Saturday, 31 August 2019



Little mother, right there in front of you, Maharaj, is taking her first lessons from you. May she bloom to be a benediction unto all !

Maharaj, how is this educational initiative progressing? Is there a good response? Is this little mother still taking her lessons? If in any way I can be of any help to any project you may undertake, do not hesitate to apprise me of it. I shall only be too obliged to comply within my limited bounds. 

Yours in devotion,
Sugata Bose



Brilliant, Naveena CK. At last I have found a kindred soul voicing the same sentiment. This is the way. Your observation I wholly second and I have been articulating similar sentiments, perhaps, in a more robust way, in a more forthright manner, as is my wont, but to seemingly little effect. Now one more voice is being heard in the wilderness to keep my solitary soul company and the twain will, through consistent clarion calls, awaken a semblance of self-consciousness, a sense of self-dignity among devotees that will through enlightened behavioural resistance have put paid in the long run to this sort of unseemly treatment by so-called superior individuals of so-called inferior ones. To that day of enlightened citizenry, to that day of sublime spiritual equality of beings --- not merely in precept but in practice as well --- , to that day of honourable relations among individuals sharing the same social space, I look forward with eager expectation. In it will lie great good, for, in such perception of the essential sameness of beings, a lot of the social evils that abound today, of discrimination against the downtrodden, will also be eliminated in due course.

God bless you, Naveena, for bringing to the fore this contentious issue that needs immediate redressal if devotees are not to be reduced to feeling inferior by such supercilious attitude of many a monk.
Written by Sugata Bose



The fastest way to solve human problems is to educate the masses. Education will bring in awareness, instil self-confidence and empower people to fight for their rights and defend their existent status.

Faith-based religious education is regressive and stifling. It conduces to no well-being, rather throttles human potentialities through irrational indoctrination. All such theocratic propensities must be given up in the intellectual training of a people and pure science must be resorted to in equipping them for the battle of life. Then and then alone will humanity surge rapidly ahead in its onward march along the evolutionary track. Then shall wisdom prevail when dark delusions have been dispelled about despotic divinities, when the clear stream of reason flows rippling free, when the limitations of reason are further transcended in the light of higher spiritual understanding, free of the contamination of earthly empowerment, when men shall stand equal to the God they have thus far cowered before, when knowledge shall be the birthright and inheritance of all, free, fair and fertile, devoid of the dominance of prophetic pronouncements, arbitrary archaic injunctions or messianic mesmerisms that keep humanity bound to dogmatic doctrines.

The process must begin at all levels, in every sphere of human society, this reclamation of rationality, this rejection of superstition, this transcendence of the limitations of life. Only when the whole world is truly literate, will humanity enter the golden phase of peace and enlightenment about which poets and philosophers have forever sung. Let us all strive for such a cultural uplift.

Written by Sugata Bose

Friday, 30 August 2019



The need of the hour is that perennial need -- men, real men of spirit and fire who can galvanise a nation sleeping for ages. And then the vaster cause of humanity, for sure.

The nation rising, humanity must rise round that nucleus of spiritual power. So must India rise to her spiritual eminence if humanity is to be resurrected from its morass of material degradation.

Fiery individuals, armed in the eternal mantra of death-defying courage with the highest idealism of their inherent divinity impelling them ever onward, will yet bring about the renaissance of national civilisation before spreading to the remotest parts of the globe to usher in the total transformation of the human species whence it will rise to 'ionian' heights of self-fulfilment en masse.

May the Mother, who is the force behind the onward march of humanity, grace Her children with the wherewithal for this mountainous ascent en route to the summit of realisations !

Written by Sugata Bose



All the theories of Netaji's whereabouts post his 18 August, 1945 disappearance need thorough investigation before conclusions may be drawn definitively. It is meet that the Mukherjee Commission Report be tabled before Parliament immediately for further probe into the mystery. Foreign files, the domestic Intelligence Bureau files and the Prime Minister's files related to Netaji need declassification for conclusive evidence to be unearthed that will lead to the resolution of the mystery. Till then speculations will abound, men will take sides as per their predilections and persuasions. Let all subsist without mutual animosity and let healthy debate even rage without noxious rage ruining it all.

May Netaji's spirit animate us all with intense patriotism without fanatical exclusiveness that permits not contrary opinion or divergent ideological persuasion ! May the mighty spirit guide us to plumb the depths of the mystery surrounding him in a civilised and cultured manner as becomes men of mature brewing in the distillery of human evolution !

Written by Sugata Bose

Thursday, 29 August 2019



Patronising remarks by pious preceptors about devotion along a narrow constricted channel alone is redolent of fanatical imposition and not quite consonant with the spirit of traditional Indian thought that explored the divinity of all of sentience and came to vaster conclusions.

The incapacity to understand the scope of a text, the inability to contextualise thereof and the inevitable imbalance in literary appreciation is quite common these days when intellectual clarity is becoming increasingly confounded amidst superficial assertions based on arbitrary assumptions and misreading of the deeper import of traditional texts. It is but natural that monastics with a superior air will flout the scriptures in the erroneous assumption that the laity are ignorant of the same, that they will have a plethora of prostrate pupils of pedestrian intellectual acumen and, why, even of nominal spiritual understanding, to bolster their averment and strengthen their spiritual pride, and that they will casually slip into the realm of the unreal where fools rush in but angels fear to tread. Such a state of assumed superiority of scriptural conception is born out of the puerile predilection of these preceptors that they are privy, by dint of outer renunciation, to every secret of the author's heart and every nuance of his pronouncements in literary composition.

Well. well, such is the sad state of affairs and let us leave it at that, for these inebriated intellects scarce understand the glory of their own spiritual lineage and may best be forgiven for these hopefully unintended lapses in offering uncalled-for superior advice, when one reflects the pitiable state to which they have been reduced, courtesy that terrible vice of seeking name, fame and recognition which is the bane of the renunciate.

May Sri Ramakrishna preserve the purity of the ochre that is donned by the one who has renounced in his holy name !

Written by Sugata Bose   



Maharaj (यतिराज पुरी), you have mastered the art of online communication. Your presentations are catching 'the breeze of mercy', as Sri Ramakrishna used to say it, and setting people into the thinking mode as Swamiji had aspired for humanity when in his celebrated lecture 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion' he had exhorted, "Let men be thinkers." Without stretching it so far, though, your online posts are, for sure, making people ponder the spiritual imperatives of life and inducing them to take a fresh look at their lives. Your constant consistent effort is reaping you the dividends and helping you achieve the goal of activating, if even, a mild awakening among the laity and the mass of devotees.

I remember those early days of your daily postings from 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' which you kept up for several years. But it seems you have through experience arrived at the understanding that Facebook surfers are superficial beings largely and are more responsive to one liners rather than elaborate elucidating essays. And herein you have struck the gold. Now your posts will carry better responses than ever before as you will have struck resonant vibrations in many a reader and yet achieve your goal of letting the spiritual message drift in unnoticed into the momentarily opening mind. May Thakur-Ma guide you in your ever-advancing programme of public communication ! My prostrations at the hallowed feet of the Holy Trinity and my heartiest good wishes for you !

Written by Sugata Bose



The precipitous fall of culture must be arrested by exercising our faculties better in resisting it. Strive for excellence in every sphere of national life. Your conscious effort alone can reverse this downward trend.

Individual contributions will accumulate to collective output and personal excellence will result in the up-gradation of national culture. This much you may do. The rest will happen following the laws of social evolution over which you have not much control, for the forces involved are complex, karmic resolutions, subtle and subconscious. But where your effort can make a tangible difference, you ought to make it in a dispassionate manner. This is your holy duty if there be any, so to say. The rest, leave it to Providence to unfold its evolutionary plans and programmes as humanity marches on to the ocean of infinite freedom despite the jolts and jerks of its advancing path.

Written by Sugata Bose



Scholarship devoid of creativity is a counterfeit copy of earlier output of more original thinking. Assume a fresh stance in scholastic thinking.

The creative impulse in man has been the conquering force in civilisation and it will yet be the seminal stuff of which future civilisations shall be built. Therefore, be original, be creative and never be satisfied with being poor representatives of others' thoughts, however hallowed the lender may be.

Written by Sugata Bose

কাকে অপমান করেন ? নিজরই প্রতিরূপকে ?

কাকে অপমান করেন ? নিজরই প্রতিরূপকে ?

হে আমার হিন্দু ভাই বোন, আপনারা মানুষ হোন ! মনুষ্যত্বের বিকাশের মধ্যেই নিহিত আছে সনাতন ধর্মের পুনরুত্থান | কেউ অস্পৃশ্য নয় | সকলেই এক পরমেশ্বরের সন্তানসন্ততি | সকলেরই ধর্মপালনে সমান অধিকার | দেবতার মন্দির সকলেরই জন্য উন্মুক্ত থাকা শ্রেয় | লিঙ্গ নির্বিশেষে, জাতি নির্বিশেষে, ঈশ্বরের আসন সকলের জন্য অবারিত হোক | সকলে প্রণত হয়ে সেথা পবিত্র হোন, ধন্য হোন | ভারতবর্ষের সনাতন ধর্ম একসূত্রে সকলকে নিবিড় বন্ধনে বাঁধুক |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)



Death lies ahead. The body grows old. This must be understood that it is my playmate and not me, my long-serving friend who will soon part with me. I remain the immovable master of this mansion, the mover of the instrument that devoted has served, loyal beyond bounds.

Deserted the war-field lies. The battles are lost and won. Scattered remain the early exploits, the spoils of sport in residual terms. The flame flickers here, there embers burn out with their dying breaths. The vast terrain seems deserted, the self forlorn. Such is this evening of life. All the passions lie inflicted with deathly wounds, all the forces of war spent in enemy fire as fragmented and forlorn I stand amidst the ruins of yesteryears, a philosopher seeking still the touchstone of life. The terrain stretches still, vistas yet opening unto the vast unknown. My life lingers on.

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday, 27 August 2019



Mass mediocrity is marginalising men of merit. Culture is on a precipitous course.

Proliferation of education is draining quality away from the academic discourse, cultural degradation is imperceptibly drawing men to withering values of much-cherished civilisation, shallow thinkers are gaining the status of intellectual giants and the masses in innocence are in the seat of pronouncing judgement on the standards of achievement and excellence.

A sad day in the history of human evolution, an inevitable day, perhaps, for the proletariat can in its exceeding wisdom do no better.

Written by Sugata Bose



Shallow Hindus resort to verbal abuse in defence of Hinduism. The true Hindu will never do so. He will study his dharma and arrive at enlightened understanding of its precepts and principles. His will be the inclusive impulse that embraces all and rejects none.

Initiates to the online babble, awake to the glory of your dharma instead of pretending to be its articulate abusive votary. Your regressive rant does Hinduism no good nor does it advance the cause you espouse of the regeneration of humanity through the activation of the principles of the dharma. Your very attitude in insulting others is counterproductive and will boomerang on you soon for the thoughtful and the sincere will reject your exclusive ejaculations. Learn to practise self-restraint in presenting points in defence of the dharma and never resort to abusing fellow humans in the name of your hallowed heritage. Your presentation is poor, your representation of the dharma poorer.

The Sanatan Dharma stands tall as the high Himalayas and nothing can shake its foundations or crush its edifice. Be assured the Lord Krishna will seek out better defenders of the dharma than raucous onliners going berserk with obscure understanding and obtuse expression. So, let the rational discourse be on. Let logic meet logic, reason reason, and let not spewed venom, that ought better to abide within the precincts of the private mind, sully the already polluted public sphere any further. Upon your good sense depends your own intellectual, moral and spiritual evolution, upon your civility rests the health of civic discourse in free India. 

Written by Sugata Bose



Sameer Banik : But what will they do who want to remain attached with family and desire to lead a blissful family life with the blessing of the almighty? Please advise.

Sugata Bose : Sameer Banik, they must also read the Kathamrita (The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna) daily diligently to keep dharma going in their lives without which blissful family life will be a virtual impossibility, a sandcastle built on the seashore which will be washed away by the rushing billows lashing against its citadels, ruining all hopes and aspirations of this make-believe world. Dharma, built round the Master's message enshrined in his Gospel, will ensure happy home life in so far as circumstances permit and will gradually lead the inebriated soul towards the moksha marga (the path of liberation). The Kathamrita is, therefore, the handbook of life for both the monastic and the laity even as the Master stands at the junction of the twain as the perfect embodiment of both. May God grace your soul with a taste for this text perennial that, in the words of Vivekananda, 'will shower peace on earth hereafter' !



Oh, blessed are you, Alok Babu, and blessed these erstwhile colleagues and companions in constancy ! I read the letter and am still in a state of exhilaration that prompts me to pen these words in fraternal appreciation of your significant achievements in life in line with the early training you received at the hands of your mentors and teachers. May Sri Ramakrishna ever keep you in his leading and bless you with light and life eternal that you remain a beacon unto others following you in your chosen vocation for the upkeep of civic welfare and safety !

Written by Sugata Bose

Comment :
Alok Sarkar : Sugata Babu, With gratitude I acknowledge your message of good wishes and thank you for the many tributes you have paid me. Your friendly sentiments are also heartily appreciated. Once again, thank you for being you.👏

Saturday, 24 August 2019



When will tribalism desert man and he will step into modernity in the rightful sense? When will religious retribution be a thing of the past and man will stand free in the light of reason? How long must man subject himself to prophetic pronouncements of the past when the light of science had not illumined the mind of man and he stumbled in his ignorance onto archaic ideas and went about expressing them in primitive ways as the absolute and inviolable Word of God? Is this civilisation when the thraldom of archaic pronouncements so hold the mind of man and keep him in terrible servitude? These are pertinent questions that need pondering and the discovery of the solutions will render fractional man whole as his fractured and refracted intelligence shines in the clear light of reason and transcends the limitations imposed on it by the prisms of the past.

Man, you are in essence the God who you worship and no power on earth or in heaven or hideous hell can contain your Spirit. Realise this and give up clinging to old dogma that makes you cringe in fear before a tyrannical God and observe every injunction unjustly spelt out by Him from a strange fractional view of phenomena. Strange indeed are the ways of the Lord, that is, if such a Lord indeed exists!

Written by Sugata Bose



The reclamation of our cultural heritage has been going on for the last 1200 years ever since the advent of Adi Shankaracharya. Advance this cause and be thou worthy Hindus. Upon it depends our future as a civilisation and upon it depends the survival of the world as well, for knowledge alone sustains life.

The message of the Rishis is the one surviving hope for the perpetuation of human civilisation. If Hinduism triumphs, triumphs humanity with it.

The march of man through the darkness of the night of trial needs a beacon and it is the Upanishads and its seers who can provide it. In this sea of cosmic nescience the Atman alone shines as the one unfailing anchor.

The ancient Hindus discovered the truths of the inner world that holds, the principles of the dharma and the eternal sublimities of life and light. These are chronicled in the pages of the Vedas and in the bloodstream of the flowing civilisation that is India.

If India survives, survives Hinduism and survives humanity, the rushing concourse of conflicting minds daring each other unto a dastardly end. Serve, therefore, in the grand mission of the reclamation of our spiritual culture, the Sanatan Dharma, for the benefit of both India and the world.

Written by Sugata Bose

Friday, 23 August 2019



Our immediate aim should be to bring home the glad tidings of the Master (Sri Ramakrishna) and his entourage (Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and his brother disciples) to as many people as possible. Upon the absorption of their life-saving message depends the redemption of our sinking world. Come ye all and spread the message of the blessed divinities of this Age through the length and breadth of the wide world.

Written by Sugata Bose



The peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar, the Master of his Mission, the Avatar of the Age, the source of all that is, the guiding light of the times, the beacon for ages to come, the personification of love, the Pole Star of our lives, incarnate purity, the condensed creation, the flowing Ganga of spirituality, bliss divine, perfection perennial, my companion eternal, my final friend, my essence, my Lord, my God, my love.

Written by Sugata Bose



Sugata Bose : The life of the Spirit lies in renunciation of matter. All material contamination takes one away from the cherished goal of Self-realisation.

Swami Adidebananda : Are you renouncing mundane desires, dear brother?

Sugata Bose : @Swami Adidebananda -- Trying to since long. Bless me that I may succeed. The sannyasi is the leading light in our lives. He is the Jagadguru (preceptor of humanity). His blessing full of divine love will surely lend us rectitude in life and help hasten our course en route to the divine destination. So, O Lord Mahatma, I humbly seek thy blessings. Do not deny me.

Swami Adidebananda : Dear brother Sugata, 
Swamiji said, "Give up, lust and gold and fame and hold fast to the Lord, and at last we shall reach a state of Perfect Indifference". May Lord Ramakrishna, Sri Sri Maa & Swamiji Maharaj bless you to attain the coveted Supreme Goal(Self -Realisation/Immortality). With best wishes.



All power is Thakur's. I am a non-entity, an empty drum that he beats at his will. Swamiji said he was a voice without form and I am but a form without a voice. For the voice is his that speaks and I speak not. I can hardly say that the form is mine as well, for it is he who dons the cosmic garb of name and form.

Substance he is, membrane am I. The sound emerges from silence, springing free and floods the soul that thrills. Nor body nor mind nor the spirit free, none of these am I. I am but the nothingness that scarce exists save in the everythingness of the Lord.

My Master, my Mother, my friend forever abides in this mansion of his where his grace lends me space to live, and I do so in bliss as a speck located in his blessed feet, doing devotions that remain my only vocation.

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

AS WE AGE ...1

AS WE AGE ...1

As we age we lose more and more of our friends and associates to the deathly embrace of time. But peace unto all for deathless they remain. Death is simply an impossibility and this only the dead know well. This physical sheath is cast off and yet four other sheaths remain to continue the saga in a fresher incarnation. But the sense of loss to the deluded soul remains and, hence, the suffering. In witnessing the passage of so many to the other world one is often unnerved oneself and with the body developing those chinks in its armoury, so to say, one even starts contemplating death in a negative way. This is counter-productive to spiritual growth and here one must relocate oneself philosophically in order to regain one's spiritual moorings.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Vireshwarananda (left), Swami Abhayananda (Bharat Maharaj --- centre), Swami Dayananda (right).




Do not arbitrarily put barriers across your path and limit yourself. You are the infinite Self which has cast a shadow on this strange world of man-vibration and you find yourself closeted as if in a body. Essentially you are free but mysteriously, quite mysteriously, you find yourself bound to this encasement of flesh and form. Break free. Cast aside all infatuation and stand clear in the sunshine of realisation. You do not have to wait for some messiah to save you in a million years but you are free this moment, this very moment you are actually free. Just assert it and see what a wonderful change comes over you that will never leave you.

The infinite can never be bound and you who seek freedom at the feet of others and in a thousand pilgrimages and places of worship, know for sure that your hour of freedom is at hand only if you will dispel the cloud of doubt that has covered up your consciousness and makes you conceive heaven and earth and all the paraphernalia in your ignorance. The Real lies hidden inside you and you go about seeking this truth everywhere except where it abides.

This vast panoramic spectacle is all a mirage, an ever-shifting, ever-eluding, ever-vanishing dream that has a strange persistence despite its unreality in the Absolute. Cling not to this phenomenal unreality called the world of the senses but assert your innate divinity, your steady Self within which is what you truly are even as this shadow-body and the shadow-mind conjure up a million tricks to dupe the deluded self. Stand clear of all such dross and assert your bright being, your essence which is neither born nor dies but abides ever unmoved in an eternal moment of frozen existence, conscious and self-brooding.

Alone you are through eternity and alone shall remain, for their is no way that you may be partitioned save by casting the spell of Maya that once deluded you. Affirm this real Self and be the witness to all of the panoramic self, knowing full well that all else is dream but this Self which is the only Reality. 

Written by Sugata Bose

KARMA YOGA 29 : 15 AUGUST, 2019

KARMA YOGA 29 : 15 AUGUST, 2019

Free we are today and free shall remain for sure, for such is our pledge to our beloved Motherland. When Bengal capitulated in Plassey (Palashi) in 1757, it was the dastardly act of Indian traitors who in conjunction with the unscrupulous British general Robert Clive brought about the political downfall of India. Slowly, through the passage of a century the Britishers established their political mastery over us and despite resistance were able to manipulate our men to keep us in subjugation. Trickery, lies, deceit, diplomacy and valour, all played their respective roles in making the British the colonial masters that they turned out to be with the sole aim of exploiting our resources to the hilt to serve their own vested interests. The Permanent Settlement, the Subsidiary Alliance and the Doctrine of Lapse were so many British ploys to colonize India using 'fair' British means for after all the British were 'gentlemen' and only used 'fair' political means to conquer India that they might 'civilize' India with their Western mode of living and their 'superior' Western culture.

Lord Macaulay had in 1836 drawn up a plan of Indian education in the British mould which would make English-educated Indians loyal servants of the British and help perpetuate their reign in India for a very long time to come. Incidentally, 1836 was also the year Sri Ramakrishna was born on the soil of India, perhaps as the defence of India to this alien challenge to India's hoary culture. The nation had unsuccessfully waged the First War of Indian Independence in 1857 and consequently, following the Queen's Proclamation of 1858, come under the rule of the British Crown directly as opposed to the earlier rule of the vicious English East India Company. Four years after the War of 1857 Tagore was born, two years later was born Vivekananda and six more years were all that India had to wait for the birth of the Mahatma. Ramakrishna had sounded the death-knell of the Britishers with the spiritual renaissance he heralded at Dakshineshwar. Indian independence had been lost on the soil of Bengal and it was Bengal that led the struggle for freedom.

A spiritual renaissance has always marked the rise of national life in India in every age and this age was no exception. Ramakrishna sounded the bugle and the children of India, unlike the children of Hamlin town who had perished in the sea, all rushed unto freedom. The spiritual resurgence of India invigorated Indians with the fire of the Spirit, deathless, invincible, immortal. The Lectures of Vivekananda from Colombo to Almora upon his triumphant return to India following his world-conquering sojourn in the West awakened India from her age-old slumber and sent the ideas of freedom coursing through her veins which soon bore fruition in the protracted struggle for India's independence. Bengal led the way and unforgettable is the saga of the Bengal revolutionaries that so shook the citadels of British power in India that Lord Curzon had to partition Bengal in 1905 in his bid to debilitate her revolutionary movement. But when the move backfired, Bengal was reunited in 1911 but the British found her too hot a seat for 'peaceful' governance, so they shifted capital to New Delhi.

But the shift had taken place in another zone too. Indian consciousness had been awakened and the children of India could now no longer be kept enslaved to alien rule, corrupt to the core that it was. World events such as the two Great Wars undermined the British colonial power and led by stalwarts like Gandhiji and Netaji, India achieved political independence on the 15th of August, 1947. 'At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world slept, India awoke to life and freedom.' India had lost her freedom through her own Karma and she had to bleed her way through to regain her lost freedom. Millions of lives were lost in the struggle for freedom despite the fact that Gandhiji had led a non-violent struggle. But there were other parallel movements alongside Gandhi's non-violent struggle which were violent in their methods no doubt but no less heroic nor any less patriotic. Netaji's Indian National Army played a seminal role in the liberation of India. But for its heroic advance through the jungles of Burma and even its entry into the Indian soil of Manipur, retreat, defeat and the subsequent INA Trials, the Royal Indian Navy might not have revolted against its British masters taking the cue from the the revolting Axis-captured British-Indian soldiers that eventually formed the I.N.A. It was this revolt by the R.I.N. that convinced the British that their time was up in India as the very forces that had kept their Raj had turned on them.

A look backward and we see that the British invariably resorted to brutal methods of repression to contain the revolutionary activities of the Indian freedom fighters. Millions of Indians periodically lost their lives in famines created by the British Government's inefficient handling of the Indian economy with their prime objective being the loot of the country's resources. The Bengal famine of 1943 was the most glaring instance of the government's malicious intent when all the food was diverted to the troops fighting the Second World War and famine was artificially created which claimed the lives of 5 million people. Then came the Partition of India, the master-plan of the Britishers to permanently weaken India and create an inimical State in Pakistan to thwart India's growth as a nation.

In 1906 with the aim of ruling India by the policy of 'Divide and Rule', the British government had encouraged the formation of the Muslim League Party. Thereafter, they had encouraged and patronized divisive politics among the different Indian parties along communal lines to keep the Indians disunited. But when the devastation of the Second World War had put paid to the British dream of a permanent settlement in India, they, true to their vicious national character, used their diabolical means to dismember India as their final act of 'fairplay and British justice', their 'gratitude' to the Indians for all the wealth they had looted from their coffers including the Kohinoor diamond.

And who can recount the horrors of Partition that followed ! Several millions lost their lives in the riots, disease and starvation that followed in the wake of Partition as whole populations got displaced from their homelands in Bengal and Punjab which had been dismembered. A whole generation of Indians was sent to penury and despair by the transference of population across the now Indo-Pak border. Since then the two nations, once the same body and soul, have fought four wars in 1948, 1965, 1971 which led to the turbulent creation of the State of Bangaladesh and 1999 when the Kargil War was fought. The Bangaladesh War took the lives of millions of erstwhile East Pakistanis with hundreds of thousands of their women-folk's modesty being outraged by the invading, murdering Pakistani soldiers. Besides, cross-border terrorism and shelling since 1947 have cost us the loss of tens of thousands of Indian soldiers. Both India and Pakistan are victims to violent acts of terrorism almost on a routine basis.

All this is the collective Karma of our nation, of Indians tormenting Indians till we became so weak that we fell to foreign hands to debase us further and impair us, perhaps, for a long time yet to come. The vaunted British Empire has been destroyed by the ravages of the Second World War. Each side must account for its own Karma from which it seems there is no way out. But knowing that we are a single human family, may we start rebuilding our hopes and aspirations of a renascent future for humanity on the ashes of the dead past ? May we bury our differences of the past and through a clearer vision of the oneness of the humankind build a new civilization where neither will man be predator nor will he be the prey for after all that is 'the way of all flesh' and not the Infinite Spirit that seeks freedom, justice and light for all ?

May all the nations of the world celebrate this golden occasion of the 73rd birthday of India by taking a pledge that they shall not break ever, that of peaceful co-existence, knowing harmony to be the law of civilized living and unity in diversity to be the basic mantra that animates all of creation !

And through all this evolutionary impulse, through all this mass movement of the sea of humanity runs the primary law of life that binds and releases --- Karma Yoga.

Jai Hind ! Hail humanity !

Written by Sugata Bose


1. সংসার দুঃখময়, ভগবান আনন্দস্থল |

2. The mind is not a garbage-can that it must be filled with material rubbish. Fill the mind with fragrant thoughts of the Lord.

3. If we spread the message of the Lord with no self-interest clinging to it, free of shamefulness, aversion and fear, we will have done it right as earnest devotees.

4. Gross materialism goes off too often as spirituality. The work before us is to extricate ourselves from the tentacles of matter.

5. Individuals would be better off with a bit of mutual welcome accorded to each other with a welcome smile.

6. Exhibition of hyper-business springs from ignorance and a sense of self-conceit, however camouflaged as dutifulness.

7. Love of God dispels delusion and sets the soul free. The Ancient Mother claps Her hands and cuts the binding cord to release the soul. Its play is over. All its ramblings are done once and for all. The Mother keeps flying Her kites.

8. Immortality is to be attained through renunciation of the fruits of action.

9. Stick to the 'word' or stick to the 'world'?

10. Self-reliance is the soul of the Vedanta.

11. জন্ম একটি সত্য, জীবন একটি সত্য, কিন্তু মৃত্যুতে দুইই মিথ্যা | ক্ষণিক আস্বাদন, তারপর অতল অন্ধকার | এই তমসার মাঝে সহায় এক ঈশ্বর |

12. In the midst of feverish activity he who can retain his calm is the karma yogi.

13. We are all held up in ignorance by our own desires, our own karma. Strike off the fetters and be free.

True it is that the sannyasi alone is fit to preach. His is the inner balance that shines through every uttered word. There in the man of renunciation is our manifested spiritual ideal.

Photo : Swami Vireshwarananda (left), Swami Abhayananda/Bharat Maharaj (centre) and Swami Dayananda (right). All three are the mantra disciples of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.

15. As night dawns, the hour of the arrival draws near. The Lord will manifest in the depth of the midnight moment.

16. মায়েরা, দক্ষিণেশ্বরে শ্রী সারাদা মঠ দর্শন করুন | মা অধীর আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করে আছেন আপনাদের আগমনের জন্য, ঠিক যেমন জয়রামবাটিতে বা বাগবাজারে থাকতেন |

17. Mothers, visit the Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineshwar. Mother awaits you anxiously there.

18. শুভ জন্মাষ্টমী !
Shubha Janmashtami !
शुभ जन्माष्टमी !

19. ভোর হল তবু ভোর হল না |

20. বিজ্ঞানানন্দজীকে কেন গুপ্তজ্ঞানী বলা হয় ?

21. সপ্তর্ষির ঋষি, ব্রজের রাখাল, শ্রীরাধিকার অস্থিশুদ্ধ অংশাবতার, কৃষ্ণসখা মহাবাহো অর্জুন ও দণ্ডধারী দেবদ্বাররক্ষি -- এরা কারা ছিলেন ?

22. কথামৃত রোজ পড়ুন যদি ঠাকুরকে পেতে চান |

23. ভগবানকে পেতে চান ? তাহলে নিজেকে খুঁজুন |

24. Delusion deflects all from the central purpose of life till realisation dawns and eliminates distraction to reveal the One within.

25. Exchange matter for Spirit and the divine deal is done.

26. Krishna is that cosmic love that attracts all of sentience to itself.

27. God is to be sought within in the sanctorum of the heart. There seated is the Self which is what God essentially is.

28. The secret of the Veda is in yourself, not hiding anywhere else in some nook or cranny of the high Himalayas.

29. Nothing is changing. It is all a constancy of being.

30. Swami Achyutanandaji Maharaj is an illumined soul. His recollections of Satyakrishna Maharaj (Swami Atmasthananda) is touching.

31. এই ছাঁচটি গড়ে গেলেন ঠাকুর | তাতে আমাদের ঢালছেন আর গড়ছেন | নতুন সমাজ গড়ে উঠছে পৃথিবীতে |

32. Upon our martyred bodies will be built the monument of humanity.33. Our work for Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda continues. Out of our sweat and toil will come forth the generations of the future from the womb of humanity who will transform human society so, that men will wonder, "What is meant by a human being? Are we not divine after all?"

33. Love greases the wheels of the chariot of karma. Love is the method and love is the goal. This is the essence of Karma Yoga.

34. It is intensity that achieves ever. Therefore, focus your forces to fruition of your cherished end.

35. Read the 'Nibodhata' magazine published by Sri Sarada Math. It is a wonderful magazine edited by the erudite Vedantaprana Mataji. Subscribe and savour great spiritual literature.

36. Hindus must practise their religion/dharma sincerely. Only then will strength come to combat conversion to Islam and Christianity.

37. If you wish to be free, serve the Mother's cause of world-regeneration. In it lies redemption, salvation, moksha, nirvana et al.

38. The dream smashed, the Atman alone abides in solitary nothingness, self-conscious, existence absolute.

39. This life is a unique opportunity for breaking the dream. Come on, strike the fetters off and break free.

40. Who is God? One who has forgotten he is a body.

41. As night dawns, the hour of the arrival draws near. The Lord will manifest in the depth of the midnight moment.

42. মায়েরা, দক্ষিণেশ্বরে শ্রী সারাদা মঠ দর্শন করুন | মা অধীর আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করে আছেন আপনাদের আগমনের জন্য, ঠিক যেমন জয়রামবাটিতে বা বাগবাজারে থাকতেন |

43. Mothers, visit the Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineshwar. Mother awaits you anxiously there.

44. It is a roller coaster ride on this ocean of the mind. Where the waters are placid, touch the golden mean. Then ride again.

45. In this world there is everything to lose and only experience to gain to understand the utter hollowness of life. Realisation must follow therefrom.

46. How few are fearlessly expressive of themselves! Most are apprehensive about self-expression for fear of social condemnation.

47. Vivekananda died going against the current of decadent humanity, and so must future martyrs perish even as immortal shines the harvest of their achievements.

48. Self-culture and community service thereof is the way ahead.

49. Deluge the world with love. This is the one hope for peace. Even then the structural system will not allow perfect peace.

50. Sugata Bose : Perfect, Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda). At last somebody from the Mission after Swami Nirmalananda has said it right. I like your fearless forthrightness and uncompromising articulation of what you consider right.

51. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda] Limitless, lots, for in the realm of ideas the economic principle of 'limited means' holds not.

52. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda] Good one. Humour spicing up the fact of things where fact fabricates the comedy -- alas, the tragedy! -- of the selfish ego.

53. নিজেকে অন্যের থেকে প্রাধান্য দেওয়ার নাম বদ্ধতা ; অপরকে সর্বসময় প্রাধান্য দেওয়ার নাম মুক্তির সাধনা |

54. Human beings, they are all locally close-connected and adrift on the sea of Brahman.

55. It is necessary to make our devotion dynamic. Active participation in nation-building is the devotee's call of the hour.

56. Brainwashing people into patriotic fervour is not desirable. Character-formation is necessary.

57. The message of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda must spread. This is the sacred task of devotees that they help to disseminate it widely.

58. O youth of India, read 'The Letters of Swami Vivekananda'! The fire of the flaming monk will catch you and transform you for good.

59. For heaven's sake make creative comments that add value to a post rather than the hackneyed statements in divine adoration.

60. ভক্ত হওয়া কি সহজ ? মানুষের প্রতি নিষ্কাম নিষ্কলুষ ভালবাসাটি থাকা চাই, তবে তো |

61. Is it easy to become a devotee? One must have love for all, untainted by desire. That is the precondition.

62. Devotion to Krishna would imply engaging in constant practice and the renunciation of desires in order to achieve excellence in one's vocation in life and then to transcend it all to freedom. Now devotee, reflect where you stand.

63. ঈশ্বরের প্রতি ভক্তির নামে মানুষকে অবহেলা ভক্তিই নয় | মানুষের প্রতি নিষ্কাম নিষ্কলুষ সহজ ভালবাসার নাম ভক্তি |

64. @ Satwik Joglekar : My condolences to you all, Joglekarji, and my reverential prostrations at the blessed feet of the one I never knew except through my own mother and the Mother who has borne us all in the primal and the final sense.

65. @ Anindya Dasgupta : Is there no better way to keep the discourse going? Are expletives an imperative?

66. @ Keka Ghosh : Keka, lovely composition ! Gifted thou art if I may be indulged an understatement in appreciation.

67. @ Poulome Mitra Shaw : Superb, Poulome ! You have literally delivered the coup de grace.

68. Big soul, high possibility. But let Vivekananda guide him unto the glory of the Self.

69. ব্যস্ততা ? না, না, চিত্তচাঞ্চল্য যা ব্যস্ততারূপে প্রতিভাত হচ্ছে | এমনই অনেক আপাতব্যস্ত মানুষের হাল |

70. The untruths propagated by perfidious parties about Netaji's death/disappearance/marriage cannot be countered by infirm arguments.

71. We have come here not to judge one another ; we have come here to love and learn.

72. Feel the splendour of the Soul, feel the grandeur of the God within.

73. Free you are, free forever you have been. Cast aside this dark delusion and step into the sunshine of your inherent freedom.

74. How much can you hurt an individual all the time who but loves you to extinction? Netaji, yet, lives in the hearts of all.

75. The fragrance of life is love and the fruit of love is life.

76. Conversion is a cultural invasion and must be outlawed. It is a violence upon the sanctity of our spiritual civilisation.

77. Conversion is a wicked design to increase temporal power through numbers. It is politics in the guise of spirituality.

78. Faith-based proselytising religions have no future despite massive numbers, for science is going to spell their doom soon.

79. Any religion that conforms to conversion must be condemned.

80. I am doing alright, sometimes inspired, at other times insipid.

81. ॐ is the condensed creation, the symbol of the Divine.

82. A drop of love for the Lord is an ocean of His blessings. It lifts the veil within and reveals His visage. Ah, the beauty of it and its bliss!

83. The soul is being buffeted by the billows of life as it progresses Godward.

84. Society is a restrictive field that does not allow the spontaneous play of desires. Its checks and balances direct the soul to God.

85. Continuously read Swamiji, Netaji and Rash Behari Bose, and develop explosive power within you. Character formed, 'burst like a bombshell on society' as Swamiji had famously said with reference to his visit to Varanasi.

86. The preceptor's cross is hard to bear but great souls do so with ease. The karma of the erring disciples visit the Guru.

87. In this world, remember, never expect anything from anybody.

88. What a brilliantly informed address by this foremost Netaji scholar ! Indeed, Drjayanta Choudhuri is a mine of Netaji knowledge. Follow him assiduously to know more about Netaji and his fate post-disappearance.

89. তমগুণ ত্যাগ করে রজোগুণে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হোন | নইলে, ভক্তি-মুক্তি কিছুই লাভ হবে না | ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর বই পরুন নিয়মিতভাবে |

90. Passive devotion will not do. What is needed is energetic, vigorous activity devoid of the tinge of self. Engage in welfare works.

91. We must not forget Netaji, we cannot quite, and for that we must read more on him, study his life and career and even try to solve the deep mystery that surrounds his sudden disappearance on 18 August, 1945.

92. A concerted effort must be made by all researchers and activists to propagate the true narrative surrounding the Netaji mystery.

93. Drjayanta Choudhuri has set alight the screen and the hearts and minds of his audience with his inimitable live address on Netaji.

94. God, Ishwar, Allah, Jehovah, are all one and yet different.

95. Hindus truly love their images. Their aesthetic sense sets them apart from their brethren from other faith traditions.

96. Let not worldliness creep into your spiritual assumptions and lead you astray for life.

97. The universe is a dream, an insubstantial unreality.

98. Real religion is hard rationality.

99. Q. You know what crops are?
A. The moustache of the soil.

100. Love is a reflexive action of bliss. Its return is in its own giving. Love unconditionally.