Women must feel safe to go out even in the dead of night unaccompanied. If the government cannot ensure it, it has failed in its duty. Merely asking women to stay at home and abstain from night duty indicates that lawlessness is the general law in the state. Segregation of women is a step backwards in the social evolutionary order and ought to be contested. Those who are possessed of animal propensities need to be kept out of social bounds so that the rest of civilised humanity can live secure in an atmosphere of peace and freedom. If the government cannot ensure it, it should reconsider its right to stay in office or its option to resign from the same, allowing a more capable set of people to run the affairs of the state.
Long ago Gopal Krishna Gokhale had said, "What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow." That was another Bengal, though, of another era, the vast Bengal Presidency, replete with the likes of Aurobindo, Rabindranath, Saratchandra, J.C.Bose, Bipin Chandra Pal, P.C Roy and a whole host of other luminaries in the diverse walks of life, and this is another Bengal, its very antithesis, partitioned and bleeding and never quite recovering from the perfidies of the times. Today Bengal has so degenerated that it can fairly be said, "What Bengal thinks today, India has thought yesterday." And with growing demographic change, degeneracy of the population is increasingly setting in with the Bengali 'bhadralok' being now replaced by people of crass culture or of little culture. Violence is on the rise as criminals increasingly take to politics with an inept electorate mutely witnessing proceedings even as their fate is being daily sealed on all fronts. Indeed, Bengal has reached its cultural and civilisational nadir and is on the verge of either an implosion to nothingness or an explosion unto scattered debris. A dismal picture. A destructive fate. Bengal, thou art at the crossroads of your life! Choose to live or prepare to die bereft of culture, character and civilisational identity which latter element millions have already renounced to their ruinous fate.
Written by Sugata Bose
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