সংসার দুঃখময়, ভগবান আনন্দস্থল |
2. The mind is not a garbage-can that it must be filled with material rubbish. Fill the mind with fragrant thoughts of the Lord.
3. If we spread the message of the Lord with no self-interest clinging to it, free of shamefulness, aversion and fear, we will have done it right as earnest devotees.
4. Gross materialism goes off too often as spirituality. The work before us is to extricate ourselves from the tentacles of matter.
5. Individuals would be better off with a bit of mutual welcome accorded to each other with a welcome smile.
6. Exhibition of hyper-business springs from ignorance and a sense of self-conceit, however camouflaged as dutifulness.
7. Love of God dispels delusion and sets the soul free. The Ancient Mother claps Her hands and cuts the binding cord to release the soul. Its play is over. All its ramblings are done once and for all. The Mother keeps flying Her kites.
8. Immortality is to be attained through renunciation of the fruits of action.
9. Stick to the 'word' or stick to the 'world'?
10. Self-reliance is the soul of the Vedanta.
11. জন্ম একটি সত্য, জীবন একটি সত্য, কিন্তু মৃত্যুতে দুইই মিথ্যা | ক্ষণিক আস্বাদন, তারপর অতল অন্ধকার | এই তমসার মাঝে সহায় এক ঈশ্বর |
12. In the midst of feverish activity he who can retain his calm is the karma yogi.
13. We are all held up in ignorance by our own desires, our own karma. Strike off the fetters and be free.
True it is that the sannyasi alone is fit to preach. His is the inner balance that shines through every uttered word. There in the man of renunciation is our manifested spiritual ideal.
Photo : Swami Vireshwarananda (left), Swami Abhayananda/Bharat Maharaj (centre) and Swami Dayananda (right). All three are the mantra disciples of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.
As night dawns, the hour of the arrival draws near. The Lord will manifest in the depth of the midnight moment.
16. মায়েরা, দক্ষিণেশ্বরে শ্রী সারাদা মঠ দর্শন করুন | মা অধীর আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করে আছেন আপনাদের আগমনের জন্য, ঠিক যেমন জয়রামবাটিতে বা বাগবাজারে থাকতেন |
17. Mothers, visit the Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineshwar. Mother awaits you anxiously there.
18. শুভ জন্মাষ্টমী !
शुभ जन्माष्टमी !
19. ভোর হল তবু ভোর হল না |
20. বিজ্ঞানানন্দজীকে কেন গুপ্তজ্ঞানী বলা হয় ?
21. সপ্তর্ষির ঋষি, ব্রজের রাখাল, শ্রীরাধিকার অস্থিশুদ্ধ অংশাবতার, কৃষ্ণসখা মহাবাহো অর্জুন ও দণ্ডধারী দেবদ্বাররক্ষি -- এরা কারা ছিলেন ?
22. কথামৃত রোজ পড়ুন যদি ঠাকুরকে পেতে চান |
23. ভগবানকে পেতে চান ? তাহলে নিজেকে খুঁজুন |
24. Delusion deflects all from the central purpose of life till realisation dawns and eliminates distraction to reveal the One within.
25. Exchange matter for Spirit and the divine deal is done.
26. Krishna is that cosmic love that attracts all of sentience to itself.
27. God is to be sought within in the sanctorum of the heart. There seated is the Self which is what God essentially is.
28. The secret of the Veda is in yourself, not hiding anywhere else in some nook or cranny of the high Himalayas.
29. Nothing is changing. It is all a constancy of being.
30. Swami Achyutanandaji Maharaj is an illumined soul. His recollections of Satyakrishna Maharaj (Swami Atmasthananda) is touching.
এই ছাঁচটি গড়ে গেলেন ঠাকুর | তাতে আমাদের ঢালছেন আর গড়ছেন | নতুন সমাজ গড়ে উঠছে পৃথিবীতে |
32. Upon our martyred bodies will be built the monument of humanity.33. Our work for Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda continues. Out of our sweat and toil will come forth the generations of the future from the womb of humanity who will transform human society so, that men will wonder, "What is meant by a human being? Are we not divine after all?"
33. Love greases the wheels of the chariot of karma. Love is the method and love is the goal. This is the essence of Karma Yoga.
34. It is intensity that achieves ever. Therefore, focus your forces to fruition of your cherished end.
35. Read the 'Nibodhata' magazine published by Sri Sarada Math. It is a wonderful magazine edited by the erudite Vedantaprana Mataji. Subscribe and savour great spiritual literature.
36. Hindus must practise their religion/dharma sincerely. Only then will strength come to combat conversion to Islam and Christianity.
37. If you wish to be free, serve the Mother's cause of world-regeneration. In it lies redemption, salvation, moksha, nirvana et al.
38. The dream smashed, the Atman alone abides in solitary nothingness, self-conscious, existence absolute.
39. This life is a unique opportunity for breaking the dream. Come on, strike the fetters off and break free.
40. Who is God? One who has forgotten he is a body.
41. As night dawns, the hour of the arrival draws near. The Lord will manifest in the depth of the midnight moment.
42. মায়েরা, দক্ষিণেশ্বরে শ্রী সারাদা মঠ দর্শন করুন | মা অধীর আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করে আছেন আপনাদের আগমনের জন্য, ঠিক যেমন জয়রামবাটিতে বা বাগবাজারে থাকতেন |
43. Mothers, visit the Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineshwar. Mother awaits you anxiously there.
44. It is a roller coaster ride on this ocean of the mind. Where the waters are placid, touch the golden mean. Then ride again.
45. In this world there is everything to lose and only experience to gain to understand the utter hollowness of life. Realisation must follow therefrom.
46. How few are fearlessly expressive of themselves! Most are apprehensive about self-expression for fear of social condemnation.
47. Vivekananda died going against the current of decadent humanity, and so must future martyrs perish even as immortal shines the harvest of their achievements.
48. Self-culture and community service thereof is the way ahead.
49. Deluge the world with love. This is the one hope for peace. Even then the structural system will not allow perfect peace.
50. Sugata Bose : Perfect, Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda). At last somebody from the Mission after Swami Nirmalananda has said it right. I like your fearless forthrightness and uncompromising articulation of what you consider right.
51. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda] Limitless, lots, for in the realm of ideas the economic principle of 'limited means' holds not.
52. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda] Good one. Humour spicing up the fact of things where fact fabricates the comedy -- alas, the tragedy! -- of the selfish ego.
53. নিজেকে অন্যের থেকে প্রাধান্য দেওয়ার নাম বদ্ধতা ; অপরকে সর্বসময় প্রাধান্য দেওয়ার নাম মুক্তির সাধনা |
54. Human beings, they are all locally close-connected and adrift on the sea of Brahman.
55. It is necessary to make our devotion dynamic. Active participation in nation-building is the devotee's call of the hour.
56. Brainwashing people into patriotic fervour is not desirable. Character-formation is necessary.
57. The message of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda must spread. This is the sacred task of devotees that they help to disseminate it widely.
58. O youth of India, read 'The Letters of Swami Vivekananda'! The fire of the flaming monk will catch you and transform you for good.
59. For heaven's sake make creative comments that add value to a post rather than the hackneyed statements in divine adoration.
60. ভক্ত হওয়া কি সহজ ? মানুষের প্রতি নিষ্কাম নিষ্কলুষ ভালবাসাটি থাকা চাই, তবে তো |
61. Is it easy to become a devotee? One must have love for all, untainted by desire. That is the precondition.
62. Devotion to Krishna would imply engaging in constant practice and the renunciation of desires in order to achieve excellence in one's vocation in life and then to transcend it all to freedom. Now devotee, reflect where you stand.
63. ঈশ্বরের প্রতি ভক্তির নামে মানুষকে অবহেলা ভক্তিই নয় | মানুষের প্রতি নিষ্কাম নিষ্কলুষ সহজ ভালবাসার নাম ভক্তি |
64. @ Satwik Joglekar : My condolences to you all, Joglekarji, and my reverential prostrations at the blessed feet of the one I never knew except through my own mother and the Mother who has borne us all in the primal and the final sense.
65. @ Anindya Dasgupta : Is there no better way to keep the discourse going? Are expletives an imperative?
66. @ Keka Ghosh : Keka, lovely composition ! Gifted thou art if I may be indulged an understatement in appreciation.
67. @ Poulome Mitra Shaw : Superb, Poulome ! You have literally delivered the coup de grace.
68. Big soul, high possibility. But let Vivekananda guide him unto the glory of the Self.
69. ব্যস্ততা ? না, না, চিত্তচাঞ্চল্য যা ব্যস্ততারূপে প্রতিভাত হচ্ছে | এমনই অনেক আপাতব্যস্ত মানুষের হাল |
70. The untruths propagated by perfidious parties about Netaji's death/disappearance/marriage cannot be countered by infirm arguments.
71. We have come here not to judge one another ; we have come here to love and learn.
72. Feel the splendour of the Soul, feel the grandeur of the God within.
73. Free you are, free forever you have been. Cast aside this dark delusion and step into the sunshine of your inherent freedom.
74. How much can you hurt an individual all the time who but loves you to extinction? Netaji, yet, lives in the hearts of all.
75. The fragrance of life is love and the fruit of love is life.
76. Conversion is a cultural invasion and must be outlawed. It is a violence upon the sanctity of our spiritual civilisation.
77. Conversion is a wicked design to increase temporal power through numbers. It is politics in the guise of spirituality.
78. Faith-based proselytising religions have no future despite massive numbers, for science is going to spell their doom soon.
79. Any religion that conforms to conversion must be condemned.
80. I am doing alright, sometimes inspired, at other times insipid.
81. ॐ is the condensed creation, the symbol of the Divine.
82. A drop of love for the Lord is an ocean of His blessings. It lifts the veil within and reveals His visage. Ah, the beauty of it and its bliss!
83. The soul is being buffeted by the billows of life as it progresses Godward.
84. Society is a restrictive field that does not allow the spontaneous play of desires. Its checks and balances direct the soul to God.
85. Continuously read Swamiji, Netaji and Rash Behari Bose, and develop explosive power within you. Character formed, 'burst like a bombshell on society' as Swamiji had famously said with reference to his visit to Varanasi.
86. The preceptor's cross is hard to bear but great souls do so with ease. The karma of the erring disciples visit the Guru.
87. In this world, remember, never expect anything from anybody.
88. What a brilliantly informed address by this foremost Netaji scholar ! Indeed, Drjayanta Choudhuri is a mine of Netaji knowledge. Follow him assiduously to know more about Netaji and his fate post-disappearance.
89. তমগুণ ত্যাগ করে রজোগুণে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হোন | নইলে, ভক্তি-মুক্তি কিছুই লাভ হবে না | ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর বই পরুন নিয়মিতভাবে |
90. Passive devotion will not do. What is needed is energetic, vigorous activity devoid of the tinge of self. Engage in welfare works.
91. We must not forget Netaji, we cannot quite, and for that we must read more on him, study his life and career and even try to solve the deep mystery that surrounds his sudden disappearance on 18 August, 1945.
92. A concerted effort must be made by all researchers and activists to propagate the true narrative surrounding the Netaji mystery.
93. Drjayanta Choudhuri has set alight the screen and the hearts and minds of his audience with his inimitable live address on Netaji.
94. God, Ishwar, Allah, Jehovah, are all one and yet different.
95. Hindus truly love their images. Their aesthetic sense sets them apart from their brethren from other faith traditions.
96. Let not worldliness creep into your spiritual assumptions and lead you astray for life.
97. The universe is a dream, an insubstantial unreality.
98. Real religion is hard rationality.
99. Q. You know what crops are?
A. The moustache of the soil.
100. Love is a reflexive action of bliss. Its return is in its own giving. Love unconditionally.