Wednesday 1 March 2023



🕉 If in this age of rampant commercialism any institution is inspired by Sri Ramakrishna's enunciated ideal 'Money is mud, mud money' and proceeds to lead its organic life and conduct its organised activity without making the least compromise with money, I would reckon such an institution to be truly representative of the Avatar of the Age. Unfortunately, such an institution does not come to sight anywhere. It is such a terrible tragedy!

Perhaps the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Avatar of the Age is at hand, the auspicious hour of his advent along with his entourage is approximate. In this age of ethical degradation will he with his divine touch vivify the debilitated spiritual world, much tainted by its polluting contact with money? Nursing such a hope, pinning faith in the ideal expounded by him, some such are awaiting with eager expectation the fulfilment of such a promise even in the evening of their lives. The rest are engulfed in deep sleep, intoxicated by indiscriminate following. Along whichever direction the crafty generals lead, the multitude follow in their footsteps, having discarded all discrimination, sense and judgement. Such is the state of society of the devotees today. The Avatar now remains the sole hope of survival, of sustenance, of support. His advent on earth with his divine entourage and the creation of a new spiritual order seems the only way out for the regeneration of humanity. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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