Sunday, 5 March 2023



🕉 The ideal seeks expression in tangible terms and ever fails to do so. And this is the predicament of the universe which ever approaches the ideal -- and falteringly so, for the structural defects of manifold manifestation do not allow easy access to the underlying base -- but fails to approximate it quite. The gap between the manifest and the Unmanifest seems infillable even as infinite expression is a contradiction in terms.

Infinity can never have its manifest form, for form itself is limited by its spatial contours and space by its timely complement. The finite and the infinite remain thus as shadow and substance, parallels that can never meet. The shadow disappears at the opportune hour and the substance in self-existence reveals itself as the only entity that ever was, is or will ever be, in a frozen, soldified, integrated, eternal, self-brooding Being that is unbounded and dimensionless in its lack of binding partners. The Being exists in solitary splendour, alone and without possibility of replication or creative multiplication.

Creation then is a dream in delusion, a dissolving myth held in the imaginary eye of a shadow personality in an equally shadowy universe fraught with inconsistencies and inherent errors. The trinity of the perceiver, perception and the perceived all feed into each other for sustenance and when the light of knowledge dawns, disappears into nothingness which is the Void of the self-existent Being that the rishis have named Brahman, although It is the nameless One. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose 

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