Wednesday 1 March 2023



1. সেবা করলেই হল না | ব্যবহারটি ভাল হওয়া চাই | তা নাহলে সেবা দুষ্কর্মে পরিণত হবে, অহংবৃদ্ধির কারণ হবে |

2. মানুষের চারিত্রিক-সাংস্কৃতিক অধঃপতন হলে নিজের দোষগুলি গলার জোরে কুযুক্তিসহায়ে চালিয়ে দেবার প্রয়াস পান |

3. The Islamic subversion of democracy has to be ideologically fought. There is no other way of dealing with this proliferating problem.

4. ওকালতি বুদ্ধিতে পার্থিব বাকযুদ্ধ জেতা যায়, আধ্যাত্মিক উপলব্ধি হয় না | তার জন্য চাই সূক্ষ্ম স্নায়ুসমূহের সাম্যস্পন্দন |

5. Good morning everybody. Cabbages and cauliflowers dotting the greens I see.

6. Those who pronounce pitch as peach, verbal as vaarbal, devastating as divaastating, opener as opaynaar, what as whaat, Marathi as Maaraathi, monopolising as monoepoelising, journalist as jaarnaalist, and so on and so forth, need to reflect whether they have the due diction to moderate programmes in English unless, of course, they wish to 'delight' the audience with their despicable diction.

7. We identify ourselves by our cultural belonging. Mine is that of India. Hence, I am an Indian above all other regional identity with which I refuse to affiliate myself.

8. 🕉 ভবিষ্যতে ঈশ্বরের অবতারকেও উচ্চশিক্ষিত হতে হবে দেশের তথা জগতের সমস্যাসমূহের যথাযথ সমাধান করতে হলে | 🕉

9. Any work that you do is divine work if you have purified concentration accompanying it.

10. Speak softly to your family members. They are not your slaves. The days of slavery are gone lest you be under illusions.

11. যে বাড়ীর লোকের সাথে দুর্ব্যবহার করে সে সমাজে বড় কাজ করবে কি করে?

12. আমি যা লিখি, বুঝেই লিখি | যাঁদের মননশীলতা গভীর, তাঁরা বোঝেন | সাধারণে গম্য নয় কারণ তাঁরা মননে অক্ষম |

13. We in India make icons of our star cricketers. This undue adulation costs us heavy at times when the time to drop them comes but on account of prior image-building selectors fail to do so.

14. Cling like a creeper to the Lord and grow upward to the light of love and eternal life.

15. Am I one or am I the collective life of all that has gone before me, the configuration of the present bearing the momentum of the past, the resolution of history, the progressive bubble which expands unto its bursting in the atmosphere of infinite freedom?

16. Calm your brain with thoughts of Thakur.

17. In the battle of the sexes equality is the end result.

18. I am the echo of the past, the resounding of the Primal Sound, the Vast reflecting through the expanding corridors of space-time, the Unuttered seeking utterance in linguistic bounds, in image rendered real.

19. Mother works, we take the credit. The less we do so, the closer we are to Her. And when in final resignation we witness Her as the Doer, we merge in Her and are One. Now we are gone, She alone is as She carries on with Her work of weaving fresh dreams in Her slumbering children.

20. Life would have gone in vain and ended early had it not been for the rescuing act of love of Thakur.

21. This golden life is not to be wasted. Achieve something beyond the self. Survival need not occupy all attention. Let something more be there to life, some nobler aspect that raises the self, that makes this earthly pilgrimage a purer pursuit. 🕉

22. He who loves, lives.

23. If not now, then when?

24. The masses are the hope. They must be raised.

25. The busy are never too busy to attend to calls. It is the idle who pose to be so, for theirs is an assumption that needs validation in the public eye through attention being drawn to their supposed busyness.

26. We are sailing on a sea of death towards the shore of immortality. Should the sails catch the breeze and reach the shore before the ship sinks, we shall be sure never to drown again.

27. বুদ্ধি থাকা ভাল কিন্তু বাঁকা বুদ্ধি ভয়ঙ্কর | বঙ্গদেশের হাল পালটাতে বাঁকা বুদ্ধিকে সরল করতে হবে | কিন্তু তা কি সহজে সম্ভব ? নতুন প্রজন্মে নবশিক্ষায় অনুপ্রাণিত বঙ্গসন্তান যদি পরিবর্তন আনতে পারে |

28. লোকের কাছে কে বড় হতে চায়? নিজের কাছে ছোট হয়ে আছে যে |

29. You can be the greatest if you believe in yourself without harbouring an iota of doubt in the process. Such self-belief works wonders. Back it up with hard work, disciplined labour of love, to achieve your cherished aim and you have got the recipe for stupendous success.

30. There is no difference between ant and elephant save what exists in your dimension-prone infatuated estimation.

31. Life is a continuous birth with uncelebrated birthmoments all the way.

32. Caught in the moment, we should not lose the hour. Caught in the hour, we should not lose the moment.

33. It is not what you write but what you are that makes for your impact on society. The writing, though, then perpetuates your legacy.


Swami Brahmananda, a spiritual powerhouse enough to revolutionise the world. And it will happen, the flooding of spirituality from the holy heart of this, the spiritual son of God, the peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar.

35. আমার ধারণা ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর বই পড়লে চরিত্রগঠন সহজে হয় |

36. Solitude drives distraction away, revealing the inner depths of consciousness whence spring all knowledge. Ideas keep the solitary mind company and make it the nursery of innovation, invention, discovery et al. Sages frequent the Himalayas to discover the Self (Atman) and great scientists go into seclusion to discover the secrets of the universe. The source of all knowledge is the same, the quietened mind, the soul in self-repose.

37. The Mission has lost its spiritual moorings and is taking recourse to its material alternative.

38. The world is a mass of compromise. Beyond it lies spirituality. There can be no surrender of spiritual principles even on grounds of so-called pragmatism. If such a compromise is called in, know that spirituality has already been lost and what is being projected is a facade that has rotting materialism beneath it.

39. শতাব্দীতে একটি দুটি চরিত্রবান ব্যক্তি জন্মান যাঁদের স্পর্শে মনুষ্যকুল সঞ্জীবিত হয় | বাকি সব অধিকাংশই পাটোয়ারী বুদ্ধিধারী, চরিত্রবানের ভান করে |

40. If criticism be gone, organisations which are slow-squeezing the public today, will go berserk in their exploitative economic endeavour. Hence, do not preach such high-sounding principles of overlooking others' faults while being conscious of only one's own so long as you yourself are conducting your organisation along degenerate monetary lines far removed from original spiritual principles.

41. প্রতিযোগিতা যদি করতেই হয়, নিজের সাথে করাই ভাল -- আত্মোন্নতি |

42. সব অবিদ্যা, অন্ধকার | একমাত্র ভগবানই সত্য | কিন্তু এ বোধ গভীর নিশায় অথবা সন্ধিক্ষণে সহসা জাগে মুহূর্তের জন্য, তারপর মায়ার আবরণে, ইতস্তত চিন্তার স্রোতে মিলিয়ে যায় |

43. যিনি সর্বক্ষণ হুঁসে থাকেন, কখনও বেহুঁস হননা, তিনিই ভগবান | বাকি -- সৃষ্টিকর্তা -- এ সব কথা প্রলাপবাক্য মাত্র |

44. যোগ, অর্থাৎ, আত্মস্মৃতি ফিরে পাওয়া অপরোক্ষ অনুভূতির মাঝে -- নিজেকে ভগবানবোধ |

45. সব ঘুমোচ্ছে | ঘুম ভাঙলে মুক্তি |

46. অগণিত জীবন -- অভিজ্ঞতার বিচিত্র প্রদর্শনী | অভিজ্ঞতা শেষ, তো মুক্তি |

47. যার বোধ আছে, সে কি আর টাকা চায় ? সে তো পূর্ণ | তার ঐহিক অভিলাশ কই ?

48. সাধুর অর্থলিপ্সা -- বড়ই ভয়ঙ্কর !

49. প্রবহমান জীবনের ধারা | এর মাঝে স্তব্ধতায় ঈশ্বরলাভ |

50. "Flow," sayeth the mind. "Halt!" sayeth the soul. The tussle constitutes life.

51. Gems there are at the jeweller's. There aren't eyes to marvel.

52. Nature shows the same face over and over again in slow evolving terms.

53. Every sound is a call unto the Divine. We fail to recognise the intent and remain adrift in delusion.

54. Spiritual organisations go to ruin when money enters their meditations. Beware, my blessed Lord! You are playing with fire.

55. "The crow is cunning but dies eating excreta." - Sri Ramakrishna [translation mine]

56. Through every eye peeps the Lord.

57. Not many think. Those that do, do not act. So, evil proliferates.


চোখ না ফুটলে কি আর স্বামীজীকে চেনা যায় ? শব্দের, বর্ণের, বাক্যের, ধ্বনির, সংখ্যার সীমারেখায় তাঁর পরিচয় কোথায় ? বাস্তববুদ্ধির অগম্য তিনি, ধ্যানগম্য |

59. The more of the mind that you can gather within yourself, the greater will be your success without.

60. Germs are born each moment to die. And each moment they die to be reborn. Is it believable that even a germ one day will attain to Buddhahood?

61. Does man have the power to destroy God's creation?

62. If Mother releases, who can bind?

63. Love of life is the cause of grief. In this unending undulation of the surging soul, he is happy who has touched the golden mean.

64. Simplicity rules the basis of life.

65. Vedanta frees you. But you wish to be bound. Hence, the Vedanta has no use for you. It yet broods in the forests of yore.

66. Do you know who you are? You are the very God you worship.

67. Dehypnotise yourself. Then look around and see. It will be a different world.

68. Is there a sane man in the world? All are raving mad, lunatics let loose in this asylum of life.

69. God assumes trace ignorance to incarnate in fleshly form. Wonder-struck by massive human folly, He sets to sanitising the Mind of Man.

70. Whose footsteps do we hear in the distance approaching slowly but surely to this sinking end? Is He the Avatar reborn to rescue us?

71. Through the bitter-sweet experience of life man zeroes in to the Void.

72. There is no end to misery. There is no end to joy. The karmic chain keeps on unfolding fresher links as it in newer modes binds. Who will end this dual strife of rising with the billow and falling in its train? Who will lead us ashore? In this sinking sea of delusion who will hold the torch aloft that the waters below may not put out?

73. Gone are the Sundays when they meant meeting of devotees in avid discussion of Thakur-Swamiji and prospective programmes for propagation of their message. Alas, the good old days are gone!

74. Preparation in anything has to begin young. That gives sufficient time to hone one's talents and excel in one's final appearance on the bigger stage of life.

75. We only wish to impress others. It will be great itself if we can impress ourselves.

76. Career is the pathway of the soul.

77. Your life matters to the world. Never think you are worthless. Without you the world will be incomplete.

78. Let women culture loveliness.

79. The western world is going steadily decadent. We need not imitate them to our detriment.

80. The culture of a country is to be measured by its mean response to aesthetics.

81. How vile can man be that he places money over all else?

82. The measure of a man is in his magnanimity.

83. Pretend not piety.

84. কথামৃত যেমন চৈতন্যদায়ী বই এমন আর জীবনে দেখলাম না | যাঁরা এই বইটি পড়েও নাস্তিক, তাঁদের সংশয়কে সাদর সম্বর্ধনা |


Annapurna Devi by all accounts was a better artiste than Pandit Ravi Shankar, the matter being the cause of wounded pride of the chauvinistic husband which prompted the lady to withdraw herself totally from public performance by adoption of a solemn vow.

86. যতদিন হিন্দু স্বধর্ম রক্ষার জন্য নির্ভয়ে প্রাণ দিতে পিছপা হবে, ততদিন স্বধর্ম রক্ষা করতে সে সমর্থ হবে না | এই জঙ্গলের রাজত্বে কপট শান্তির বাণী শুনে শুনে কান পচে গেছে | যদি বীর হও তো প্রাণ দিতে ভয় পাও কেন? কাপুরুষ কি কখনও ভক্ত হয়? ভয়হীন যে, সেই ভক্ত |

87. Pakistan understands the language of hammering and that Virender Sehwag gave them plentiful.


ভয়হীন যে, সে ভক্ত,

কাপুরুষ কামাসক্ত ।

89. Can buildings replace spirituality?

90. Wd have lovely little devotees of Swamiji, full of fear, full of safeguarding personal position, afraid to face the criminals who attack the Hindus, full of supplications to Thakur-Ma and too full of passive piety that defies the base line of manhood.

91. এটা বোঝো না গৃহে যে আমি অনন্তে থাকি | I am timeless and move in the realm of the timeless. Dates, days, months are inconsequential to me and lapse from my cognition for the moment till I force myself to reckon them.

92. Men have deflected dreams. That is why they do not fulfil. If their dreams were closer to themselves, they would fast fructify.

93. Those who value power above love place wealth above the human being.

94. What sort of personality is this that is lost if you smile gleefully? There are some who put up a pretence of personality by appearing glum.

95. Vulgar culture is the inevitable consequence of living with the coarse commoner.

96. As population at the base of society proliferates, culture declines in proportion. Now the gentleman is merely a name with no meaning attesting to its veracity in civil terms. The man or woman of refinement has become a rarity even as coarseness is becoming more common by the day. One faces such lowliness of attitude and behaviour at home and in public space. Some are more unfortunate in this regard than others and commiserations to them.

97. Greed and gain are close cousins that are destroying the peace of the world.

98. অল্প বয়সে ব্যয়বহুল জীবনযাপন করলে বয়সকালে দারিদ্রে পড়তে হয় |

99. অপচয় ভাল নয় | সামর্থ অনুযায়ী খরচ করুন | অমিতব্যয়ী হবেন না |

100. How brutal the Britishers and their American siblings have been thus far, and their gory saga continues! Presidents indeed and comrades in crime, although in sequential succession. Grand legacy of democratic barbarism. Swamiji had long back said, 'The Western world is governed by a handful of Shylocks. All those things that you hear about --- constitutional government, freedom, liberty and parliaments --- are but jokes.'

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