🕉 We have to penetrate the surface cover and arrive at the essential man. No amount of indoctrination can do away Brahman which is the essence. That Self-knowledge will revolutionise the individual and cast off all encumbrances that stand in the way of harmonising human society. Religious imposition, always a local cultural growth, will be overcome in due course, not by affirmation of materialism but by a higher averment of the Spirit which calls forth the Universal Man to hold aloft the torch of light and love transcending regional boundaries and embracing all in the identity of the Self.
History through its tortuous paths is traversing towards the broad avenue of eventual rectitude where the march of man will see fulfilment in true spiritual terms. How many millenia must pass before the inner eye opens in substantial terms remains a closely guarded secret and Nature will reveal it only in due course with every bend and turn of the evolutionary phase of man. There are so many factors involved, so much complex working of forces resolving out their destiny that a forecast is impossible save that such a higher phase indeed must chance when the power within humanity en masse cannot be suppressed anymore.
The Vedic Rishis witnessed the transcendental Truth and attempted its enunciation in language that provides bare hints of the Reality, for language will allow no more. Interpretations suffer aberrations and arrival at the shore of immortality is delayed. The masses are too poor in perception to comprehend the core message. Even prophets and messiahs miss the mark and mislead their flock. Worse still, they forcibly feed the world with vile aberrations of the Truth which through the cover of their infertile imagination and coarse carnality become degenerate representations of the lower instincts of man, and these are presented as rewards awaiting in a carnal heaven of houries and what not.
The horse is merely in midstream and must swim on or drown. Rebirth will force resumption of the swim till after countless such endeavour and failure the shore will be reached. Individuals through history have succeeded in crossing the sea but the caravans carrying billions must all cross the desert till fertility in chaste imagination and not in procreative instincts alone is arrived at. Mass liberation from superstition and weakness, from vileness and violence must be achieved and it will take millenia to do so. Meanwhile, war and weaponry, violence and vileness, superstition and suppression, carnality and coarseness will have a field day as we trudge on towards the sunlit summit of eventual mass freedom. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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