Thursday, 15 August 2019



A new spiritual order is coming into being. The times are ripe that it should be so. A new energy is going to burst upon human society that will yet again have its focus in India but which will spread out in the wide world this time to its remotest corners. The times are propitious and the need of the world is such that the resolution of past karmic dynamics will usher in this New Age just as Sri Ramakrishna had prophesied. A mighty spiritual wave will inundate the world as titanic beings will take control of the destiny of civilisation and steer its course along the path of enlightenment and freedom.

We are riding such a spiritual wave and its buoyancy and current are carrying us. The impelling force is divine, the instruments in play that carry the course are divine and the destination is divine, too.

A new articulation, a new message of the Soul, a new symphony is the crying call of the hour that will reset the direction of the terrestrial evolution of man, readjust forces, realign the conflicting elements into an integrated order where mutual dissonance will not impede development but mutual resonance bring in the spiritual life into things. Such a situation has precipitated today when man has lost his spiritual moorings and is marooned on an island of self-destructive ideas, of brute ignorance, with the inner light blocked by the boulder of vain assertion of the non-self, the anatma. The Lord descends into His earthly play then and then alone when the forces are so pitted against the Spirit.

Evolution does not follow a uniform linear path of ascent but tracks the course of a mountainous detour, here ascending along an uneven meandering spiral, there descending in like manner the downward trail of past paths of countless earlier universes of which time also has no count, for it ceases to be with the dissolution of the universe before seeking fresher fruition in a newer incarnation. So it goes undulating up and down, running its earlier courses with patterns uniform and variant, for who can foretell the course of inscrutable Maya?

The mountains unfold ceaselessly, offering the terrain for pilgrims to pass through as they trudge along towards the destination divine. The motion is monitored by the strange workings of inexplicable karma as progress is here hastened and there halted for the while in life's deliberations. The vast mass of sentience is on the march, the Grande Armee of God, through the Russian steppes that consume as they yield while the essence, stored and incremented, lends substance to this evolutionary hunt of the Atman.

The day darkens in its brightness ; the night reveals in the depth of the dark, vistas unknown, habitations long-forgotten, a residence familiar through the faint-remembered semblance of an undying echo sounding through the corridors of the being.

Such a mighty march is on from times immemorial, from the deep night of savagery unto the dawn of civilisation. And in those inarticulate hours of the dark, when men had hardly stood up to see the world around, when night consumed and day brightened but the flesh of man, when sounds chaotic made snail's progress through the clarifying conceptions of primitive man till a Rishi spoke the first syllable of articulate understanding, there where civilisation stood on the borders of primitive savagery, even there this impulse towards the Atman was the one impelling force.

There stood man on the pre-dawn of civilisation with the primary tools of life, with that savage instinct of survival which springs from the immortality of the Soul. There humanity was born and the renewal of the evolving sheaths ever continues even to this day as it did in earlier aeons.

The undulation continues as prophesied by the Lord in his Song Celestial, the forces of the dark continue to battle the bright forces in this divine dialectical display of terrestrial Maya, and the impulse to perfection evolves out of their conflict in an unceasing upward current of the self seeking the Self. The thesis, antithesis and synthesis of Hegelian dialectics seem to have been well apprehended and a coarse application of it seems apt even in this spiritual evolution of man. The intricate interplay of karma and its inexorable resolution seems to hold evolution within the Law as man fumbles upward en route to his ultimate abode in absolute freedom. In keeping with it, so many times has this mighty utterance of the Lord sought fresh articulation as He has descended with His entourage onto the fallen plane of self-oblivious humanity.

The times are ripe for such a descent as prophesied by the Lord, for humanity is precipitously close to extinction today, armed as it is with phenomenal power wedded to phenomenal ignorance of the higher verities of life.

We are in phenomenal times when the Lord will manifest in tangible terms, in flesh and form, in fallen humanity to raise it. The hour has arrived ; prepare, O great ones, to receive the Lord in right regal terms. And what is the kingdom that He reigns over, what is the terrain that He calls His own? Just the heart, O devotee, just the heart that has been purified of all dross, of all vestige of material Maya.

Must we fail Him when He seeks our participation in playful indulgence of His errant children? Does He need our help to recreate conditions for the happy emergence of the Spirit through the thick crust of Matter? Does He need us at all save to wash His own heart with the waters of the Ganga of our love? No, He does not. Therefore, surrender thy all at His blessed feet this time and be but His instruments in the unfolding of the divine age that is in the offing. Relinquishing all inclinations, surrendering all proclivities, sundering all earthly bonds, flow in like the river at its estuary into the ocean and attain to blessedness. Upon your action depends your liberation, upon your freedom rests the future freedom of countless others as the preceptor-pupil succession of the flow of spiritual energy continues ad infinitum.

Written by Sugata Bose

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