Thursday 28 March 2024



Muslims and Christians should not teach Hindus tolerance. They should instead look into their own sacred texts to find their fanatical fundamentals. Then they should read the Hindu scriptures to come to a comparative understanding of the world's religions. Their awakened wisdom---if they are not hypocritical or otherwise motivated---will help them realise that Hindus are merely reacting to Abrahamic intolerance after suffering it for over 1300 years. And they must do so to preserve themselves. All this denunciation of Hindutvavaadis as Sanghis, gomutra drinkers and fanatics will then vanish and better sense prevail. 

Let not Islamic and Christian fanatics teach us Hindus how to conduct ourselves. Let them first settle their own houses and reject the fanatical fundamentals of their own faiths. After that we may have a civil discussion regarding religious conduct.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: left--Ram Swarup,  right--Sita Ram Goel.

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