Tuesday 26 March 2024



Why flatter the leader to make your way in politics? Let character have its full play instead. Why bend before a leader who does not bend in turn by way of gracious acknowledgement of your deference unto him? Why this self-abasement to appease your greed for gain under the pretext of service to the nation? Why this servility, this slavish cringing in the name of deference to a leader who certainly does not deserve such undue exhibition of sycophancy from colleagues and cadres that can only tarnish his public image? Or, is it a deliberate ploy to prop up electoral support in a polity that prefers the personality cult to pondering over policy? Whatever it is, it does not augur well for a party in the long run to overly emphasise its leader as it will surely flounder and fail to hold its own once the leader has retired or has otherwise been rendered irrelevant. No wonder Swamiji used to ever stress on principle and not personality when he spoke despite knowing very well the temperamental preference of the Indian public for personality. The hyper-adulation of Indira Gandhi by the Congress brought about its downfall post her demise despite the landslide sympathy victory of 1984. In  a like manner the hyper-projection of Narendra Modi as the face of the BJP and the NDA Union Government could spell the doom for the party once the Modi Era is gone. Personality cult always has its pitfalls and this is it---it does not allow lesser leaders of the hour to blossom into mature ones who may be ready to take over the reins of governance in equal measure once the current hyper-hyped one has retired. Food for thought, I hope, and a point to ponder.

Written by Sugata Bose

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