1. শুধু বেনেবুদ্ধি দিয়ে দেশগঠন হয় না, পদকলাভও হয় না | সরকারের চরিত্র চাই, ব্যবসায়ীর অর্থপ্রেমের ঊর্ধ্বে চাই দেশপ্রেম আর সর্বসাধারণের চাই বিজ্ঞানমনস্কতা |
2. Isn't it a shame that Hindu civilisation is being brought down in Bangladesh, Pakistan and in innumerable pockets in India?
3. Who destroyed Zoroastrianism in Persia?
4. What sort of imitation English is this: 'monster throw', 'global player', 'the India story', 'loo', 'washroom', 'anyways'?
5. A political ideology masquerading as religion has no place in the world.
6. We see Neeta Ambani in the same ad as our Olympic stars. In which sport is she participating or has won laurels for India?
7. বাণিজ্য মন্দ নয় | তাই বলে এত নীচ বিজ্ঞাপনের বাণিজ্য যা অসভ্যতার সমতুল? কী জঘন্য সংস্কৃতি আমরা televisionএর পর্দায় প্রদর্শন করছি !
8. ভারত প্রাণময় কোষে লাফালাফি করছে আর ওদিকে উন্নত দেশগুলো বিজ্ঞানময় কোষে অবস্থান করে দ্রুত এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে |
9. India's national concentration is nowhere near China's. We lie at the low end of international sporting excellence.
10. The last gentleman Chief Minister passes away. Buddhadev Bhattacharya remains in the memory of every Bengali 'bhadralok'.
11. With mediocrity abounding all around it is difficult to be proud about the national scene. We are not quite a nation yet as we struggle to evolve beyond self-interest to the collective good. Excellence in collective terms is a far cry as yet as individual talent comes through sporadically and often dies in bud because of organisational apathy, neglect and plain politicking.
12. As Muslim population in India increases, it will go the way of Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. West Bengal is next in line.
13. A bronze at last. Hockey hopefuls did not disappoint. Heart full of happy vibes. Now gun for gold, javelin boy!
14. What moments of life remain, string them into a garland of love and put it around my neck.
15. Neeraj Chopra wins silver but disappoints with five foul throws. It is deemed mandatory for media not to raise hype over stars.
16. বিদ্যাশক্তির প্রাচুর্য ব্যতীত কোন জাতি বড় হতে পারে না |
17. If our PM had been China's Premier, all his working hours would have been spent in tweeting congratulatory messages for medalists.
18. শ্রীযুক্ত বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্যের জীবনাবসানের সাথে সাথে ভদ্র মন্ত্রীত্বের পালা শেষ হল | এখন পরিদৃশ্যমান তার বিপরীত পালা |
19. If theology be wicked, it creates demons even out of good men. In the modern world it is imperative to do away with such cults.
20. It is time to modernise Indian thinking without losing our Vedantic foothold.
21. একজন প্রকৃত ভদ্রলোক | প্রয়াত মুখ্যমন্ত্রী শ্রী বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য |
22. Britain now understanding what India underwent through British 'divide and rule' policy. Immigrant Muslims running amock in UK.
23. Britain reeling under immigrant unrest. The far right clash with immigrant Muslims as riot spreads through UK cities. Britain burns.
24. Europe progressively under Islamic siege.
25. India (1silver, 4 bronze) at 64th position still awakens hope in hopefools of the elusive gold. #ParisOlympics2024
26. In her bid to rule the world Britain sowed seeds of dissension everywhere. Now in her own backyard she is reaping the harvest of toxic seeds sown. Karma recoils for sure.
27. Brahman is the untarnished truth. It does not undergo timely corrosion. Brahman is the unvarnished truth as well.
28. রুচিহীনতা আজ রাষ্ট্রীয় পরিচয় | বিশ্বগুরু কি এই শিক্ষা দেবেন জগদ্ব্যাপী শিষ্যদের ?
29. গদ্যময় মানুষের কাছে বিত্তই কাব্য, অর্থই সংগীত |
If in death we meet,
I'll sing songs to you.
For in life it seems
There are chains all around.
Love has been lost in early dawn.
Now in the evenshine of life
Lingering memories freshly sprout
Seeds of early morn.
32. জীবন মোটা দানায় চলে | সংগীত তো সূক্ষ্ম বীজ, ফোটার আগেই নির্বাপিত |
33. Lovely composition. Beautiful. Song of the soul in sweetest terms. The elixir of life. Life's last resort, refuge, haven, heaven of surpassing sublimity.
34. চূড়ান্ত ভদ্রলোকের পরেই চূড়ান্ত অভদ্র | বাংলার রাজনৈতিক পালাবদল যদি এই রকম নিম্নগামী হতে থাকে তো বৃথা রবীন্দ্রনাথ |
35. Aman Sehrawat closes proceedings with a bronze.
36. Have Indian Hindus forgotten Bangladeshi Hindus who are being hounded by Muslims there?
37. Conversion to Islam and Christianity is a blot on our Sanatan civilisation. It must stop. Islam and Christianity cannot be given a free rein in subverting our culture.
38. What Bangladeshi Muslims are doing to the Hindus is exactly as they are scripturally enjoined to do. How can they violate faith?
I am no more than He,
No less than He.
I am Me,
I am Me.
40. Who was Sohrawardy's second-in-command in the Hindu genocide of 16 August, 1946 that is infamous as The Great Calcutta Killing?
41. What is happening in Bangladesh is what has been the history of Islam right since its inception 1400 years ago. No surprises.
42. India in 69th position at the #ParisOlympics2024. A remarkable performance from a nation as given to crass commercial culture.
43. Bangladesh will progressively become like Pakistan and then fail like it. The price of Partition they will have to pay. Karma recoils.
44. Hindu blood will be avenged. Right now Hindus are paying the price of historical cowardice in confronting a rogue religion.
45. "Convert, go into exile or die." This is the choice of Hindus in Bangladesh as in other Islamic totalitarian states.
46. Why will political parties cater to legitimate Hindu interests when a vast number of Hindus themselves are either apathetic to it or positively anti-Hindu in their stated stance and pursued objectives?
47. Bangladesh was liberated by the Indian Army. Thereafter it has been her height of ingratitude to have persecuted the Hindus.
48. Can Islam exist in peace with other faiths and with the faithless when it is in the majority?
49. If scripture sanctions possession by force of women and wealth of other faiths, is it small wonder what is happening now in Bangladesh?
50. Thanks a lot for this one. A clear articulation of truth, truth that is unfolding everywhere before our very eyes, that is, before those that have eyes to see. Fact it is that we are everywhere suffering crucifixion ('crucifiction').
51. সোজাসুজি কথা বলেন কমজন | সবাই ঘুরিয়ে ঘুরিয়ে বক্তব্য পেষ করেন যাতে নিজেকে বেশ সুরক্ষিত রাখা যায় | ইসলাম যে মনুষ্য সমাজকে দুই ভাগে বিভক্ত করেছে ও কাফিরদের জন্য দোজখের/জাঁহানন্মের (নরকের) বন্দোবস্ত করেছে সে কথা তো প্রায় সকলেই জানেন | কিন্তু ইসলামের চোখে সবচেয়ে বড় অপরাধি কে তা জানেন কি ? উত্তর হল, মুশরিক, অর্থাৎ, আল্লাহ্ ব্যতীত আর কোন দেবতাকে ও বহু দেবতাকে যে পূজো করে, সে | মুশরিকের অপরাধের একমাত্র ক্ষমা ইসলাম কবুল | নচেৎ, মৃত্যু ও তারপর অনন্ত নরকভোগ | হিন্দু হল সেই মুশরিক |
52. হিন্দু, জাগো ! স্বামীজী কি বলেছিলেন ? "Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached."
53. যে সব হিন্দুবিরোধী হিন্দুরা বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু গণহত্যার ওপর পর্দা ফেলতে চাইছেন ও প্রতিবাদীদের মুখ বন্ধ করতে চাইছেন তাঁদের ওপার বাংলায় গিয়ে কিছুকাল বাস করে আসার অনুরোধ রইল |
54. যত সব কাপুরুষের দল ! নির্যাতিত, নির্যার্তিতা স্বধর্মাচারীর প্রতি সহানুভূতি নেই, আবার আগ বাড়িয়ে জ্ঞান দিতে আসে যে হিন্দু সহস্র বছরে যখন নিঃশেষিত হয়নি, তখন তার সুরক্ষা ওমনিই হবে, চিন্তার কোন কারণ নেই | যত সব বকধার্মিকের দল !
55. যে শিক্ষায় মানুষকে স্বধর্মাচারীর প্রতি সহানুভূতিসম্পন্ন করে না, তা কি শিক্ষা ? কী ভয়ঙ্কর অসংবেদনশীলতা !
56. অবতারেরও ইতিহাসসচেতন হওয়া প্রয়োজন | তাই স্বামীজী প্রণম্য আমার |
57. তেজ ভিন্ন কি হিন্দু রক্ষা পাবে ? তাই স্বামীজী ব্রহ্মচর্যের ওপর এত জোড় দিয়েছিলেন | পবিত্রতা ও সাহসিকতা---এই দুই সহকারে স্বধর্ম রক্ষার আহ্বান জানাই |
58. Swamiji said that if a single Hindu anywhere in the world is hurt, it should evoke sympathetic vibrations in all Hindus. Today in Bangladesh Hindus are being hounded. Where's the sympathy in Indian Hindus, especially in those in nearest West Bengal, that would fulfil Swamiji's expectation?
59. শৌর্য, বীর্য, সাহস, পৌরুষ চাই | মেয়েলী পুরুষের বেদান্তপ্রচারে কাজ হবে না | স্বামীজীর ন্যায় সিংহবিক্রম চাই | হে প্রচারক, পুরুষ সিংহ হও | নইলে বৃথা বেদান্ত বক্তব্য | সব পণ্ড হবে |
60. ব্রহ্মচর্য পালন করেও পুরুষের পৌরুষ না জাগলে বৃথা ব্রহ্মচর্য, অর্থাৎ, ব্রহ্মচর্যের অপলাপ হচ্ছে বলে বুঝতে হবে |
61. India 71st in Vishvaguru status at #ParisOlympics2024.
62. What is happening now in Bangladesh is what had happened prior to Partition that forced it and what had happened to Hindus in 1971.
63. কী অরাজকতা পশ্চিমবঙ্গে !
64. Earlier, I had copy-pasted this post from Suvadeep Sen's profile as saved in my 'Saved' File, having inadvertently overlooked the option of sharing it as I was evidently in a hurry to respond to a carping comment made by an observer in a post of mine related to the Hindu genocide currently in occurrence in Bangladesh. I have thankfully rectified my mistake and extend my heartfelt thankfulness and gratitude to Suvadeep for having taken this misadventure of mine in a gracious and sporting manner. Of course, I had earlier duly acknowledged the authorship of the post to its legitimate author, Suvadeep Sen. Nonetheless, the matter has now been brought to its harmonic rightful end as I have duly shared the post as in the first place it ought to have been. Thanks, Suvadeep.
65. Farcical 'Closing Ceremony' going on at #ParisOlympics2024, quite out of character with the rigour of sporting discipline exhibited in the past few days. A confused mass of 'cultural' extravaganza, technology put to chaotic use.
66. A sham of a song, prose of a poem of a song of Frank Sinatra going on at the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony. Disappointed to witness the abysmal lows of popular Western culture after such exhilarating sporting performances over the past few days. The poverty of music and culture in evidence was appalling. #ParisOlympics2024
67. West Bengal is strangely silent on the Hindu genocide in Bangladesh. Whither sympathy, empathy for distressed Hindus among the Bengali intelligentsia, if of course that term may anymore be ascribed to sycophantic apologists for the ruling dispensation and the offending community that periodically vandalises Hindu property, molests Hindu women and considers the enforced exodus of Hindus from their homeland in Bangladesh their rightful scripturally-ordained obligation to fulfil?
68. পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বুদ্ধুজীবিরা যে বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু গণহত্যার বিষয়ে নির্বাক, নিশ্চুপ, এতে আর আশ্চর্য কি ? বুদ্ধুজীবি তো এমনই হয় |
69. Swamiji in vain had exhorted his followers to be manly. In effect some of his most famous followers are the epitome of effeminacy.
70. Humility and devotion to Guru are essentials for education. Bear these as character attributes and success is yours if hard work, obedience to Guru and discipline are attendant features.
71. পুরুষ কতদূর মেয়েলি হলে পৌরুষ কাকে বলে বোঝে না !
72. এই মেয়েলি পুরুষগুলোকে স্বামীজী পৌরুষ বলতে কি বুঝিয়েছিলেন তা আর কেমন করে বোঝাবো ? স্বামীজীর তেজোঃদীপ্ত বাণী বুঝতে গেলে যে স্বাভাবিক পৌরুষ থাকা চরিত্রে প্রয়োজন তা স্তাবক ভক্তকুলে বিরল | অতএব, প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থকামই হবে | নিতান্তই ক্লীব তারা যারা স্বামীজীর বীরবাণী বোঝে না, বুঝতে চায় না | যৌবনে ব্রহ্মচর্য করলে এই দুর্দশা হত না এদের |
73. Whatever the West initiates, we must imitate. Is this culture?
74. The tyranny of intolerance by a particular faith is being tolerated by Facebook but not those posts which are critical of it. Then community guidelines are coming into play.
75. Swamiji has been forgotten by the Hindus. Thus this deplorable state of theirs. Mere titular devotion is not enough.
76. একটি হিন্দু অত্যাচারিত হলে সমগ্র হিন্দু জাতি সে ব্যথা অনুভব করবে, নিগ্রহের প্রতিকার করবে |এই ছিল স্বামীজীর আশা, এই আদেশ |
77. X is better than Y. Here you have to answer why. There you can Xpress.
78. The most disgraceful apathy to persecuted Hindus in Bangladesh is in evidence among the silent civil society of West Bengal.
79. Lady doctor at R.G.Kar molested, murdered. Culprits not apprehended yet. West Bengal fast precipitating into absolute lawlessness.
80. Every Hindu child must be made to read Swamiji's life n teachings. Then alone this race will rise. Mothers, prepare your children.
81. If death be natural, let us die game for a great cause. And what cause can be greater than defence of the Dharma?
82. I am convinced that if all Hindus study Vivekananda thoroughly, the course of this nation shall turn upswing. 🕉
83. We must defend our vast Hindu community spread across the world. We need replenishment of our population to maintain our strength.
84. We will never allow this country to be under Islamic domination. If necessary several Vivekanandas will spring forth from among us to prevent it and help flourish the Sanatan Dharma.
85. Again and again I shall be born to revive the Hindus. This should be our pledge. Death is child's play for a Sanatani.
86. If a faith tries to obliterate the Hindus, that faith will be obliterated. Extinction lies in wait for it.
87. Hindus, wake up! Before long you will be a minority in your own land. Demography is fast changing. A takeover plan is on. Beware!
88. Why is it that in Islamic countries minority population keeps declining whereas in non-Muslim ones Muslim population keeps rising?
89. What's the agenda? The takeover of Hindu India? Keep trying. We'll thwart your attempts and keep it Hindu.
90. Before reading the Qur'an do not jump to the conclusion that all religions lead to God even if Sri Ramakrishna says so.
91. I find it disgusting that we Hindus while discussing the danger of the Islamisation of India suffer so much from levity.
92. আমরা হিন্দুরা আজ বড় হালকা জাতি | এটি পাশ্চাত্য শিক্ষার বদহজমের ফল | গাম্ভীর্য, গভীরতা, মননশীলতা, শ্রদ্ধার বড় অভাব |
93. Hindu civilisation was the cradle of world civilisation in many a sense. Islamic invasion subverted it and set it in decline.
94. It is shocking to discover that many of our adolescents beyond the Bengali pale have not heard of Swami Vivekananda.
95. Introduce Swami Vivekananda's life and teachings in the school syllabi across the length and breadth of the country and you will witness a wonderful change that will come in our polity within the span of a generation. Do not go to monks to learn about Vivekananda. The message will get diluted. Go direct to Vivekananda as manifest in his Complete Works. He will guide you, young ones, into the realm of light and learning, character and control of your inner reserves till you are a master of your own self. Accept Swamiji as your ideal and in turn grow into ideal individuals for others coming after you to emulate. Thus shall a nation, now fractured, be forged as Swamiji had envisaged.
96. Those who are fighting for the preservation of the Hindus ought to themselves thoroughly study Swami Vivekananda. Else, such clamouring is a sham of a show only.
97. Creating a fan-following is one and being a leader another. A leader must be luminous.
98. We must strike gold in every movement of life, in every endeavour, in every enterprise and activity. Perfection is the watchword.
99. How even in the 21st century religious superstition simply flourishes! Real rationality as yet is a far cry.
100. If a man lacks in manliness and deems effeminacy proper, he has a right to it. But so do I have a right to my contrary observations.
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