Tuesday 20 August 2019

AS WE AGE ...1

AS WE AGE ...1

As we age we lose more and more of our friends and associates to the deathly embrace of time. But peace unto all for deathless they remain. Death is simply an impossibility and this only the dead know well. This physical sheath is cast off and yet four other sheaths remain to continue the saga in a fresher incarnation. But the sense of loss to the deluded soul remains and, hence, the suffering. In witnessing the passage of so many to the other world one is often unnerved oneself and with the body developing those chinks in its armoury, so to say, one even starts contemplating death in a negative way. This is counter-productive to spiritual growth and here one must relocate oneself philosophically in order to regain one's spiritual moorings.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Vireshwarananda (left), Swami Abhayananda (Bharat Maharaj --- centre), Swami Dayananda (right).

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