Sugata Bose @Muhammad Al-Sa'ad : Do you not feel ashamed to make such a comment that bespeaks of a low manifestation of civility towards a fellow human being? Is your affiliation to faith a current stronger than values fundamental to civilised living that ought to merit greater respectfulness towards others, even adversaries in ideological affiliation?
Sugata Bose @Tapash Banerjee : Don't be foolish. This is utter crap. Your ignorance of history is astonishing. Hindus have suffered the worst genocide in history. Wait for the proofs to be furnished soon.
Sugata Bose @Tapash Banerjee : Were these luminaries like Bhimrao Ambedkar, Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda and Will Durant warming up the mart as well, an aspersion that you have so unthinkingly cast on me?
Sugata Bose @Debashish Chittaranjan Roy : And that counts for courage shown in the hour of distress in the zone of war, genocide, strife and tyranny. Right now Hindus are suffering a genocide in Bangladesh. Swamiji would have appreciated exhibition of greater courage from his followers in place of passive piety which is commonplace.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Bhattacharya : West Bengal is at its cultural nadir, at its civilisational worst under the current regime.
Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : Question mark missing in your last comment made in the interrogative form. This is the proof that despite education punctuation can go along its vagabond trail. Same with imperfect adherence to the tenets and practices of continence, physical, mental and spiritual.
Sugata Bose @Rupa Mukherjee : Learn Hindustani classical vocal music. Voice-control will come, also a sense of raag, taal and laya along with volume-control and a general sense of musical harmony. Right now there are too many imperfections that need to be addressed which is possible only by sustained 'taalim' /'shikshā' under an adept in raag sangeet. This is not a carping criticism but a sincere suggestion given by one who has had some experience in this line of musical training. Apologise for that last bit of what may perchance seem to be self-advertisement which I assure you it is not. You have a bold voice, good tonal quality but you evidently lack in voice-control and refinement in musical aesthetics. God bless you and hard work ahead! 🕉
Sugata Bose @Damu Das : Liberalism as such is good, in fact highly desirable, provided it is founded on truth and not on false assumptions and corrosive adjustments that eventually eat into the vitals of society and either render it sterile and fit for the wastebin of history or susceptible to alien invasion that runs contrary to heritage and culture and is intended to that very civilisation's downfall.
Sugata Bose @Fatema Rohoman : তারপর অশ্লীল বহুবিবাহ, হালালা, গনিমতের মাল ভক্ষণ ইত্যাদি---এগুলোও বন্ধ করতে হবে | কি বলেন, ফতেমা রহমান ?
Sugata Bose @Fatema Rohoman : In Islam you cannot question its basic tenets. That will be considered heresy, blasphemous unto sufferance of death here and burning eternally in hellfire hereafter.
Sugata Bose @Fatema Rohoman : Correct. In Islam devotion to the 'Almighty' is founded on fear. This fear of hell is the basis of submission to the 'Divine'.
Sugata Bose @Fatema Rohoman : Follow Mustafa Kemal Pasha's lead and reform Bangladesh. Then Hinduise Bangladesh in every phase. Light will stream in to help your effort and redeem Bangladesh as integral to ancient Bharatvarsha. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Fatema Rohoman : The polarisation is to be traced to its origin in Islamic theology as documented in the Qur'an. Herein lies the foundational divisiveness, the fundamental polarising impulse.
Sugata Bose @Fatems Rohoman : Your faint plea will not reach deaf ears in West Bengal.
Sugata Bose @Raghab Saha : It is there for you to see. But one must have discerning eyes to do so which I am not sure everybody has. Hence you see, your predicament.
Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha: Need I? What binds me to your arbitrary demand when you lack in fundamental understanding as to the import of a post? You may choose to play up tantrums with your childish demands which I am under no compulsion to comply with, especially when parleying with a puerile person is to be deemed an exercise in futility. Had you any understanding of the import of the post in line with the exhortations which Swamiji has made, you would have been in a position to appreciate the validity of my assertion which is but a reflection of what Swamiji has spoken in various ways on the subject as opposed to the current trends in western wokism. If you are sincere and not stubborn in trenchant opposition to my line of thinking, you will come to reason quickly and see sense in what I have duly articulated. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You have unbelievable originality. You somehow come up with your unique brand of lateral thinking and articulation thereof. Hats off to you!
Sugata Bose @Bhattacharya Kalyan : Maintenance of absolute chastity in thought, word and deed lifelong which is the sine qua non of the spiritual journey. Read Swami Vivekananda and the relevant conception will be clear.
Sugata Bose @Abhishek Ganguly : He should be. Otherwise we should go and protect him. This may not be practically possible for us to conduct but its implication is that we should be as courageous in our respective spheres instead of being indulgent in casual commenting that is inconsequential in the larger scheme of effecting change. A fair deal of seriousness ought to replace the said levity that is so much in common currency.
Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha: Do not be presumptuous in averring about my svadharma. Had you a semblance of understanding of Swamiji's exhortations regarding manliness, you would have not ventured into making such puerile observations. As it stands it was you who asked for an instance in unmanliness of sorts from me in regard to the content of the post which brought Sarvariyananda into context. Else, his name would not have arisen. There is no question of dishonouring any as such, only highlighting what Swamiji wanted ardently in regard to the manifestation of manliness in his followers who were to be legion among his countrymen. I will append a post by way of a further comment which your good sense should be able to decipher. This time, though, it will be Swamiji's vitriol against the Tagores, in especial Rabindranath by implication. Let's see how you respond. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : Keep reading my posts on manhood in line with Swamiji's thinking and awaken the same in your good self and others. That is the call of the hour instead of defending effeminacy by any means garbed as titular devotion to monks of eminence who have thrown overboard Swamiji's fundamental principles.
Sugata Bose @Amitabha Dutta Majumdar : I understand. But we should be discerning as well. Otherwise, culture will precipitate to its nadir that will not be so unwholesome after all.
Sugata Bose @Utpal Aich : It is despicable on part of the West Bengal government to lay low Swamiji thus at the base of the tableau on display in the Republic Day Parade, a sign of the degeneracy of the times as apparent in West Bengal in especial.
Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : 'Little Vivekananda' epithet accorded him by little men. You remain incorrigible and intransigent in your stance. Godspeed unto you!
Sugata Bose@Анандамой Мухопадхяй : I hope you are not mistaking me to be Netaji's grandnephew, historian Prof. Sugata Bose. If not, I am happy with your appreciation. But if so, then I do not deserve it.
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You have a keen intellect, perceptive understanding of sociopolitical situations, a delightful sense of humour, great capacity for lateral thinking, originality extraordinaire, a saucy way of penning things and above all an insightful penetrative vision that sees into the heart of things. Indeed, you are quite a phenomenon, one that seems to be unique in articulation of responsive ideas spontaneously and spanning over the widest range of subjects, a respondent nonpareil in my online experience. All good wishes to your health, happiness and sustained highlighting of events in your own inimitable way.
Sugata Bose @Sumit Karmakar Pro: No, there are many who are in favour of mourning this day as Partition Day or remembering this day as Dominion Day instead of celebrating it as Independence Day. And, I guess, they have their point and perspective too. But I feel happy on this day that despite it all it was on this day that our modern journey as a free nation had begun with its first infant steps eventhough there was a bloodbath going on as Mother India was being mutilated into three. After all, at the end of it, it is bliss that is our real nature and not pain or sorrow, and in celebrating this day while respectfully remembering the martyrs to the motherland who were legion after the beastly butchering that was initiated by the 'All India Muslim League' at Jinnah's behest, we will be paying due homage to them in blissful terms transcending the surface cover of deep sorrow. So, let us rejoice in our mourning on this momentous day of our unfolding national life and let us not allow cynicism or sarcasm to sully this grand moment. Vande Mataram! 🕉
Sugata Bose @Анандамой Мухопадхяй : But India since 26 January, 1950 is a sovereign republic and, hence, not a British dominion despite being on special grounds a Commonwealth member.
Sugata Bose @Swami Bhavatmananda : No, Maharaj. The Vedic statement you have quoted applies to dharma traditions that are founded in the Vedas or have Brahmic bearings, not to political ideologies which have no roots in the essential philosophy of the Vedas but which reject the Vedas by theological implication as false. Study the Islamic trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira and you will come to appreciate what I have in the post averred. If political ideologies masquerading as religion are thus to be granted the status of dharma, then even fascism, national socialism and communism ought to be regarded as paths to the Divine which they eminently are not. More on this subject in my forthcoming posts but they will come in due course as to me writing is an inspired, spontaneous flow and not an executed endeavour of an arduous kind. Pranam. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Krishnan Hariharan : Study Swamiji. Let us start a Vivekananda Movement. That is the only way to resurrecting our ravaged civilisation.
Sugata Bose @Shatorupa Shatorupa Why call her 'nijer meye' despite her self-entitlement to that effect? It is an insult to Mother Bengal to call her so. Greater self-respect on our part would deem the ascription of epithets other than this highly endearing one on this most undeserving member by default in our otherwise highly civilised society, at least in its brighter aspects historically and by heritage.
Sugata Bose @Sukanta Panday : First yourself exhibit the courage to name the Chief Minister by name, Sri Mamata Bandapadhyay. Then and then alone this nation will rise. If ordinary citizens lack the courage of conviction to name the person while shaming him/her, why should rogues not rule the roost, tell me?
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Biswas : Name the lady. Why can you not muster courage of conviction to name the Chief Minister Smt. Mamata Bandapadhyay when to your mind she is the root of all of West Bengal's maladies?
Sugata Bose @Soumyadipta Sarkar : That is because the invisible one does not bear any mark of Bengaliness any more, that is, assuming she ever had any.
Sugata Bose @Aritra Rakshit : Which party? Which chief? Whose supporters? Why can't you muster courage of conviction to name them as All India Teinamool Congress, Smt. Mamata Bandapadhyay and Trinamool Congress supporters? Great civilisational changes cannot come about unless millions of intrepid citizens/citizenesses come to the fore and raise their voices, articulate their grievances based on felt grief, suffered pain and general affliction endured by the day, by the hour. So, shed shyness which is cowardice camouflaged and boldly proclaim what lies in your heart, albeit in a language civilised as not to cause undue offence even as you register your case in open forum, expressing your grievances.
Sugata Bose @Suresh Jha : By India here Swamiji meant the Sanatan Dharma. This our modern commentators on Swamiji must remember. The same applies to the text of the 'Svadesh Mantra'. And throughout his lectures from Colombo to Almora we hear the same refrain, that of equating India with Hinduism and Indian civilisation with Hindu civilisation. And it needs must be so, for the warp and woof of this civilisational fabric that India represents is that of Hinduism that runs through the nerves of Indians as their very life-current. Hinduism replaced by Islam and Christianity is India dead and gone, exited through the cosmic drain unto annihilation, unto extinction, unto utter oblivion. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Golam Sabir : If I become PM, I'll have to appoint you my OFFENCE MINISTER.
Sugata Bose @Medha Basu : May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you, Medha, for your multifarious manifestation of artistic and academic attributes! Grand venture thus far and laurels galore ahead.
Sugata Bose @Suman Karan : If so, then read him and Swamiji daily. This will help in building the individual and the nation.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Kumar Ghosh: I feel that the moment a person acquires a modicum of intellectual understanding, he/she becomes a leftist. This is because the left movement is seen as the movement for socioeconomic justice. It has its revolutionary roots in history with special reference to the French Revolution, the Russian and the Chinese Revolutions and the Vietnamese Revolution that followed. That all these revolutions in due course turned brutally violent does not take away from them their sheen in rising up against imperial and capitalistic exploitation which Marxist theory appended to it beautifully allows in these rising intellectuals a mental metamorphosis that lasts for a lifetime. Leftism, thus, naturally recruits its adherents from generation to generation who in turn occupy the best seats in academia on account of their intellectual talent and, in so doing, fashion the intellectual discourse in universities across the free world. This, to my mind, is the reason why academia is so left-oriented quite naturally rather than being so in a planned and orchestrated manner. Of course, once in power, many of these leftists turn toxic in their teachings and tutor students new-age philosophy which, again, opposes classical religious teachings owing to historical experiences suffered, especially in the West. Christianity had tyrannised the West so badly for so long that anti-Christian sentiments pervade Europe to this day, replacing the Christian doctrines with socialist ones learnt from the likes of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky and a whole host of European philosophers and scientists with Darwin and Freud leading the charge. Colonialism and capitalism emanating from Europe have so ravaged the world for centuries that the modern progressive European and, by default, the American now as well, feel ashamed of their past and wish to make amends by building up a new world on the basis of multiculturalism and welfare liberalism which gathers recruits from among the brightest youths like magnet attracting iron filings. Thus is academia proliferating with left-liberal thinking and professor-pupil association, although you may laugh at the thought of leftists being liberal as well, having witnessed the track record of leftist politics in the 20th century. But leftism does not necessarily mean Marxist communism but covers a universe of socialist shades that are quite consonant with democracy.
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