Saturday, 11 March 2023



1. We, the Indian supporters, need to be way more civilised in celebration than we are. This is by way of reference to the unthinking roughness in congratulating our Test centurions in England which not only unduly disturbs the centurion's concentration, physically hurts him, but also projects a dismally degenerate picture of our common culture.

2. Life is inconsequential if not lived in God. Holiness itself is highest charity.

3. লোকের কাছে বড় হতেই দিন গেল । নিজের কাছে বড় হওয়া আর হল না ।

4. Love God and be free.

5. Miracles do not prove God. They only reinforce materialism in us.

6. So long there is ambition, there can be no peace. When surrender comes, peace reigns.

7. বহির্মহলেই কেটে গেল জীবন, অন্দরমহলে প্রবেশ আর হল না |

8. Swamiji's message was simple: What is needed is manhood, not the effeminacy which abounds.

9. The Press people are pretty perverted in their persistent pursuit of their channels' pecuniary ends through their toxic questioning that cares not for maintenance of the self-respect of the interiewees. This is not civilised.

10. The Bengalees have a lot of brains but they put it to debilitating use in justifying effeminacy that is so rampant among them. Swamiji was heavily against this effeminacy of both Bengal and Orissa. He even once quipped, "Sri Chaitanya has made the whole of Bengal and Orissa into a land of effeminates."

11. It requires manhood to understand its glory.

12. আমরা খাইট্টা খাইট্টা মরি, অরা বইস্সা বইস্সা খায় |

13. We are all connected to the Divine. We don't need to flatter anybody to gain favours. We can gain all such favours ourselves if only we choose to look within.

14. God frantically searching for God -- this is the predicament of life.


God is One and God is the Many. Trailanga (Tailanga) Swami was dead right. As the One It is transcendental, in the Many He/She/It is immanent.

16. The so-called Pagan idea of mant Gods is quite democratic in the theocratic order and nearer to Truth than the Semitic idea of one God.

17. Do you wish to be reborn? It will be the hard grind once again from birth to death in a fluctuating uncertain life of failed fortunes. Sorrow, affliction, torment in unceasing currents will once more engulf you. So, what's the way out of this cyclical syndrome? Reflect.

18. The Jew, the Christian, the Muslim and the atheist may all affirm a single earthly life but the Hindu, the Jain and the Buddhist know that they will all have to borm over and over again in this sea of sorrow despite their counter-beliefs or rational positions. There is just no escape from this Wheel of Karma without paying for the ride in full.

19. Break free from the bond of body.

20. Making a mountain out of a mole hill is one and casting a canal out of a river is another. Both these propensities afflict the individual of little conception.

21. The ability to read into a post deep enough to be able to duly appreciate its true content and intent eludes those who make surface critical remarks about it.

22. All these years I have been writing for you. I am indebted to you for your unstinted support. A big 'thank you' to all my dear readers.

23. Egotism erases wisdom.

24. দীনদরিদ্রে দান করুন কিন্তু সাথে অপমান দান করবেন না | গৃহেও ব্যবহারে অপমান দান করবেন না | এই নিত্য অপমানের বোঝা বয়ে আজ জাতি ক্লান্ত, অবসন্ন |

25. মহাপুরুষের মন মহান হয় | আমাদেরও যদি মন বড় হয় সেইরকম, আমরাও কালে মহাপুরুষ হতে পারব | হৃদয়বত্তাই মহাপুরুষের প্রকৃত লক্ষণ |

26. God is the Original but He is the Master Duplicate.

27. There is spirit in matter and matter in spirit. The two are wedded inseparably and held in an intimate lock.

28. ব্রাহ্ম মুহূর্তে ধ্যান কর্মপাশ কাটে |

29. পবিত্রতাই ধর্মের সার |

30. আমি কে?

31. Creativity is the test of culture.

32. Very few people are truly original. Most pretend to be so.

33. Patriotism and privilege cannot go together.

34. প্রযুক্তির আধুনিকিকরণের সাথে সাথে মানুষের ধৈর্য কমছে | সবই এখন মুহূর্তমাত্রে চাই |

35. দাসত্ববুদ্ধি দূর না হলে বেদান্তবুদ্ধি জাগে না |

36. Love is the panacea for all the ills of the world. But love is so rare.

37. As dawn breaks, hope springs in the heart. It is a new beginning.


There's more to life than the surface gleams.

There's a depth to it where reach not the beams.

39. The body is the instrument of liberation. Yet, the body is the biggest bar to it.

40. Detachment is a gentle loosening of the grip you have on material life. What remains is pure Spirit. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to lose anymore.

41. Never be vague about anything in life. Either passionately hold or with supreme detachment let go. 

42. If life has anything to offer, it is experience.

43. We are partitioning ourselves continuously to live.

44. He who preaches worldliness in the guise of spirituality is the hypocrite.

45. Ignorant people follow ignorant leaders. And this has been the historical tragedy.

46. The world has for long been mismanaged in every sense. Hence there's been so much of unnecessary suffering.

47. We, humans, have a wonderful earth at our disposal and we do not know what to do with it.

48. The Geeta is the best book on management. Its principles, namely, incessant detached work with fullest concentration built up by continence, austerity and practice serve as the guiding lines for the management of world affairs. From the personal to the universal, from the individual to the aggregate, the Geeta serves as the spiritual and material manual for harmonic and efficient earthly living culminating in its transcendence. 

49. It takes such a long long time to build up one's individual or institutional goodwill that patience and persistence must be deemed the highest virtues when in pursuit of a noble ideal.

50. We must improve sports in our country in our bid to achieving eminence in the world in general. Sports is vital to health, habits, attitudes and aspirations of a developing country.

51. তখনই একটি দেশের সর্বনাশ সংঘটিত হয় যখন তার মেধাবী, বুদ্ধিমান, চরিত্রবান ব্যক্তিদের উপদেশ উপেক্ষা করা হয় |

52. হে অর্থ, এ কি অনর্থ !

53. An impersonal power seemingly personalises and creates the illusion of individual identity.

54. Readiness is the sign of good discipleship.

55. Nature sings in the cuckoo.

56. So often the brighter ones lack in heart. And this uneven distribution of head and heart causes so much disharmony in the world.

57. Love waits on the wings of shame.

58. Geniuses are rare but pretenders to genius are a legion.

59. Quality × Quantity = Constant

[This equation came to me in a divine dream, the equation inspired by Gurudev.]

60. It's an exploitative capitalist society. Labour and blood being sucked out of the masses in return of paltry payment, pompously termed wages.

61. Civilisation stands on a mountain of skulls. The masses have been mass-sacrificed for ages.

62. যারা ছুটছে, তারা মরবে | যারা স্থির, তারাই মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী |

63. We are finite people clinging to finite Gods. Truth in its infinitude eludes our imagination, for our mind is so limited, our senses even more so. Infinity is no more than a term to us for all our intellectual and spiritual pretensions.

64. Miracles do not prove God. Absolute continence, complete control of the mind, cessation of the mental currents are the test of spirituality. Nature functions perfectly, in tune with mathematical laws, but the Avatar of diverse claims hardly ever reaches its remotest approximation.

65. The elephant carries the Avatar on its back. Can the Avatar carry the elephant on his?

66. The Avatar sprinkles rose water into the crowd of devotees but the spray following the laws of gravity only manages to reach the near ones. Can it defy gravity and reach all the devotees wherever they be seated and that too with equal volume of liquid on each one? Here physics rules the Avatar instead of the other way round.

67. From an inverted pitcher holy ash (vibhuti) is being sprayed in vast volumes apparently. But why can't the same ash be sprayed without the help of the pitcher, just from open palm?

68. Holy Shiva Lingam is being vomited out by the Avatar on Maha Shivaratri. Why is the huge handkerchief being used and changed for a fresh one after each such Lingam throw-up? Why not do these all under scientifically sound situation with professional video cameras catching every move?

69. Why 'manifest' gold chains, gold rings studded with gemstones? Are these very valuable in the eyes of God or in the eyes of someone who presents himself as such? This is not spirituality. This is sheer materialism.

70. Swamiji said that organisation is spiritual. But organisation is material. It is the combination of material force in a collection of individuals that lends power to an organisation. It is all the play of matter. To derive the Spirit in such combination, one must be looking at some intangibles which ordinarily elude the eye.

71. The Avatar's prophecy about his own lifespan extending to 96 years was proved utterly erroneous.

72. Why can't the Avatar who can manifest gold ornaments build his palaces and institution buildings defying the laws of science by some such Godly power?

73. Life is a meandering river that eventually opens unto the sea and becomes one with it. Creation is all one with surface lines demarcating bounds and creating the illusion of separateness.

74. Behold the greatness of God.

75. If the voice be weak, pray to your Lord with a blossoming heart. The intensity of love can materialise God even as it can spiritualise one's living form. There then is a hairline demarcation that separates man and God, the distinctive line often erasing in a welling up of emotion, in a flooding of love that crosses boundaries, transcends earthly barriers.

76. This life is a leaflet from the book that is infinite life.

77. Those that are ready shall in course be steady.

78. The miser gives less and receives least.

79. The life of one is the resolution of the lives of many.

80. Evolution traces out a sinusoidal wave train along an inclined geometry of meta-spacetime with irregular intermittent quantum leaps raising the bar further.

81. The response to my posts is very poor and it is a pointer to the prevailing intellectual state of the polity.


চল, চল,

ভক্তিসাগরে ডুব দিবি চল,

ওরে হরে, প্যালা, পঞ্চার দল |

83. Let love ❤️ spread through the world. 

84. ঠাকুর সত্য | আর ঠাকুর সত্য বলেই আমরা সত্য | এই হল দ্বৈতভক্তির ভাব | বেদান্ত এর বিপরীতমুখী আপাতদৃষ্টিতে কিন্তু আসলে একই কথা অন্যরূপে বলে | আর তা হল, আমি সত্য, তাই ঠাকুর সত্য |

85. The universe is the field of the One manifesting as the Many.

86. Spiritual power is ineffective against material force. There is a delinking between Spirit and Matter. Hence, material force must be met with material force.

87. If you do not honour the greats of the day, you cannot do justice to those of bygone days.

88. যে লাভের বশবর্তী, সে লোভের বশবর্তী |


The West Indian umpires prior to the advent of neutral umpiring were a treat. For sheer fear of crowd fury they turned a blind eye to many an appeal for LBW. As Gavaskar humorously mentioned one such umpire saying to him, "You come here for a season only but I have to stay here the year round, maan. They'll tear me to pieces if I raise my finger when you appeal."

90. One is not one. One is the many.

91. যাবে কোথায় মহামায়াকে ছেড়ে? এই সংসারসমুদ্রই মহামায়া |

92. Let there be a sense of aesthetics in your work. Beauty is integral to truth and welfare. The trinity of principles 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram' are an integrated unit, a unified whole that lends divine direction to evolving life.

93. If karma yoga is work without thought of return, bhakti yoga is love without expectation of return.

94. Love so hard that your spirit takes to flight on the wings of emotion.

95. There is but one Person wearing so many bodies.

96. There is no end to the dreams in life and life itself is a dream. To wake up from it is the call of yoga.

97. It is hard to communicate for kindred souls are rare.

98. Mother cares for us all and we care not for Her.

99. When we love, we become free. This world is held in bondage for we have forgotten how to love.

100. This inundation of words drives sleep away. It is a river in perennial spate.

101. The sun will rise but none knows when.

102. The dewdrops of love freshen the earth and out of its womb springs fragrant flora.

103. The universe revolves about the axis of love.

104. What is life but love.

105. We visit earth to season ourselves.

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