truths.

59. It does seem that, without the divine commission, preaching spirituality becomes an exercise in futility.

60. True, indeed, that 'religions of the world have become lifeless mockeries' and 'what the world needs is character.'

61. Do not idolise false Gurus even if they are awarded national honours.They dupe you. Read Vivekananda and get to know your dharma.

62. How openly these fake Gurus are duping the people using sly talk, and how stupidly the people are submitting to these charlatans!

63. Swami Svatantranandaji used to speak with fire and conviction, but, alas, he is no more and we are left to listen to insipid speeches galore by lesser speakers not endowed with the same spiritual power.

64. Be free as a bird, merry as a lark always, and that is spirituality.

65. I write and write and write. Thakur knows my intent and he alone reads all my posts with pleasure.

66. In God there is an unbroken stream of consciousness for He never sleeps. He, the Beloved, is the ever-active Providence.

67. Epitome of truthfulness, Truth personified -- Shree Ramchandra, God-incarnate.

68. Purer than purity itself -- Seeta, India's ideal of womanhood.

69. Every Indian girl, every woman should aspire to be like Mother Seeta and should adore Shree Ram.

70. Ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal king, ideal friend, ideal devotee, ideal warrior -- that is Prabhu Ram.

71. Read first the Ramayana, then the Srimad Bhagavatam and, finally, the 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga'.

72. জপ-ধ্যানের সাথে পড়াশোনাটিও চালিয়ে যেতে হয় | নইলে, শূণ্যমস্তিষ্কে উচ্চভাব ধারণ করা দুরূহ হয় |

73. আর নয় | আর 'জয় ঠাকুর', 'জয় মা', 'জয় স্বামীজী' নয় | অনেক হয়েছে | এবার কিছু করা চাই তাঁদের আদর্শ পালনে |

74. Enough of saying, 'Jai Swamiji !' Now do something for him.

75. More and more we need to think now in global terms and not in terms of narrow nationalism. Humanity is one and must be preserved.

76. The dust of desires deflects the mind from the divine to the kingdom of delusion.

77. Learn to be a little child in the hands of the Divine and He shall lead you unto freedom.

78. Cling to the name of the Lord and you will sure see His form, for the twain are inseparable.


The spiritual path is a steep anti-gravity climb. But despite its difficulty of ascent, the summit of realisations is reachable under the guidance of a Guru who knows the Truth.

80. Sugata Bose : Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda), keep explaining the fundamentals of the Sanatan Dharma. That will clarify conceptions, dispel doubts, awaken understanding and anchor us in our divine heritage.

81. Martyrs to gaining freedom and martyrs to preserving it -- I humbly take the dust of your feet. Jai Hind!

82. O monk, you may despise the Bengali for pointing out the truth of partitioned Dominion status but you cannot alter truth.

83. Bengalis, O monk, have the intelligence to understand the real import of partitioned transfer of power. They are in truth.

84. What have you determined to do for your country this Independence Day?



135 crore sisters and brothers look to us for help and succour. Let us share with them our joys and our sorrows as we remember the martyrs to freedom. Happy Independence Day!

Written by Sugata Bose


Birthday felicitations to the great Indian thinker, Sri Aurobindo.

88. Let this be our Independence Day resolve -- India will be integrated once again.

89. This day we must remember Netaji and Rash Behari Bose. The twain brought us freedom.

90. Clarified intelligence leads to rectitude, and rectitude to the vision of God.

91. Work not out of a sense of duty but out of fathomless love.

92. Where there is love, there is peace.

93. Love is the panacea for the evils of the world.

94. Truthfulness is the way to Truth.

95. The path of austere jnana is quick, steep and short but it is also full of the possibility of precipitous fall. (Adapted from Vivekananda)

96. Self-analysis is best. Self-imposition on oneself rather than on others is best. Self-surrender to one's higher Self is best.

97. Guru is not just the guide to God but Guru is God Himself. Make no difference between God and Guru. Guru = God. This is the divine equation.

98. The life of the Spirit is the essence of beauty.

99. Concentration is the key in spiritual life.

100. যা কিছু ঘটছে, সব সংস্কার অনুযায়ী, কর্মানুসারে | মুক্তি নেই মায়ার রাজ্যে, এক আত্মস্মৃতিতে মুক্তি |

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