Tuesday, 27 August 2019



Shallow Hindus resort to verbal abuse in defence of Hinduism. The true Hindu will never do so. He will study his dharma and arrive at enlightened understanding of its precepts and principles. His will be the inclusive impulse that embraces all and rejects none.

Initiates to the online babble, awake to the glory of your dharma instead of pretending to be its articulate abusive votary. Your regressive rant does Hinduism no good nor does it advance the cause you espouse of the regeneration of humanity through the activation of the principles of the dharma. Your very attitude in insulting others is counterproductive and will boomerang on you soon for the thoughtful and the sincere will reject your exclusive ejaculations. Learn to practise self-restraint in presenting points in defence of the dharma and never resort to abusing fellow humans in the name of your hallowed heritage. Your presentation is poor, your representation of the dharma poorer.

The Sanatan Dharma stands tall as the high Himalayas and nothing can shake its foundations or crush its edifice. Be assured the Lord Krishna will seek out better defenders of the dharma than raucous onliners going berserk with obscure understanding and obtuse expression. So, let the rational discourse be on. Let logic meet logic, reason reason, and let not spewed venom, that ought better to abide within the precincts of the private mind, sully the already polluted public sphere any further. Upon your good sense depends your own intellectual, moral and spiritual evolution, upon your civility rests the health of civic discourse in free India. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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