Tuesday 13 August 2024




This is more real than the image. The image is more real than the imaginary One in the high heavens. The image is real. That One is imagination, pure fantasy. The image is truer thus and a nearer representation of the Real that is and transcends phenomenal reality. The other One, though, is not the Real but is the unreal, a figment of imagination, pure fiction, a fantasy. Hence, the Hindu is right in his image-worship, as right as external or even mental worship can possibly be. So, be unapologetic about your adoration that is in common currency but be versed in the Vedanta as well in order to find the rationalisation of your daily devotion. 

Brahman is. The gods and goddesses are. The formless is the transiting zone between the concrete and the abstract. The attributeless is beyond analytical apprehension or cognition but is realisable in the being, in a dropping off of the phenomenal. 

Monotheism of an intolerant kind has missed the spiritual bus and is stranded by the wayside waylaying pilgrims on course to the Self which is the one divinity that is the basis of all. Intolerance stems from misapprehension of core philosophical truths. Violence breeds its toxic germs in utter misconception of that which is the truth. 

Who can expedite the process of mass illumination? The progressive flow of evolution for sure will bide its time till the flower will fructify and the fruit shed its flesh to release the seed unto a fresher fruition. Time will pass, generations will simply roll till in the fullness of time the flora will bloom in the season of light, the springtime of illumination.

Written by Sugata Bose

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