Saturday 24 August 2019



When will tribalism desert man and he will step into modernity in the rightful sense? When will religious retribution be a thing of the past and man will stand free in the light of reason? How long must man subject himself to prophetic pronouncements of the past when the light of science had not illumined the mind of man and he stumbled in his ignorance onto archaic ideas and went about expressing them in primitive ways as the absolute and inviolable Word of God? Is this civilisation when the thraldom of archaic pronouncements so hold the mind of man and keep him in terrible servitude? These are pertinent questions that need pondering and the discovery of the solutions will render fractional man whole as his fractured and refracted intelligence shines in the clear light of reason and transcends the limitations imposed on it by the prisms of the past.

Man, you are in essence the God who you worship and no power on earth or in heaven or hideous hell can contain your Spirit. Realise this and give up clinging to old dogma that makes you cringe in fear before a tyrannical God and observe every injunction unjustly spelt out by Him from a strange fractional view of phenomena. Strange indeed are the ways of the Lord, that is, if such a Lord indeed exists!

Written by Sugata Bose

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