Saturday 18 March 2023



We mustn't be too loud. A bit of softness in speech, a little gentleness in delivery, less of histrionics in articulation and a shade more of musicality would do eminently well in conducting public conversation. Civility demands offering space to the audience to absorb your words with a fair measure of comfort and not corner it to induce an injured response, either in internalisation of your words or in outer response to it. Such decency, such decorum, such harmony in social intercourse must be the basis for proper communication, for conversation to be civilised and productive. Excesses in articulation, either in terms of loudness or pitch or hyper-excitement, does not conduce to healthy interaction that may stimulate creativity. On the contrary, it is discordant and jarring to the ears which causes irritation in the audience which is not quite the purpose of a talk, a lecture, a discourse or a discussion. Let this be in our minds as we enter into conversation with others for we are one of its best proponents when it comes to loud talk.

Written by Sugata Bose

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