Thursday 1 August 2019



By brainwashing children with irrational religious doctrines, human evolution will not be expedited. It will rather be hindered in its free flow. What will be of greater moment is the transmission of spiritual energy from preceptor to pupil and the dissemination of the pristine principles of the Upanishads which speak of the glory of the spiritual man in transcendent terms.

Mere absorption by rote of verses will not serve, but children must live in the proximity of spiritually enlightened persons who can inspire through their personality vibrations resonant vibrations in them for the fuller manifestation of their latent potentialities, for the efflorescence of their inherent divinity. Therefore, futile are these attempts to bring about social transformation through puerile exercises galore that touch for the moment but the outer man and never quite the inner being whose contact will bring about seminal changes in the personality of the child, the youth or the adult.

Let us dive deep, as Sri Ramakrishna used to constantly aver, and attempt the depth transformation of humanity rather than cosmetic changes amounting essentially to nothing substantial.

Written by Sugata Bose

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