Sunday, 12 March 2023



🕉 Unless we stop this film culture sweeping from Mumbai across the country we cannot hope to be a civilised, rational polity. There is too much of mob culture all around which is accentuated all the more by the television news channels raging like rogues every evening. We must shut shop and shopkeeping along with it to rationalise our citizenry. Worst of all are the silly advertisements that project India as a nation of clowns. And behind it all are the greedy industrialists of little culture and their political siblings in a common self-serving who are selling national interests to fill up their coffers.

Civilisation has gone for a toss and culture is going down the drains, as an exploding polity is reeling under economic pressure that could see dangerous consequences in the end. Revolution could be in the air unless urgent measures on a military basis are adopted by the civilian government that will place national needs above the greed of the rich industrialists and curb as well the growing decadence of culture nationwide.

The people also have a large role to play. They must take it upon themselves to resist this degrading trend in national life. Individuals and institutions must rise up in defence of national culture which is now at its nadir. For men of refinement it is a frustrating experience to switch on the television. What follows is mayhem. Unless right-thinking men and women come to the fore to raise culture and resist this crass commercialisation of national life, we are headed towards a cultural doom. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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